Jin Kazama thread

Until you play one that knows how to approach, and then it’s just as hard. I say standing light kicks are better anti-air in this one, unless they telegraph their jumpins or are THAT predictable. And use alpha counters… a lot, if they get in. Still a bad matchup, but then again, Rufus is gawd tier in this game imo.

The people I played against aren’t bad players, don’t kid yourself on that. I will say they have been playing top tier since my scene got the game and have changed mains. I have been sticking with Jin/Hugo so far.

I just want to say that MA~LK was making them not want to jump and really stifling their game plan known as the divekick. It seems to me that reacting to when they jump and not when they are in the air is key. Knowing the match helps after all I am a Rufus main in SSF4.

Won’t PS HP do the trick, i use that and MA-LK to Anti-air and PS on wake up, or am i playing ppl who just can’t cross up well. Besides every character will have a bad match up we can fight it how much we want it will nvr go away, I play Jin and Ogre and for someone like Rufus i usually just switch to Ogre, how do i do this when i get knock down (i dont know if this is good but it have been working) i play zone then when i have a bar and happen to get knock down i do ex PS into MLD and Tag it Ogre. Yea i wasted a bar but its worth it if im getting in Ogre who i deal with Rufus with well.

PS HP? I thought you could only link specials from PS?

Oh and i just thought of something, what if someone jumps in on you, and you do PS, MA LK to fly the fuck outta there lmao. I’m gonna try that tonight

Sorry i meant the HP version of PS, i dont know the start up of the different versions though…

Sall good.

Start up on all LP/MP/HP is 3f, and the only difference is how long you stay invincble. so LP/MP is usless for no…

Startup on EX is 0 frames.

But i do HP PS sometimes to wake up then MA-MP, do EX-PS MA-MP to run away or wait a split sec to do MLD to bring in Ogre

I try not to use MA lk.(get a lot of trading going on. I block the jump-in and MA mp the next attack. Jin makes the attack whiff and hits back :slight_smile: does NOT work on sweeps tho :frowning: and delay the mp do it to fast and you’ll get hit by the poke.

have any of u notice juggle cammy mid stage when you’re on the left side of the screen (SS lp , st. mk SS lp/mp) the st.mk never hits.

is it just me?

How safe is shun masatsu xx cadc and c.mk xx cadc?

(this is assuming my math and understanding of the mechanics is correct)

Forward dashing I don’t think it’s safe at all. Shun Masatsu is -5 on block, and Jin can’t CADC until 8 frames into the charge. That means by the time he can dash he’s at -3 frame disadvantage, and it takes 18 frames to forward dash. However, thanks to the space created if you back dash, CADCing shunmasatsu is fairly safe. I experimented earlier on and most usual reversals (Shoryukens and the like) can’t make the distance in time. Though I believe Ken’s EX shoryuken and extremely fast supers can catch you in a back dash.

cr.MK is even worse I’m afraid. It’s +1 on block but that still leaves 7 frames of start up before you can dash out of the charge.

cr.MP is a far better choice. It’s cancellable, and is a whopping +5 on block. Backdash cancelling out of a string of cr. LP, cr.LP, cr. MP is extremely safe, putting you outside the range of most normal reversals.

so i found a safejump against 4 frame DPs

LP Median Line Destruction -> dash -> j hk is a safejump

beats cammys reversal hk cannon spike (counter hit :slight_smile: )and blocks the lk,mk and the ex

dont know if mp and hp MLD works too, have to try out those later

edit: so, i tried the mp,hp version of MLD and it didnt work :confused:

btw. found another safejump against 4 frame reversal DP’s

everything to SS -> cr. hk (knockdown) -> cr. lp -> j. hk

I hate SS after cr.mk :frowning:


For some reason i can’t buffer it as good as from s.mk although it should be the very same motion (when you do d/f mk for the cr.mk)

Try the double qcf motion. Also, cr.MP has more frame advantage on hit or block.

I’m extremely happy you pointed this out, that cr.MP has more frame advantage…at first I was thinking, in this case I don’t really care about frame advantage because as long as i get cr.MK into SS lp out theres enough push back that I’m still ok to do what I want. What I didn’t realize is that even though cr.lp ,cr.mk, SS lp st. mk SS mp doesn’t work in the corner, it works if you substitue cr.lp,**cr.mp,**SS lp st.mk SS mp

THAT IS AMAZING…to me at least.

edit: so it turns out that its kind of random or timing specific, because it does indeed whiff…sometimes.

Again this is assuming my math and understanding of the mechanics is correct. cr. MP is +9 on hit, but cr. MK is +5 on hit, which is probably why cr. MP works in the corner. I’m wondering if in the corner you’re doing a string of cr.LP, cr. LP, cr. MP/MK, because of the pushback.
P.S. I consider Jin’s cr. MK to be kinda weird. It seems mega fast and has good range, but I’ve found his hitbox doesn’t extend to the tip of his foot. I think it ends at the ankle or maybe a little shallower. I wonder how much better it would be if they updated that and put it at the end of his foot.

You reading this capcom? Take notes for the next update ;p

Canceling Shun Masatsu skips the 2nd active frame and the 27 recovery frames, so he’d actually be at +23 for a special cancel and +15 when starting the dash. A dash forward should leave him at -3.

How’d you get +23 frames?