Jin Kazama thread

While it is not a loyal interpretation of Jin from Tekken, it makes him a VERY interesting SFxT character. Those trap projectiles look delicious.

Just thinking about Jin/Akuma, dat rage-inducing zoning potential… (especially in scramble, my gawd, troll material right there)

The guy playing Jin in those videos sucks :confused:

Did EWHF make it in?

According to the movelist, yes. It’s under Right Roundhouse Punch as f,n,d,d/f + mp. They used the move names from the english version of tekken rather then the translated japanese names.

anyone know if ‘mental awareness’ may reflect projectiles?
call me crazy but I just got a Rose Reflect vibe to it – that’d be bad ass if it does.

Yo Jin looks hellllllla dope, especially with dem Dark Holes and shit. I’m definitely running Jin/Asuka or Jin/Lili, I’m really loving how he came out in this.

Yeah Jins character design is great, looks like they put work into it - atleast compared to Law and Pauls, wasnt really feeling how they turned out model wise. mostly law.

Law looks like one of those glitchy moveswap hacks where they put Fei’s moves onto Fuerte’s body, and he sounds 1000 times more annoying than any Bruce lee character in any game…

Greetings all personnel, fellow members, and guests,

The STxT roster confirms that Jin Kazama will be a playable character.
This is the thread where individuals can post their thoughts. Feel free to provide game play footage, strategies, experiences on the Tekken games themselves, which character he would be facing off against, theories on how he might implement his moves on STxT and controversy on his character alignment (the good guy/bad guy controversy).
It would seem like Jin Kazama would be a fun character yet complicated character to use in this game


Street fighter x Tekken story description
The current head of the Mishima Zaibatsu. To exterminate the tainted blood of Mishima, he aims to take the life of both his father Kazuya and his grandfather Heihachi. He was a serious and gentle person in the past, but due to the many encounters he has had, he has become a calculating individual. He is in agony due to the Devil Gene with him, and believing that the power of Pandora may help extinguish the Devil Gene, Jin travels to the South Pole.le.

(The description is there i just have to change the color from white.)

Move list

Normal Throws

Tidal Wave
(near opponent) :f: or ☼ :lp::lk:

Over the Shoulder Reverse
(near opponent) :b: :lp::lk:

Special Moves

Special Step

Thrusting Uppercut
(during Special Step) :lp:

Right Roundhouse Punch
(during Special Step) :mp:

Lunging Low Roundhouse Kick (L.L.R.K.)
(during Special Step) :mk:

Spinning Flare Kick
(during Special Step) :lk::mk: (written as LM:k:)

Lunging Low Roundhouse Kick (L.L.R.K.) -> Spinning Flare Kick
(during Special Step) :mk: -> :k::k:

Power Stance (EX)

Median Line Destruction (EX)

Mental Alertness

Left Drill Punch
(during Mental Alertness) :lp:

Swinging Fist Strikes
(during Mental Alertness) :lp: -> :mp: OR :hp:

Swaying Willow
(during Mental Alertness) :mp: OR :hp:

Leaping Side Kick
(during Mental Alertness) :lk:

Right Sweep
(during Mental Alertness) :mk: OR :hk:

Penetrating Fist (EX, SC)

Unique Attacks

Left Right Combo
(far from opponent) :lp: -> :mp:

Inner Axe
(far from opponent) :lp: -> :mp: -> :lk:

Spinning Hook Kick
(far from opponent) :lp: -> :mp: -> :mk:

Kazama Style 5 Hit Combo
:lp: -> :lk: -> :mp: -> :lp: -> :mk:

Kazama Style 6 Hit Combo
:f::lk: -> :lp: -> :lk: -> :mp: -> :lp: -> :mk:

Shun Masatsu
:b::mp: -> :lp:

Super Art

Devil Beam


Reveal trailers

Cross Arts

Other gameplay videos
(I did this so if the first post gets edited… it will be easier for everyone to find what they need.)

Okay then… So what about match-ups and team placement? Who should team up with Jin? Any ideas for BnB,s, unique combos, and team oriented strategies?

Even though he has no fireball in Tekken, that’s only because of the fighting engine in that game. Given that Jin can summon waves of energy or whatever it is, its not unrealistic to think he couldn’t shoot them. I think Capcom is being a bit imaginative, sure, but giving Jin a projectile isn’t too far-fetched! I could easily see any one of Jin, Kazuya, Jack, Alisa, and Lars having a projectile. Raven, for example, has his ninja stars. Totally believable.

that red orb looks very interesting. it looks like a good wakeup tool to eliminate options and force others. also seems like he’s a hard-hitter with good speed. it’ll be interesting to see how mental awareness can be applied to his gameplan as well. liking what i see.

I haven’t seen anyone wavedash with him or Heihachi for that matter. Is that only available to Kazuya?

Nope, who ever have a command dash can wave dash

I’m really thinking of pairing Jin with Hwoarang because they were two of my fav characters in T3. But I feel Jin would be great paired up with Juri or Poison you know characters who can help push opponents into the corner or zone then close distance quickly.

There are so many characters I want to use in this game it’s making me have to keep changing my sig.

Actually, I’m not sure if Heihachi has a wavedash in this version of the game, which is strange but has better specials then Kazuya IMO. I remember trying it at the fight clubs and couldn’t get it to work at all but was able to do EWGF like it was nothing. I could be mistaken and be messing up.

Next fight club, I’ll take a photo of the movelist and see if he has it.

Looks like Jin has it based on his movelist. Also Hwoarang has it, which is like his Tekken counterpart.

Hey! Replace your OP with Genistar’s post.

Hey bud, thanks for the Jin Kazama move sets and game play videos! I just put them in the original post entry for those who wish to find Jin’s moves and video quickly.

Jin Kazama will also have a high level of play in this game. His Traps will be tasty.

Yes! Mental alertness has always been a big part of my Jin game,
now I’m really anxious to implement it and its followups into this Jin’s gameplay in the good ol’ 2D arena of SF.