It has 2 active frames, 27 recovery frames, and -5 on block. That means the blockstun caused by the attack should be -5+27+1=23. If you can cancel it instantly, as is the case with most cancelable moves, the effective frame advantage is the same as the hitstun/blockstun.
I’m doing that exactly “cr.LP, cr. LP, cr. MP/MK” but the timing on is different than which im still trying to get used to.
I’m not having trouble connecting attack, i have problem pulling out the SS itself. I know all the tricks for it, I just can’t pull it consistently yet.
Are you starting from a downforward direction when trying the double qcf motion?
Those damn short messages.
Okay, you start from down forward, let’s see. Ah, it’s because Jin’s SS has a small gap in it where you need to return the stick back at least past the neutral position. This is why the double qcf motion works as well as a f~hcf motion (personal opinion though, the db qcf is easier and faster) since they both naturally pass by a neutral stick position.
I’m not sure if these short cuts can be applied to pad players. If you’re playing on a normal console pad it might be difficult, so experiment with teh 2 motions I suggested, please.
Pad, please mate, do not insult me. :wtf:
Anyway, as mentioned, i can do it pretty well out of TC ( lp, lp mp etc…) and out of (I do, I’m just ranting over the
Ya tha xx SS is pretty hard for me to do at the moment as well. I just can’t do it during a match and I connect with so much. Sad face! I gotta hit the lab.
Anybody have some good tips when fighting ryu. Seems to be my worst matchup and they are eveywhere!!! I have people pickin ryu in my scene just because it’s hard for me. Haha makes menfeel cool that I need to be counter picked though!
Yeah that matchup can be frustrating but after playing a relatively decent ryu/ken duo last night I realized it’s not impossible. The way I treat it is that I think about how c.viper in sf4 would play ryu. Zone him out and annoy the heck out of him then expose him when he makes a mistake like when he does a dp after a couple of jabs or something. Really general stuff, but it worked great for me. I was able to beat Team Shoto with just jin =)
does Jin have any reliable reversals to get the pressure off other than his alpha counter? for some reason, i have a feeling that there may be some way to use his power stance for this, but from my experience the recovery is too slow. i haven’t really put any time into testing it out so i just thought i’d ask you guys. other than that, i’m having any problems using Jin and i’m doing really well with him considering this is my 3rd day using him.
Usually im the one who gets zoned!
I guess I could chill full screen and throw hard penetrating fists and slowly back him up to the corner. I usually play very offensively so I think that probably contributes a bit since he can just dp on reaction to the overhead and on his wakeup. I get picked off with grabs often as well. Normally I go for a MA+mp or lk to get out of blockstrings and on wakeup. If someone knows they can grab you out of MA and PS what should you do?
Hey fellas, just wanted to let you know of a stream that some friends of mine are running tonight over at our new project, SDUnity. At least for tonight, the play is to run a ft10 between BT Viscant (Dictator/Gief) vs Steinmania (Julia/Jin) live with commentary in between matches. After they finish, they’ll be taking calls and questions via skype and streamchat.
Regardless of character selection, these are 2 great players that are more than willing to answer any technical or general questions you may have about the game. We here in San Diego play a lot, and Stein has played a great Jin since day 1 (more like day -6, but that’s beside the point). On top of that, Viscant is a really great technical player that loves to break down the new games and I know for a fact that he has already put an ungodly amount of time into this game. Hope to see you guys there at 8:00 PM PST, and I thank all of you in advance for your support.
Depends on what you mean by reversal. Honestly, the best reversal Jin has IMO is block whatever the first attack is properly, then MA MP that ass. 10f of invulnerability baby, counter hit stagger baby, 350 damage like its nothing.
Wish you could open wings like SF4 guile could put on shades. #jin4preswithiscoolass.
Yeah, I learned about that when I went back and watched Floe’s NCR vids. I had to cop dat tech. 383 damage counter hit combo. Fray.
The only bad thing i found about it, that once the opponent figure this put, just like Chris G did, he can natural jump to predict it, and punish it heavily, like any reversal
That’s why they have MA LK… Mashing MA MP doesn’t work everytime. There’s no universal get off me move, and you have to choose your option based on reaction (which is good because you only have to hit one more button). I’m used to the “Defense options are strong, but situational” thing from playing Makoto. Since you have to choose his defense quickly and wisely, he’s like Makoto in that respect IMO. This doesn’t mean that He’s easliy beat with any one option like Neutral jump with good reactions, you can beat just about every option. However, the downside is that you actually have to think :eek:.
Thinking? I have nothing to do with it .:wtf:
Btw, Where are you from?
Ok so dont use ma+lk as a reversal block first then ma+lk. I think that is what is probably getting me. Also Ryu is a bastard.
guys, found something new…
after launcher I always did -> cr.hp SS mp or … -> st mk ss mp
now, Shun Masatsu -> quick fireball dash -> -> cr.hp SS mp
I’m from chicago… i really should go to more casuals and tourneys around here. This 1 a week thing isn’t working out for me.
GTFO really??? How does this work?