Jin Kazama thread

it is easy bro, after every launcher from your partner and when jin runs in do **Shun Masatsu ****-> hold Jins fireball and dash quick -> cr.mp -> cr.hp SS mp **

it works :)****

you might be today’s hero.

I can’t really get into a flow with Jin, his moves just feel janky

btw. Jin and Hwoarang are beaast ! I’m running this team and man, it is so easy to pull off 550 dmg with only 1 bar, did 631 with 2 bars

LOL … dont tell me u saw tht on 47 hits JIN combo video yesterday… and btw this also works after MA Lk > Shun Masatsu -> quick fireball dash -> cr.mp -> cr.hp SS mp… only thing sux is tht u can end it only with SS mp, nuthin else works… if u wanna connect super or Cross art … u have to do it after, Shun Masatsu -> quick fireball dash -> cr.mp -> anything …

man i won’t lie this shit sounds so fresh man i’m about to go home and get out the heavy bag and go to work lol

Cool combo! It works no matter how low you hit shun masatsu on the airborne opponent. Sometimes you really have to scoop them up off the ground with cr.MP after shun masatsu, but as far as I can tell it always works. I tested it with Ryu’s DP tag in the far corner, Ryu’s LMH launcher in the far corner, and off pretty low MA LK anti-airs… though I think SM starts up a bit slower than crouch strong, so if you hit them REALLY low you’ll probably just have to settle for cr.MP, cr.HP xx SS MP.

The other cool thing is that if you do LMH launcher with your back close to the corner, you can come in and do SM when they’re pretty high up, and then the CADC puts Jin on the other side! So you can cr.MP, cr.HP, SS MP them back into the corner! You can turn a cornered jab hitconfirm with your partner into a corner advantage for you!

The damage increase is marginal off LMH launcher (290 using cr.MP, cr.HP and 305 using SM CADC), but off MA LK the damage increase is substantial (323 using MP HP and 377 using CADC). After Ryu’s fierce DP tag, you get 383 using MP HP and 437 (!!) using CADC. Looks like you get 54 more damage if you start with a one-hit attack.

The combo is pretty easy, I definitely recommend learning. I CADC using LP fireball so if I mess it up, I at least hit them with LP fireball in the air. I also use MP, HP for shun masatsu (I played Guy in SF4 so it was easiest), and using LP means I don’t have to double-hit MP or HP, which I find helps with the consistency.

If your opponent is low on health and you’re doing it at the end of a long combo, though, you’re probably only going to get 5-10 extra points of damage, so maybe you should opt for the easier cr.MP, cr.HP combo and take the kill. It’s something you should DEFINITELY learn for MA LK though… that really ups the damage (or if you play with someone like Ryu and you get 1 hit tags often). 377 off an anti air for no meter… so sick.

i was messing around with it all night lol with rufus, raven, hugo, heihachi and hworang as partners and its a really great find. How are you doing MA LK? Going S.Masatsu, CADC, c.MP or c.HP straght into it, or does it hit after CADC, c.MP, c.HP?

Also I found that launching into S.Masatsu, EX PF, SS MP does really good damage as well and is much easier on execution. I’ll use it until i get the original combo down.

EDIT - Question, did you perhaps try to get a MLD in there somewhere? I’d imagine that it would not connect after c.MP, c.HP, but if you did boost, SMasatsu, CADC, c.MP or c.HP, could HP MLD link after? just trying to get more damage lol. greedy me…

If you’re able to hit SM after MA LK (I’m pretty sure at some distances or heights, you can’t because SM is too slow or doesn’t reach), then you can always do CADC, cr.MP, cr.HP, SS MP. At least, I’ve never found a height that I can’t… even suuuper low SM CADC can always pick them up with a seemingly even lower cr.MP, lol. And after cr.MP, cr.HP always works.

At those bad heights for MA LK, you can always just do cr.MP, cr.HP SS MP like you used to do… I think you’ll be able to recognize the bad heights with enough practice. I also think the bad heights are probably very few (as in, you can usually connect SM) but I’m hitting SM too late. It’s probably a tight link at lower heights but usually possible.

Had a go at it just now, pretty cool combo, when i skimmed through that tool assisted video i tried to do cr.mp, cr.hp dash cancel, cr.mp, cr.hp xx SS mp, and gave up at that point because it didn’t work. Obviousely it didn’t because i needed to use SM haha.

Found a pretty nice little mixup for when they roll midscreen, after hitting someone with SS mp do another SS.
If you backdash SS early, you land before them.
If you backdash SS late, you land behind them.

Wots the best launcher chain for JIN?.. i mean his chains are rather slow if ur against a character like HUGO and wanna counter his EX Clothesline… im having alot trouble against HUGO… hes got ton of damage from a single combo… anybody here knows JIN vs HUGO matchup??.. or even general anti hugo techiques…

an anti hugo technique i found, If hugo is abusing mp>clap … just do Power Stance after mp and JIN will absorb the clap… follow up with Hp MLD … or if u knw he’ll do mp again… just do MA > mp after Power stance… will get u a counter…

I am also having some problems with Hugo/Gief. I can zone decent, but once they get in its really tough to get away. As far as a chain in to launcher goes, I like to try and hit confirm with cr.lp > cr.mp > cr.mk canceled in to SS lp if they block. If they don’t block go ahead and do the HK in to Launcher.

Iron Triggor is mostly right about his anti hugo strategy. A common Hugo chain will also be Splash, cr. MP, LP Clap, cr. MP, LK/EX Lariat. Because of the body splash’s godlike blockstun (seriously, +16 on block? was ono and the others high at that point in time?), the power stance will not activate in time for the first cr.MP, so you’re better off waiting. But if you’re willing to spend gauge, EX Power stance will activate in time, last long enough to absorb the MP and clap, and you can then cancel into gauranteed counter. While the gap in between second MP and LK lariat is large enough to activate EX Power stance, if you don’t have the bar you can either wait for the lariat to finish and punish them then with a large combo, or if you want to get in their head do MA Swaying willow. It won’t counter hit but it might make them think twice.

Between the clap and the second cr. MP, the gap is not large enough to activate regular power stance, unless their timing is off.

Im afraid u misunderstood me bro… what i meant is tht, HUGO’s mp xx Clap is not a true block string … so u can actually punish between the 2 hits… with an invincible move… a super or a cross art or even an ex move… and since JIN hasn’t any invincible EX move… the bets option inbetween hugo’s mp xx clap is PS cancel into Hp MLD (EX MLD doesn’t work due to its late startup) …

And it’s not a good block string how? Cancelling cr.MP into clap leaves a 2 frame gap between the normal and the clap that you can try to exploit on block. That’s quite often what I see people using. Best option there is MA, since all versions of PS except EX can start absorbing attacks during the 3rd frame.

Though personally I still have a really rough time to get the MA timing right to counter with Swaying Willow.

Ha that Hugo idea is cool I play Jin Hugo and I wil cr.lp xx palm just to make it a true blockstring lolz

I just super or level 3 inbetween Hugo’s buttons xx clap strings (same thing against Heihachi if they never do JUST f+LP… if they follow it up with a button it’s pretty easy)… works fine if you have the bar. I find MA swaying willow REALLY hard to do inbetween strings, and basically Hugo is still in your face and you’re at +1 frame advantage or whatever… doesn’t seem like the best spot for Jin. If you can find a way to knock him away (MA into other followups? power stance into MLD like that guy above said?) I think that’s a way better counter.

You can automatically counter anything Rufus does after blocking EX messiah with HP power stance xx MA swaying willow, but the timing is very difficult I find. You have to seemingly wait a really long time after executing HP power stance before anything else will come out. If Rufus does nothing after messiah, he will be able to block swaying willow, but that’s okay, I don’t think he can press buttons or do anything else (except another EX messiah I guess… but that’s gimmick city). Basically, I’m terrible at using power stance right now. I just can’t get the timing down to transition into other special moves, not counting the EX power stance combos which IMO are pretty easy.

Don’t think that works. cr. MP is 4 active, 12 recovery, +1 on block. Minus one frame for the special cancel that is 3+12+1= 17. LP clap has a startup of 19, leaving a 2 frame gap for a block string.
Cr. LP is 2 active, 9 recovery, +2 on block. 1+9+2=13, that’s a massive 6 frame window between the normal and the special.

Meh your probably right but it screws their timing IMO especially if the try to do something after the clap which lp at that point probably will close that gap! So cr.mp clap cr.lp is more of what I’m referring to

Hey, I found something really odd. Video down below will show an opponent’s Abel plowing through my Power Stance.


First reaction: O-O What da -!?