Cool post corner throw setup I found, after a forward throw in the corner, do an MP fireball and walk back a pixel. They’ll either wakeup into the fireball, leaving you at a nice frame advantage, or roll right in front you. If you omit the walk back, they’ll roll behind you, creating this situation where your opponent has to either block the fireball, or roll themselves into an ambiguous cross over 50/50
Well, now that DLC characters are out, does anyone believe that they can change Jin’s game plan up a little with them?
How does everyone feel about new DLC characters with Jin? I’m currently experimenting with Christie, Lars, Alisa, and Bryan now. Alisa seems to build meter pretty quickly. This is good news for someone like Jin… Sakura seems to provide a lot of cover on a few of Jin’s weaknesses.
Jin’s normals are fucking AMAZING! Seriously though. The fact that he has two rather long reaching normals that can be canceled into SS Uppercut is freaking awesome for pressure,(in the form of st.MK and cr.MK), and footsies. Also, is SS Uppercut just like super safe on block? Because I haven’t been able to punish it in training mode so far. And does any one know the frame advantage on block for cr.MP? Because I was seeing how safe the cr.MP>cr.HPxx SS Uppercut on block was and I couldn’t for the life of me mash out any light attack during the entire string(not even Ken’s Hp DP came out until after the SS uppercut and completely whiff’d). Like seriously, Jin has some ridiculously safe shit. Oh! And Shun musatsu CADC is godly too. If it ain’t 3 frames or less you can’t punish the CADC. Fucking nice!
his uppercut is -3, basically u cant punish unless its a 3 frame or a shoryuken. I believe cr mp is +5 on block which is amazing because it offers you a great frame traps with the shun musatsu. Also, i think he might have a infinite combo. I never tested it out but his dash is 18 frames, his fastest move is 3 frames, and shun musatsu is 27 frames of recovery, thats not even including active frames. I have yet to test this out but you can give it a try. Jin is definitely on my team especially for 2013, he was just as good in 2012 anyways
Nice! All of that makes sense now. Even though I tried to DP afterwards the distance from the blocked SS uppercut definitely kept him safe from it so I’ll be sure to abuse this. Cr.MP being +5 on block is insane! Granted, the only reason I can think of the cr.HP being a safe link was that cr.MP might have been +6 on block, but considering the active attack frames for cr.HP start on the 3rd frame then it could be that.
The frame trap stuff with shun musatsu after cr.MP is something I’ll be looking into before(especially with the CADC stuff). I’ll give the possibility of an infinite a test run later today once I’m back from work. Gonna be in the lab all night with this!
Some of you have probably already noticed this by now, but in 2013 Jin is at a huge advantage after performing a back throw. Back throws position them perfectly for an M fireball. If they get up, they’re forced to block the fireball, and you can go in for a high-low mixup. This setup was easily blown up in 2012 by forward rolling. Now, if they roll into you to get away from the fireball, you can back throw them for free and repeat the process. It’s stupid good.
Lol inflitration heading straight to dat top tier-ness(and I likey). I liked his zoning with Jin for sure. The Back throw into MP fireball setup is a nice find, and definitely aids to his throw game(I’m pretty sure you can get a tick throw off the fireball in that situation).
Plus we have the empty SSxxback dash, or Dash>walk forward after Hook fist that sets up both for punishing rolls, or setting up an ambigious cross-up.
That reminds me, I remember back when I started playing that I liked ending combo’s with SS Uppercut instead of the hook because you could drop a LP fireball, or things. Seemed really good until I realized forward roll could beat most of the setups, but still get put in a jump-in cross -up situation. Might have to start looking into that again.
Jin is real good with Abel. Jin has an almost meterless punish of 504 with Abel. I say almost cause the combo itself builds 3/4 a bar.
cr.hp xx hp MLD (tag cancel) hk wheel kick, f+mk dash up cl.hp xx hp FS.
Does anyone else have any good setups for pandora? I know for the most part pandora still sucks but you can get a big damage combo off it so if you know itll be enough to kill them then might as well. The only I found consistent so far is whatever into ex PS xx swaying willow, instant pandora and you can hit them with fast moves during the ‘crumple’. Abel can get his ex shoulder to connect off this but haven’t found anything else.
<blockquote class=“Quote” rel=“GuyMcPerson”>Does anyone else have any good setups for pandora? I know for the most part pandora still sucks but you can get a big damage combo off it so if you know itll be enough to kill them then might as well. The only I found consistent so far is whatever into ex PS xx swaying willow, instant pandora and you can hit them with fast moves during the ‘crumple’. Abel can get his ex shoulder to connect off this but haven’t found anything else.</blockquote>
EX PS xx MA xx SW is probably the easiest way to set up a Pandora combo. You can also EX MLD and activate Pandora during the wallbounce, though the combo timing is probably trickier.
Nice back throw to medium penetrating fist oki. Ill have to try it out next time I play a human.
After an overhead what combos do you guys use? I mean I like combining from jins overhead but it adds a lot of hits to the start making tag cancels not really worth it due to the scaling…
Here is what I normally use:
(f+lk, st.lp,, cr.lp, Shun Masatsu, mist step~lp, …
There is like 4 or 5 different overhead combo’s that I have but the strongest ones are basically the one you have, and one that links cr.Hp after cr.lp. I’ll just list the ones I use often:
You can get 290 there if you stick a parry cancel in the middle. Thus making it the most damaging I guess???</div>
<br><div>Yea pretty much. It would end up the strongest option for sure(in not only damage, but tag options as well).</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>I’d also like to say that Fireball setups on knockdown are freaking nice, but the the best has to be a back throw into the corner followed by a MP fireball. The amount of crap you can do after is ridiculous. Oh, and power-stancexxSS uppercut is fun as hell in the neutral game(especially against fireballs). Saw infiltration doing it in a video, and X-copied it hard.</div>
Haven’t seen this mentioned yet and this isn’t the most exciting or amazing thing but if you can link after mental alertness -> left drill punch on counter hit if you hit from less than max range. Basically this is only seems to be useful for when you have counter hit stored or are willing to use a bar for a quick EX Power Stance~MA~Left Drill Punch to punish a whiffed move or a hard tag. It lets him punish from a little farther than his fs.HK will and nets just over 390 damage if you do:<br><br>MA -> Left Drill Punch, cr.lp, cr.hp xx mist step~LP, st.mK xx HP MLD<br><br>Like I said, not the most important thing for Jin but it could be handy to know in certain situations and I thought it was an ok find.
<p>Hello fellow Jin players! I have recently got back into playing SFxT seriously again. I am quite pleased with the results of the SFxT:2013 patch. <br>Jin Kazama is still the beast that we like him to be.<br><br>I find myself using Mental Alertness > MP (a pretty good move, especially if you got a counter hit) and Mental Alertness > LP, MP (decent combo finisher). <br>I also tend to utilize HP Median Line Destruction during combos - they are a nice set up for incoming characters if you tag them in during the move. <br><br>I’m currently testing the Power Stance - though, it still has its uses, you don’t get recoverable health. This can be a good measure for counteracting certain moves from the opponent and then setting the partner character up for a good combo/finishing move. <br>And boy, Jin’s normal moves are as good as I remember… <br><br></p>
Got a quick Jin execution question regarding power stance xx MLD juggles. How are you guys doing this? Is this bufferable? or is it just a matter of speed/dexterity. For example could you do forward xx HCB(powerstance) xx forward HP(MLD) This seems to work 50% percent of the time, but not sure if it’s better to just input the commands separately. Thanks!
<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/20378/Spoonuser12">Spoonuser12</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>Got a quick Jin execution question regarding power stance xx MLD juggles. How are you guys doing this? Is this bufferable? or is it just a matter of speed/dexterity. For example could you do forward xx HCB(powerstance) xx forward HP(MLD) This seems to work 50% percent of the time, but not sure if it’s better to just input the commands separately. Thanks!</div>
<br><div>You can do that and I do indeed do that. Buffer that motion later than you would though.</div>
1.Make sure opponent is low when Jin does, hold forward while you do the
2. Immediatly and smoothly do power stance.(half circle back from the with forward held)
3. Press forward and Hp at the same time.
The entire process must be done very smoothly at a quick rate. If you wait to long to do the power stance, your timing for the inputs of MLD will be to slow for the game to notice the motion for MLD.
Sinply do power stance as soon as can be canceled and you will have more time to buffer the MLD.
From my personal experience. Remember make it a smooth half circle back forward motion.