Greetings all personnel, fellow members, and guests,
The STxT roster confirms that Jin Kazama will be a playable character.
This is the thread where individuals can post their thoughts. Feel free to provide game play footage, strategies, experiences on the Tekken games themselves, which character he would be facing off against, theories on how he might implement his moves on STxT and controversy on his character alignment (the good guy/bad guy controversy).
It would seem like Jin Kazama would be a fun character yet complicated character to use in this game
Street fighter x Tekken story description
The current head of the Mishima Zaibatsu. To exterminate the tainted blood of Mishima, he aims to take the life of both his father Kazuya and his grandfather Heihachi. He was a serious and gentle person in the past, but due to the many encounters he has had, he has become a calculating individual. He is in agony due to the Devil Gene with him, and believing that the power of Pandora may help extinguish the Devil Gene, Jin travels to the South Pole.le.
(The description is there i just have to change the color from white.)
Move list
Normal Throws
Tidal Wave
(near opponent) :f: or ☼ :lp::lk:
Over the Shoulder Reverse
(near opponent)
Special Moves
Special Step
Thrusting Uppercut
(during Special Step) :lp:
Right Roundhouse Punch
(during Special Step) :mp:
Lunging Low Roundhouse Kick (L.L.R.K.)
(during Special Step) :mk:
Spinning Flare Kick
(during Special Step) :lk::mk: (written as LM:k:)
Lunging Low Roundhouse Kick (L.L.R.K.) -> Spinning Flare Kick
(during Special Step) :mk: -> :k::k:
Power Stance (EX)
Median Line Destruction (EX)
Mental Alertness
Left Drill Punch
(during Mental Alertness) :lp:
Swinging Fist Strikes
(during Mental Alertness) :lp: -> :mp: OR :hp:
Swaying Willow
(during Mental Alertness) :mp: OR :hp:
Leaping Side Kick
(during Mental Alertness) :lk:
Right Sweep
(during Mental Alertness) :mk: OR :hk:
Penetrating Fist (EX, SC)
Unique Attacks
Left Right Combo
(far from opponent) :lp: -> :mp:
Inner Axe
(far from opponent) :lp: -> :mp: -> :lk:
Spinning Hook Kick
(far from opponent) :lp: -> :mp: -> :mk:
Kazama Style 5 Hit Combo
:lp: -> :lk: -> :mp: -> :lp: -> :mk:
Kazama Style 6 Hit Combo
:f::lk: -> :lp: -> :lk: -> :mp: -> :lp: -> :mk:
Shun Masatsu
:mp: -> :lp:
Super Art
Devil Beam
Reveal trailers
Cross Arts
Other gameplay videos
(I did this so if the first post gets edited… it will be easier for everyone to find what they need.)