Jin Kazama thread

I don’t even power stancexxMLD any more.  I miss out on about 5 points of damage because I’m missing one hit, but I would care more if it was maybe 10.  Even still, always go for the power stancexxMLD since it is definitely consistent, but takes practice to get used to.  Just don’t get lazy like me(although I did get the timing down to getting 1 hit to whiff, and still connect the ending punch so I’m not that lazy).<div><br></div><div>Although while learning it I found it easier to time the f.mk so that they were lower during the juggle and then to the Omen StancexxMLD. Buffering late helps more for sure(especially once you get quicker with the motion).</div>

Honestly I’ve gotten so used to PS xx MLD it feels weird when I attempt to do raw MLD.

Thanks guys, got it! Now onto finding a good tag cancel follow up from it with Hwaorang.

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/20378/Spoonuser12">Spoonuser12</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>Thanks guys, got it! Now onto finding a good tag cancel follow up from it with Hwaorang.</div>

<br><div>Either j.HK, cr.MP xx HK Hunting Hawk.</div><div><br></div><div>or j.HK, cr.MP xx LP Dynamite Heel, (sweep)/(HP Special Step xx HK DP).</div><div><br></div><div>I’m not 100% sure the second works but the first works for sure.</div>

second one shouldn’t work since Dynamite Heel takes up 2 juggle points. <br><br>most damage i’ve found is jHK, sHK, HK hunting hawk or HK dp. HH gives hardknockdown or ground bounce on tag so it is usually better.<br>there MAY be an option with CADC but I don’t know of one, not an expert on hwo<br>

<br><blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/70767/Saitsu">Saitsu</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”><blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/20378/Spoonuser12">Spoonuser12</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>Thanks guys, got it! Now onto finding a good tag cancel follow up from it with Hwaorang.</div>

<br><div>Either j.HK, cr.MP xx HK Hunting Hawk.</div><div><br></div><div>or j.HK, cr.MP xx LP Dynamite Heel, (sweep)/(HP Special Step xx HK DP).</div><div><br></div><div>I’m not 100% sure the second works but the first works for sure.</div></div>

That second combo does work, but instead of doing cr.MP you can go straight for s.HK instead. It may not work however if you do the PS MLD juggle. It does however work if you do j.HK, cr.MP - > Shun Massatsu xx HP MLD tag cancel into Hwoarang, that combo should do 499 if I am not mistaken

that is true, it should work if you start the MLD on a grounded opponent. In fact if you do start MLD on a grounded opponent, Dynamite Heel might actually not take up any juggle points if what someone told me is true [glitch involving those kinds of moves]<br>

Oh hey I posted this in the combo thread but I thought I would fill in the general discussion as well. In jins bnb after you do his mist step~lp instead of doing a st.mk you can actually walk forward a bit and cr.hp into the rest of his bnb. Tricky but could be reliable with practice. Adds 21 damage to a combo with a Shun Mesatsu starter. Allows jin to break 400 in some cases.

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/8493/kataridragon">kataridragon</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>Oh hey I posted this in the combo thread but I thought I would fill in the general discussion as well. In jins bnb after you do his mist step~lp instead of doing a st.mk you can actually walk forward a bit and cr.hp into the rest of his bnb. Tricky but could be reliable with practice. Adds 21 damage to a combo with a Shun Mesatsu starter. Allows jin to break 400 in some cases.</div>

<br><div>You got a link to the video you said you saw this in?</div>

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/70767/Saitsu">Saitsu</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”><br><div>You got a link to the video you said you saw this in?</div></div>
</blockquote>This is where I remember seeing it<br>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=er6mS5kA4e4<br>

Been trying it in training, and needless to say…it’s godlike :)<div><br></div><div>It was weird at first, but once you get the timing it becomes a cake walk.  Thank god for his cr.HP’s godlike reach.  You get 403 damage if you lazy like me, and don’t PS before hand. Although it’s perfect height for PSxxMLD, but like I said, lazy.  Either way, it’s always possible after the Uppercut so it boost his in all departs(abare, punisher, jump-in confirms, etc).  Pretty awesome to be honest.  Can still land the usual stuff that st.Mk allows as well(Another SS Uppercut, Super, cross art, etc).</div><div><br></div><div>Also, makes double Uppercut combo’s more worthwhile because of the damage boost.  Trick to doing it consistently is doing it later then you would expect.  </div>

It’s weird doing it at first particularly with PS MLD ender. A couple of things i noticed. I think it’s best to wait a little bit after the mist step and do the lp later so your really close to them. The PS MLD ender has to be timed even better. I think you can wait quite a bit longer than you think to do the cr.hp. For the PS MLD I seem to do it more consistently with a M PS than L PS. Feels like it gives more time to do the MLD… Maybe because I personally just make it all one half circle back forward motion with buttons at specific times, making the cr.hp later in the motion than a st.mk with forward held.

I’m very happy with this bnb combo as well. Makes Jins damage more attractive by boosting his solo combos to the next hundreds digit. Makes his bnb do closer to 400 and his optimized overhead 300. Movin on up the tiers. From S to SS

Weird I also noticed that jins cr.hp when done back to back at a steady rate seems to move him forward like its canceling itself…

Really try it out. Like one of those moves that cancels a frame before it actually ends.

Edit: Im pretty sure it is Link Cancelable. I tried it out in training room against Nina.
If Her and Jins front foot are a box apart Jins cr.mk whiffs. If you whiff cr.hp then link cancel cr.mk it hits.

Edit2: damn might cancel from frames earlier than the last seems to cancel the frame his back knee drops

Edit3: more of a Kara situation might be link cancelable.

I’ve gotten it to be the most consistent behind cr.hp, and Shun musatsu.  Combo’ing Uppercut later in the Special Step does help make it more consistent.  Doing it from other normals then those makes you have to learn the distance created so it’s not as worth it outside of cr.HP, and Shun.  Granted, I did learn that cr.hp wasn’t the only possible follow-up.  You can actually walk forward a bit, and also land cr.mk.  The cr.mk is particularily useful as you can go directly into PSxxMLD with out having to adjust to the height of st.mk, and is generally much easier to land then the cr.hp.<div><br></div><div>So yea, I’d say if you going for the optimized combo’s with cr.hp in it then the follow up cr.hp is worth it(same with Shun musatsu).  IMO, cr.mk seems to be a better alternative to st.mk for PSxxMLD’s(or at least it made mine more consistent).</div>

I am able to do the st.mk PSxxMA no problem. It’s just no I need to do cr.hp and it throws off my timing a bit but ill get use to it… MORE TRAINING!!!

Really whatever makes you comfortable cr.mk or st.mk doesn’t matter I’ve used both at times. Cr.mk was usually an accident.

So anyways seems tekken charcters have air crushes what’s jins? Or is it PS?

What do you guys think of infiltration’s Jin?
Looks ridiculous so far. Come evo he will be godlike unless Krone or Jibbo have something to say about it.

He’s the best source when it comes to watching Jin in all subject matters. Definitely the best Jin I’ve seen currently, and he plays him correctly in all aspects. I doubt Krone, or Jibbo are going to out do him at this point. Not saying that they aren’t good, but Jibbo always seemed more focused towards Sagat while having a good Jin to back him up. While Krone seems to be in some sort of character crisis for a partner for Jin, and is leaning more towards putting him in the second position as well. Jibbo, and Krone also have set focuses for their Jin play while Infiltrations is pretty much dead set on controlling the match with Jin using all of his tools.

Granted, any of them can place well at evo if they attend at this point, but I’d say infiltration has the greatest shot at winning it all. Either that, or I’m going to steal the win from him >:)

We need a setup thread, for meaties safejumps and crossups + antiroll setups.
Ex) bnb combo ending in thrusting uppercut wait a bit jump in or take small step jump in will be ambiguous.

Yes that would be great! The SFxT character forums need more of this stuff in general!

I can probably start one up. Got a good bit of tech that I learned while in Japan. All I have to say is that in the mid range Jin should be winning most of the time.