Jin Kazama thread

This is seriously one of the game’s greatest mysteries.

I spent many hours on training mode trying to figure out why Jin kept using an EX SS. No matter what I did, nothing happened. Just the same moves over and over again - no EX SS. I seriously think this is a CPU-only move. But… why…? I tried pressing different button notations during the SS input, pressing all sorts of buttons… and still nothing. It’s Mortal Kombat II all over again - the CPU characters will blatantly do things that are not possible to the human game player. This might have been done on purpose, because Jin is a “boss” character (sort of) in this along with Xiaoyu (although, they are just in the Pandora forms however). I hope somebody finds out about this EX SS fiasco.

So I just found a funny thing to do with Jin, not sure if it’s known but it probably is, if you cross cancel after special step mk on a grounded opponent then you can restand the guy with your next character by using a fast enough attack. I’m not sure how viable this is but I guess this can lead for some damaging combos?

You mean tag cancel right? It is known already, characters that benefit the most from this are probably the ones that have long and damaging grounded combos, when i used Steve as secondary this was one of the more damaging combos plus it had insane wallcarry.

[Jin]ss.mk TAG [Steve] cr.hp xx skyscraper(x3), f.mp>lp xx flicker cancel xx flicker lp. Actually think you can do st.hp xx flicker cancel, cr.hp xx skyscraper.
Anyway it is used as a combo extender, no resets or anything after it.

Another thing, and it might just be me, but whenever i go into Powerstance and want to cancel into MA it is no problem. However when i absorb an attack with Powerstance it seems the timing becomes different from when i can cancel into MA.

Seems like you have certain amount of “stun” still incurred from the other person’s attack. I guess it’d be kind of broke if you could cancel it at any point in time.

Shouldn’t really come as a surprise, but the lp, mp, lk tekken chain doesn’t cause the infinite glitch anymore, though they are still in a float state so you can combo after it.

Another thing i noticed right after i made the post about Jin’s SS.lk tag cancel…it doesn’t work anymore, they go into an air reset state, not sure why that was done as it didn’t open up lots of damage potential at all. With Nina she can now do st.mp xx rolling dash to go under for a reset for example, although everyone could go for the reset if they waited a bit. However i would only do this if i hit the ss.lk without having confirmed any attack before it, as i would give up guarenteed damage otherwise.

Think most character can make use of this “reset” as you can simply press a jab, they air reset, and go high/low, dash under, command grab?.. lol. Don’t think it is really usefull because otherwise people would already make use of it before the patch. But who knows.

ughhh everytime u guys say resets i think of something else as an MK player a reset for me is different than just restanding the opponent lol

A reset is when you give up guarenteed damage for a mixup where the potential damage is even more. A reset is a reset, only in this game one of the only few ways to get a reset is restanding. I did use “reset” in different ways in my initial post though, sorry about that :stuck_out_tongue:

SO if i dont do my bnb in order to the get a setup(unblockable and guaranteed) in which i get more damage but its not a bnb bc it either requires meter, execution or is situational. And resets the damage scaling to get guranteed damage what would that be call? For me that would be a reset. While if i just Get a mix up its honestly just a frame trap.

That would be the equivalent of the Marvel DHC glitch. I don´t think a inescapable combo restart like the Cyrax bomb stuff even exists in SFxT, thus it is more common to handle the term “reset” like we did in SF4: A hit to end a (often shorter) combo causing a backflip animation (or leaving the enemy standing in some situations) that sets the enemy up for a hard to block mixup.

For the balance patch i’m hoping for these buffs for Jin:

-They should make Jin’s overhead faster!
-And make a version of MLD safe! If Ryu can have a safe joudan why jin can’t have a safe MLD?
-A lil bit of a faster start up on Penetrating fist would be nice!

I’m pretty thrilled with all of the insight people provide for Jin Kazama.
[FONT=times new roman]As of now, I am running a Jin and Julia team. Julia seems to have a easily viable anti-air and she has very good tools for player utilize, should they want to compensate for Jin’s drawbacks. Julia hits like a truck as well. I also like how other people came up with nice team combinations as well (Chun Li/Jin, Sagat/Jin, Hwoarang/Jin). I found a few good Pandora set ups with Jin and Julia in training mode yesterday (though, it seems like Julia Pandora > Super Art requires a wall bounce and for the player to be close to the opponent). Make sure you guys dash cancel your charges to get some good counter hits in and then continue with your assault. I’ll also remind others that Jin Super Art can go through projectiles. Keep up the good work everyone! This thread turned out awesome! [/FONT]

I’m using Vega and Jin.
-Vega can zone with his claw and doesn’t need to use much meter to tag jin in.
-Jin can use most of the meter to do damaging combos.
I’m still testing some characters other than vega. Balrog is next.

If you like pandora, you can link Julia´s super after SS LP>Pandora in the corner. Not too great, but still a setup to consider if you like to use pandora extend. Julia to Jin Pandora also has some good setups, but they require extend because Jin´s super is too long :(. If you want me to post them, let me know (I play the exact same team :))

Jin is a complete solid character…He’s perfect… That is all :slight_smile:


… As a matter of fact - whenever anyone gets the chance, we should speak about Jin Kazama’s Pandora set-ups and Charge Cancelling for counter hits… (Note: Pandora is pretty much considered a “last minute” reversal - and yes, the Pandora Extend gem is necessary for someone like Jin - if you intend on using this towards the VERY end of the match, put that gem onto the OTHER character and it passes on towards whoever is utilizing Pandora).

Okay, here my Pandora observations:

  • You can do the typical wallbounce starter with ex Median
  • If you get your enemy with the 4 or 5 hit Median Line bnb you can tag to a character with a ground bounce. Directly after the bounce activate Pandora and do whatever with Jin. (requires to cross under your opponent midscreen because a groundbounce from the same side after median line shoots them across the screen for whatever reason)
  • If you can combo into his former “swag-kick” [lp,mp,lk] a Pandora activation is still possible because they fall extremely slow.
  • Pandora after Ex Swaying Willow is barely useful, you´re half a screen away from your opponent after activation
  • Pandora “infinite”: [Shun Masatsu xx Ex PS xx SW, dash cr.mp, Shun Masatsu] can be done about 7 times before the time is over. Really not hard to do but quite good if you have a standing starter.

Still, I don´t think Pandora is more useful than Boostgems or Assaultextend (when playing with a friend of course). But rumor is that Pandora is getting a buff in a few months or years… my little collection may come in handy then.

Oh, I see. I just… hit confirm into a EX Median Line destruction > Pandora > Super Art of which ever character has short cinema (Ibuki, Juri…) To speak a little more on the subject - Hardly anyone (including myself) really have any use for Pandora. If getting a buff for this system turns out to be true, then I hope that everything will be okay. To be honest, I kinda like it how it is.

As it is now going into EX PS>MA>SW has limited uses in combo’s as it is better to combo from MLD with a tag.
Maybe if you absolutely do not want to tag in your second character than it becomes Jin’s most damaging 1 meter combo.

So in a good situation it would go something like this:
j.hk, cr.mp, Shun Masatsu xx EX PS>MA>SW, dash, cr.mp, cr.hp xx SS.lp, st.mk xx MLD/ss.mp, or something very very similar.(around 437?)

I don’t know the exact frame data, but if you do j.hk, cr.mp, Shun Masatsu xx EX PS>MA>SW, dash, cr.mp, Shun Masatsu CADC(407) you are atleast +frames.
Thought this was a great opportunity to do a tick throw with cr.lp as they cannot jump away, and you beat out other 3 frame jabs. Obviousely not reversals and backdashes. If you land the throw you upped the damage to 557 with another knockdown from the throw. If you decide to not do the throw you atleast have point blank pressure with Jin where he can keep pressing his buttons. Again beware of reversals. You can also do it with cr.hp CADC i think.

Anyway I find this situation much more preferrable than a knockdown where they can roll away although Jin deals pretty well with that also.

“Tested” it with the the CPU on jump and record function…so if i’m completely wrong about this shit, then fuck it haha.

I think you´re right, comboing into EX PS>SW has lost some of its appeal after finding good tag combos with the 4 or 5 hit MLD bnb. However, it still offers awesome mixup abilities like the one you mentioned above. I have a nice reset involving Julia in that situation: j.hk, cr.mp, Shun Masatsu xx EX PS>MA>SW, dash, cr.mp, cr.hp xx SS.lk TAG [to Julia]: cr.hp xx HK or LK Wind Roll --> into whatever. Really ambiguous mixup because of the restand glitch removal (causes the backflip now). The bnb above with Jin does ~430 until the Wind Roll part, after that I can do another ~ 380 easily meterless. And I tell you, that mixup is absolutely impossible to block on reaction.
Everyone should try to find a good mixup from Jin´s SS.lk, it´s such a good tool to have.