Nice, where did you get this info?
Does anyone know what power stance is used for (I assume it’s that move which absorbs hits and then doesn’t do anything.)?
Nice, where did you get this info?
Does anyone know what power stance is used for (I assume it’s that move which absorbs hits and then doesn’t do anything.)?
Damn, that’s a lot of moves.
You do realise this is like 1/8th of his Tekken moveset right? And you are remarking many moves he has lol Capcoms.
Yup, but in Tekkens list of moves are included normals etc.
everything’s a normal in tekken
I was hoping you had some insider info or something XD Thanks though.
Maybe for tekken players, I should make a special vid/move translation? (Such as Thrusting Uppercut (during Special Step) :lp: = CD+1, etc). It’d be easier for some tekken players to immediately understand whats what
No, it’s pretty easy to figure out the notations for Tekken players. If they’re stuck on anything there’s always the movelist.
That’s true. Too bad df1,4 isn’t in but some of his core moves are still in.
actually… I wonder why CDS is :d::k::k: and not +:lp:?
Never heard of “STxT” lol.
Glad to see Jin in this game though
Isn’t b+1 now d+two kicks? (Mental Alertness)
I was wondering why Jin’s Laser Scrapper not in the game as a special move. They could have easily made it into a rekka style move.
laser scraper would be too OP for the SF side of the cast on the count of they dont know how to sidestep!
i kid, but Jin is looking super fun. can’t wait
Some Jin gameplay:
Here’s the move red orb thing he has in sfxtk, where they got it from the tekken games
Yeah no. Jin never had a orb move in the Tekken games. The video that you posted is his Power Stance move in SFxT.
I know it isnt exactly, but if you see one of these moves, in the tekken video where he powers up his red fists glow, you can kind of see some of it remain on screen, capcom probably derived it onto sfxtk.
That’s his ki-charge, which makes the next hit a counter-hit.
I’m assuming that Capcom included the projectile as a way to signify his Devil-Gene powers. But who knows, after all, this is not the REAL Jin. It’s just Capcom’s take on the character.
Oh, looking at it again its just extra hit sparks
Jin looks kick@ss, looking like main material.