Stances mah boi.
Stances mah boi.
i stop following tekken after 4. Since when did Jin electricity became red? I thought it was blue, like all the mishimas
Storyline-wise, He unlearned the Mishima-Ryu style in favor of a more traditional karate (as of tekken 4) which is also a sign to show that he fucking hate his bloodline.
So technically, different style = different thunder? who knows.
Also, I recognize:
b2,1 in the reveal trailer. (tekken 6’s back+right punch, left punch move).
in his super arts trailer, it looked like he was doing crouching demon stance but it looked more like his tekken 5 cover art pose (maybe from standing idle for too long?)…
Tekken 5. Gotta make the boy ‘stand out’ more ya know? Also because of Devil Jin.
Yeah, it was it. I thought it was his bf21 int super art but the animation wasn’t the same as the bf212.
Ok I see. So when people refer to him to Karate Jin which style is it?
Since I saw the Devil Jin style on Soul Calibur, I’ve been curious about this guy. Moreso, Jin will be voiced by the dude who voiced some dude from a Godlike anime. His voice is fucking perverted.
I have to play him, so nice to meet you all, fellow Jin players.
What’s up with that weird orb he can shoot out? Just kinda stays there.
In his super? I think that’s where his head laser is impacting, and if you’re talking from the screen shot, I think it’s his parry.
we generally refer to him as Jin (currently). If we wanted the older style Jin, its T3 Jin (tekken 3). Or Devil Jin whom is basically based off T3/TTT Jin anyway.
Jocelot: What orb?
Oh sorry, I forgot to bring up the video.
At around 0:22. Jin kinda shoots out this electric red orb that just kinda floats in place.
That’s new. I don’t know whats the story/reason behind that move. The move prior to it is also new as well.
That orb move thing he has looks like a variation on his lingering soul omen special move he has in tekken games
Hope he’s got his T5/T6 version of df1,4.
Those punches in his cross art are sick!
Needs more b+1,1,2
Wow, didn’t expect him to have a projectile - and it looks like a trap-style one, which is quite awesome.
Huge fan of trap characters here…am I gonna have to secondary Jin? Also huge fan of his gloves.
yay he has a trap projectile. He might go with poison
Special Moves
Special Step
Thrusting Uppercut
(during Special Step) :lp:
Right Roundhouse Punch
(during Special Step) :mp:
Lunging Low Roundhouse Kick (L.L.R.K.)
(during Special Step) :mk:
Spinning Flare Kick
(during Special Step) :lk::mk: (written as LM:k:)
Lunging Low Roundhouse Kick (L.L.R.K.) -> Spinning Flare Kick
(during Special Step) :mk: -> :k::k:
Power Stance (EX)
Median Line Destruction (EX)
Mental Alertness
Left Drill Punch
(during Mental Alertness) :lp:
Swinging Fist Strikes
(during Mental Alertness) :lp: -> :mp: OR :hp:
Swaying Willow
(during Mental Alertness) :mp: OR :hp:
Leaping Side Kick
(during Mental Alertness) :lk:
Right Sweep
(during Mental Alertness) :mk: OR :hk:
Penetrating Fist (EX, SC)
Super Art
Devil Beam
Unique Attacks
Left Right Combo
(far from opponent) :lp: -> :mp:
Inner Axe
(far from opponent) :lp: -> :mp: -> :lk:
Spinning Hook Kick
(far from opponent) :lp: -> :mp: -> :mk:
Kazama Style 5 Hit Combo
:lp: -> :lk: -> :mp: -> :lp: -> :mk:
Kazama Style 6 Hit Combo
:f::lk: -> :lp: -> :lk: -> :mp: -> :lp: -> :mk:
Shun Masatsu
:mp: -> :lp:
Normal Throws
Tidal Wave
(near opponent) :f: or ☼ :lp::lk:
Over the Shoulder Reverse
(near opponent) :lp::lk: