Jin Kazama thread

Jin talk starts at 10:00


What’s a good move to tag cancel Jin out? Using special step lp tends to get me blown up. His mental alertness mp works ok.

thats safe on block unless youre doing it and whffing completely .

i tag cancel with that a lot

also Q&A thread?

If I want Jin out, I land shun masatsu xx HP median line and tag. You get a mixup with your incoming character, just like Chun legs does for Rufus.

In fact, you can do some serious chip damage with it. For 3 bars (and Ryu as my second), I do HP MLD, tag cancel, immediate LP shoryuken, land, super. Opponent is in block stun the whole time and it does close to 150 chip. If you don’t have super, you can do LP SRK, HP SRK if you’re sure it’s going to kill them. Does probably 90-100 chip.

It’s kind of alpha counter bait (just like Chun legs) but it’s still Jin’s best tag out move.

have any you noticed that using flying kick as an anti air is sort of character specific? I’ve noticed some characters have weird jumping arcs and the flying kick wont hit them…(probably its my spacing, idk)…also j.lk against shotos is amazing

I don’t think it’s safe. Not against someone with a 3 frame jab. I’ve done it, blocked coming in and still got smacked.

No, SS Thrusting Uppercut is safe on block. How exactly are you trying to tag cancel out with it?

hp Media Line Destruction is the safest way to tag out… SS Uppercut or MA mp aren’t safe atall

First off it’s important to note that you can actually cancel your tagged in character’s running animation which allows you to do moves earlier than waiting 'till they’re up close. Without knowing this it can seem like characters can’t block after a tag in (aka unsafe) but they can actually hit a button before running the full distance … this earlier hit in turn will cause the opposing character to not leave out of block stun, if not keeping the tagged in character safe.

SS Uppercut I think is safe but it may or may not depend on a few factors:

What I’m sure about:

  • How fast your tagged in characters normals and/or special moves.

What I’m sort of sure about

  • Your position on the screen or the amount of space/time your tagged in character has to travel, which in turn would cause your move to come out later.

What I’ve heard about that could be true:

  • How fast your characters run in speed is

In conclusion… I tested it SS Uppercut (blocked) into Sagat’s low jab (3 frame startup) and even doing it sloppily on the first try the best thing I could do with another 3 frame normal against it was be counter hit. Judging this situation, AT WORST I would be at advantage after tagging in this way.

I’m convinced SS Uppercut is safe as long as you follow up with an attack. But now that I think about it, it also means that you are committed to an attack and that your opponent SHOULD use an invincible move if available.

In conclusion conclusion… I just possibly learned something new about the game.

goes back to training mode

I actually checked it against kazuya… i can easily punish the tagged character by his cr.LK into Launcher chain… clearly depends on ur opponent…

I was confused about the question myself. I thought Tag Cancelling was applying to hitting with the move and switching a character in to hopefully combo off it or just get Jin out of the fight for the moment, still off a guarenteed hit.

If he was talking about tagging out, then yeah, IronTriggor has the right idea on Jin’s safest Tag Out move on block.

so what you were asking is is it safe to tag out during SS uppercut on block? why would you want to tag out on a blocked move?

SS uppercut is safe because of the pushback (says in the guide :P)

anyways i’ve never been punished on SS upcut that was blocked unless im pushing buttons…maybe our jins are different idk

We’re talkin abt a “Get outta there” situation… we knw tht in SFxT if 1 team member dies, u lose… so sumtimes when u are low on health, u need a safe way out… u can’t just raw tag out anytime… so the safest option of getting out of trouble is connection with hp MLD and tag out…

also a SETUP that i use with JIN…

Opponent cornered… Juggle with either MA Lk or SS Lp … continue juggle with cr.mp, cr,mp, cr.hp xx SS mp … immediately do lp Power Stance > quickly cancel into MA lk … u land on the otherside… (u land the same time the opponent is getting on his feet)…

U can mix it up in case if ur oppnent tries to forward roll … just do… Opponent cornered… Juggle with either MA Lk or SS Lp … continue juggle with cr.mp, cr,mp, cr.hp xx SS mp … immediately do lp Power Stance > quickly SS back dash…

Hope this helps…

That s.MK> Powerstance> MLD tech is just too sick. The extra little hang time it gives you means that on tag cancel, the incoming character can walk backwards a bit, jump forward heavy attack, then go into the rest of the tag combo. Allows Jin to partner with basically anyone and get good damage off tag cancels.

Good shit, Jibbo. Doing 2 of those power stances in a combo plus the extra hit on the MLD really add up. Jin already builds meter fairly quickly but this should help greatly.

On a side note, I found out a very hard to block setup involving that combo. Immediately after doing it, throw an LP+HP Penetrating fist and then hold up forward. If the opponent rolls, they are put into a very hard to block situation. They must change their block when Jin is right above their head which is not something most players would not be looking out for. In addition to this, you can delay the jump forward and then the opponent will have to block the jump in regularly as opposed to a cross-up. Theoretically, you could put the opponent into an invisible 50/50 situation if you figure out the how to time it within a 1 frame gap whether it will stay in front or cross up. Here is a video example.

It is at around 5:18.


Obviously, if the opponent doesn’t roll, there is no mix-up. The best option I have found so far is either to special step mk follow up, or special step back dash to bait a limb and then punish.

I’m working on some other things that will mix up an opponent who doesn’t roll, but the lp ender of special step is required for that.

I really really like your Jin bro

This is probably known, but just to make sure: Jin can Dash Cancel his Special Step Back Dash Cancel. The implications are: Jin can BDC the initial BDC to do two quick BDs in succession - this isn’t the same as simply BDing naked from Neutral state. Jin executes the second BD more quickly. You can also BDC, then FDC (Forward Dash Cancel) the BD. Sorry if that’s confusing.

I just find it interesting because it makes Jin more mobile and Kaz’s SS doesn’t have these properties.

Has anybody found a way to consistently punish Rufus’s EX Messiah? I believe Swaying Willow punishes the MK and HK ender, and the LK ender is extremely punishable, but you still have to take a guess because LK ender beats Swaying Willow.

I attempted to create an OS that beats it, but I was unable to find one that really did what I wanted it to. I did find out that after doing a safe jump such as HP Median Line Destruction, forward dash, whiff low short, jump forward HK, you can OS HP power stance and it absorbs the EX Messiah and he ends up on the other side of you. Unfortunately, you cannot punish him because you will have your back turned to him, however, you can punish his teammate if he decides to tag. I tried using the Power stance to absorb the first hit of EX messiah and cancelling into team super, but team super always either whiffs or gets beaten.

I forgot to test if you could use LP power stance and then recover in time to punish, but I do not believe that you can.

I did discover that jump back instant mk beats everything Rufus can do while jumping including his jump forward HK which beats almost everything air to air. If you are eating divekick pressure and you see him leave the ground, just jump back mk and you will get out safely every time.

I have a really hard time doing MLD from a crouching normal, or after st.MK in combos (I’ll get MK to HP chain). It means I’m probably not doing max damage off stuff because I usually just finish with SS MP. Also, doing power stance into MLD is pretty tough. :\ I guess the reward is worth it though… much better tag combo.

As for EX messiah punishes, I’m pretty sure with the right timing, you can do HP power stance into MA SW and it will either avoid or hit Rufus on all his followups. Rufus will be able to block (but probably not punish) if he does no followup… he risks counter-hit SW if he tries to press buttons there. The timing is just really awkward because the absorb-stun (lol?) on power stance changes when you can input followups, and the stun will happen at different times depending on which button he presses.

Have people figured out how to use power stance to actually absorb hits in footsies yet, and not just in combos or as meter building? I basically only use it as a free chance to get in if I suspect a low tiger shot or a Dhalsim limb, because I can cancel into SS and get a punish where I otherwise wouldn’t (low tiger shot), or a blocked SS MK (which most people don’t punish). In one of Jibbo’s vids that made the front page, I saw him use EX power stance as a reversal, and then cancel into MA something. Seems difficult/risky? If opponent just jumps in neutral footsies at you and you don’t have time to react with MA LK, can you … just use HP power stance and do anything cool? People probably aren’t going to empty jump throw too often in this game…

do you guys think that jin has a ewgf in this game?
i saw a video posted here somewhere a cpu jin pulls out an ex version of SS MP
kazuya got one, maybe jin has too