seems tht ABEL hit him on the ending frames of the power stance…
No, I did some tests in training mode. I know the video makes it seem longer since I slowed it down, but I was watching for Abel to twitch, saw the lightning and then activated Power Stance. Abel’s shoulder charge blows through Power Stance.
Maybe some kind of armor breaking property?
Yeah but, is his the only one?
Should check if it beat other super armor moves, although Jin’s stance is not ‘normal’ super armor
How do you guys handle zoning with Jin? I run a team of Jin/Kazuya, and I really struggle against Dhalsims. I can try to get in with SS or MS, but a smart Dhalsim I feel can punish me pretty easily. I’ve even tried leap kicking to close the distance, and it’s worked occasionally, but it’s not completely reliable and very easy to stop.
Dhalsim players follow one general rule. They jump back with long HP punches, then zone you with fireballs and long HP punches again, while trying to kick you out of the sky. Once you manage to get them in the corner, they’re assuredly gonna try to tigerknee teleport behind you with a head butt.
With Jin I guess HP penetrating fist until they get to the edge of the screen. At that point they’re likely gonna spew fireballs. SS through it at least. Past that I need to think a little more. Maybe Power Stance cancel into SS Thrusting Uppercut?
But if Kazuya is your other main, you can just wave dash with his stupid mist step. Dang thing can only be hit by crouching attacks.
What’s generally the most efficient & reliable way to cancel crouching normals like cr.HP into SS? Do I have to be holding d/f when doing the crouching normal? Haven’t found it to be too reliable, same with the double qcf “shortcut.” Plus I’m most often starting from a blocking position (holding d/b) so my brain can’t quite process the “move from d/b to d/f” part fast enough as a punish/on reaction.
Main thing I guess would be that you need to work on your execution. The double qcf almost always works (cept during laggy situations)
But also SS is not a good move to use as a punish against people, which I’m guessing from you holding DB.
Probably misunderstanding you, but why is SS a bad punish exactly? I use it always as a punish, every single time.
Anyway i’m trying to get more damage from EX PS specifically when i do it for the second time in a combo, ofcourse i wouldn’t use it 2 times normally because that is a waste. Going for a mixup after the second EX PS seems like a decent option.
After EX PS for example:
-Regular hk jump in.
-Walk forward very slightly and jump(crossup).
-Empty jump straight into>
-Dash CADC, throw. Can do other normals, but gives most frame advantage.
etc etc.
Even if it fails you are still on the offensive, except after throw tech obviousely.
After Jin’s super you are neutral again…more than halfscreen, almost a free tag in.
This way you won’t eat up the clock.
In the corner this works pretty damn good, an even more ambiguous crossup and the chance to get even more damage.
If you hit a mixup even just a throw, it’s still more than when you would have done a super and leaves you in better positioning.
Haven’t done the numbers but say you hit,, SM xx EX PS, MA MP, dash, SM xx EX PS, MIXUP you’ll get around 650-850 i guess.
Just throwing ideas around plus for me it’s more fun to play this way, have been using CADC more and more for pressure and also his Kazama 5 hit combo.
SS isn’t strike invulnerable anywhere, it’s projectile invulnerable on the upper body only. It takes 8 frames or slightly more before an attack is started.
Obviousely you are going to cancel it from a normal or unique attack, and that also seems what MoTheHawk was implying he needs help with.
I had assumed that he was holding DB as he was being hit. If he’s holding it during a block string that might be where his problem is coming from.
I believe I mentioned in an earlier post that Jin’s SS has to cross the neutral directional input before it can come out, it is not a traditional shoryuken motion. If he’s trying a shoryuken shortcut (I think it’s like df,d,db,d,df?) then since it doesn’t cross neutral, the SS will not register. If he’s trying double qcf motion from db, then it may just be a problem with timing or execution.
How are you guys cancelling Power Stance into MA? I find this to be very inconsistent for some reason. When I do it in the middle of a combo, it works fine. But if I use it as a way to counter the opponent’s attacks, it looks as if Jin can’t cancel the stance (even the EX version) while he’s absorbing the attack, so I assume you can only cancel into MA after their attack? That makes it quite difficult if you need to cancel into MA and follow up with Swaying Willow all during the recovery frames of their attack. It seems like he can easily by jabbed out of it.
Jin’s Pros and Cons:
Pros =
- Extremely projectile especially when zoning is involved
- One of the quickest cr.MK in the game
- Super Art covers a lot of distance
- Has a nice ambiguous cross-up with jumping HK
- Cancels Special Step with back dash
- The cr.MP is very trustworthy for combo starters…
- Has one of the best uses for negative edges
- Cross counters leaves the opponent open for free hit
- Powerful mix up game
- Jin flip glitches (might not be present any longer though)
- Can punish a lot of the characters moves with Power Stance (except for throws).
- Cancels from Power Stance into other special moves
- Mental Alertness gives him a small of invulnerability toward high/jumping attacks
- Thrusting Uppercut after Special Step is very useful because it still provides the user with some distance if it is blocked.\
- Good meter-less combos
Cons =
- Far from noob-friendly
- Lack of a true AA
- Many of his specials (like Median Line Destruction) are easily punishable
- The Jin flip glitch might have disappeared
- Power Stance will still cause Jin to take damage… sort of… kind of…
- Many attacks from Mental Alertness require strict timing and precision
- Somewhat limited wake-up options
- Overhead attacks are on the slow side
- Backward walk speed is slow
- Rush down oriented character might cause Jin problem and cripple his game play options (Rufus… anyone?)
Hm. I am going to update this periodically, and post the most accurate example onto the OP.
Power Stance can be cancelled after a certain set period. This is especially apparent trying to put in an EX Power Stance in a combo into MA->Swaying Willow. Practice cancelling them into one another before trying to take it online.
Awesome tip.
I just tried this, and I think i’m not quite sure if the SS> backdash creates a backdash with shorter recovery frames than normal or a backdash that can be cancelled on its ground frames.
Either way, I think this really opens up a lot of options for Jin- SS> Backdash> SS covers full screen really fast and mixed up with SS> Backdash X2. Gives Jin unparalled mobility. Other characters might cross the screen faster, but no one can control their ground movement like Jin can.
Add in the fact that PS> SS> Backdash is probably the fastest meter building sequence in the game, and I think Jin is one of those characters with a lot of strong stuff that only shines if you’re willing to put in the time to grind out practice hours for his execution.]
Time to spend hours turning pretzels…
I’m amazed that this hasn’t been figured out yet. Could it really be just a CPU bug? Its been ages since I’ve seen a 2D fighter with truly secret moves.
I wouldn’t call jin’s projectile ‘great’; to me, it is a high risk, medium reward thing. I’m fairly sure it has the longest recovery of any fireball so basically one wrong fireball and you’re gonna get punished nasty. It is a great tool overall, but to use it like a typical fireball is wrong. Sure, it’s pretty much safe fullscreen and is great there, but when they’re in that sweet zone it’s use is greatly diminished. If your anti-airs are very on-point and you can scare them into staying on the ground then it’s still good.
I also think his fireball knocking down is both a blessing and a curse. While getting that knockdown has it’s obvious benefits, it also allows them to roll forward and gives them free ground covered. Usually a roll forward on knockdown puts them in that ‘sweet zone’ where if you fuck up one fireball you’re dead. Even worse, a roll forward can put them in crossup spacing which is really hard to deal with as Jin imo.
As far as the EX ss, I was almost sure you were gonna post a vid of the alpha counter, but that’s interesting. Jin DOES (in Tekken) have an ewhf, which is Jin’s version of Kazuya’s ewgf, but different properties. However, it is executed the same, so since Kazuya’s real ewgf was kept in sfxt, maybe Jin has a real ewhf in sfxt as well. I’ll dick around later in training mode and see if I can get anything similar to that.
Has anybody managed to solve the ex ss into hf? Set up my own training to see it, im pretty sure it has armour for 1 hit, ate up my jab before hitting me. Must have its own input as its only the hook fist so not a special step as such! Hope it does exist and isn’t an ai glitch!
So I tried to do this yday and force of habit has me doing SS after shun masatsu… do u mind making a video of this?
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