Jin Kazama thread

So I was watching this video earlier of Floe playing Jin…somewhere in these matches he does a hook/uppercut move but its EX.

he used it to push hugo away who was corner pressuring him…


matches start around the 5:05 mark.

How many pro players does it take to figure out how to use a 8arc stick? ^^;

They were right, that was Jin’s alpha counter.

oh ok, thats what it was

Question: Which do you think is a better safer option? Cr. LP - Cr. MKxxLP Penetrating fist or back dash cancel the Penetrating fist?

I’m assuming you mean on block… it really depends on who you’re playing. generally speaking backdash cancelling is better, but the normals you chose suck in block strings. You should be using some form of c.MP, so c.LP, c.MP, c.LK into whatever. And unless its gief, there’s really no incentive to back dash and let them out of pressure for free…

Speaking of which, what do you do against gief as Jin? I have thankfully run into few giefs lately, but still, better to be prepared.

Recently noticed that you can not do Special Stance while holding a button. This was messing up some of my combos because of my old anti-negative-edge habits. Like, I’d hold the fierce to keep from negative edging into Penetrating Fist, but as a result I wouldn’t get the SS cancel.

On some real shit…

FUCK Jin’s j.hk. Shit is too ambiguous. I’m so free to that shit as Law(no anti air O_O)

no on some real shit…
WHERE THE F**K is his anti air? Spent some time on Jin and i’ve used SS and a dash to get out of a jump-in situation, but i don’t know if its reliable in matches with larger characters. I’ll be in the lab

Has anyone tried incorporating Jin’s backdash out of SS, i’m having very mixed results with it because it is pretty gimmicky… lol. After seeing his attacks getting blocked and do the SS, i’ll cancel it in his backdash, after that i’ll go into MA. If they jump do LSK otherwise his MP. MA>MP will whiff on smaller characters i think but still get the pokes. If you want to get real gimmicky do another SS instead of MA, pretty funny.

As it was mentioned earlier best to just keep pressuring them though.

I thought doing his EX PS>MA>MP was going to be really hard after first trying it, but the window seems pretty big after practicing it more, especially doing it from his b.mp, lp/hp string. Really liking Jin so far.

I found that his SS back dash is really good for baiting reversals (dps)

MA->lk is gdlk anti air (sadly, not as last moment as dp, but if you read it…), but better, it’s so safe, you can just throw it, and it is so hard to punish on whiff!

Is anyone else having trouble with Jins BNB’s online? I mean, online in general is a problem, but after going from SS uppercut, I REALLY struggle going into st.mk—>SS.Medium puch. I can do it 100/100 times in training mode, but online I whiff it almost every single time. Is it a problem because of the lag, or am I just messing up during real matches? Or…a mix of both? Thanks for any input guys.

Jin’s backdash out of SS is great, mostly because you can double backdash (since the SS backdash doesn’t count as the real backdash it seems)

If you are upclose to a grappler and can get into a blockstring, you can cancel into SS, backdash twice and be almost fullscreen away, able to zone them out again.

after i started doing SS LP>sMK,sHK, EX PF, SS MP has not missed once. not sure what i can say other than practice :frowning:

I find it is impossible to hit Heihachi or Kazuya jump-ins with MA+LK. I have to hit them on, like, the up-arc of their jump by basically guessing with MA. If they are at the top and I try to react, they can just press MK (HK?) or whatever their amazing jump move is and I get cleanly hit out of it. It’s pretty sick.

Floe had some neat Jin tech at NCR top 8, which was the only SFxT I watched at NCR. He seemed to do a lot of suboptimal combos though? Don’t think I saw him use shun masatsu once…? It was basically just cr.LK and cr.MK as frame traps. Very little low strong, etc. He also did SS LP twice in combos because he prefers the setup (apparently), and it’s really good for tags… thoughts on this? I’ve been doing nothing but SS LP, st.MK xx SS MP.

Also, how did he combo out of fwd+LK overhead? I saw him do part of the 6-hit kazama combo, then stop and do a different chain into special step? I want more damage off my overhead besides kazama combo.

Against most characters MA+LK is not going to be a good reactionary anti-air. I usually just do MA when I expect a jump and then hit LK if they do. Even if you just throw it out it has very little recovery on whiff so it’s ok if you throw it out from time to time. If you react late try to train yourself to use MA+MP to go through their jump in, it’s pretty much his only good reactionary option against really good jump ins like Heihachi’s.

I think Floe just uses cr.MK alot because people like to hold back to try to get out of jab range in strings sometimes, which means cr.MK will often tag them. It’s good for getting your opponent to stay put, but of course Shun Masatsu is going to be the optimal combo ender off of a hit confirm if you’re in range for it. As far as ending combos in SS LP, I’m not a big fan of it personally (at least when you’re not going for a switch cancel) because you lose out on damage and it doesn’t grant a hard knockdown. MLD is the best combo ender for Jin imo, as you can throw a HP Fireball after it hits and be at advantage if they roll forward while the fireball will keep them in blockstun if they get up normally. But it’s hard to get all of the hits to connect after SS LP so right now I’m just sticking with SS MP.

You can combo out of the overhead by stopping at LK during the string and linking a cr.jab afterwards into whatever you like.

EDIT - Looks like i got Ninja’d. I’ll leave it here anyway lol:

Floe @ NCR


these two are special cases… especially Heihachi IMO. He’s got like 5 moves that cross up super ambiguously that are decent on block, lead to big damage if it hits, and oh yeah a counter that he can throw out for mixup to beat crouch teching and mashing since throwing woudlnt’ be viable lol. I agree here that it is tough to beat. I think its best to block here if you can’t catch them with MA LK. You might be ablt to do a risky last second PS>MA LK or even leave the PS off, but that is also super risky and will require some developing.

Although I like Floe’s jin, i dont not like his combos at all. He gives up a lot of damage with c.LP, c.LP, c.MK combos and basically loses a lot of mixup potential (IMO) by not using c.LK, c.LP, S.Masatsu. But to each his own. So far i’m preferring to end combos with SS LP, s.MK, s.HK EX PF, SSMP for really good damage. I use the meter because i play team floe (rufus first though) and i have a TON of meter whenever i bring him in. I havent’ really worked with any potential mixup from SSLP, but if he’s doing it, there’s got to be some advantage.

I do know that it does lead to good damage from a switch to rufus. Currently I’m only doing TC, wait, f.HP outside the corner, and following up with messiah in the corner, but still its a KD and rufus is deadly when the opponent is on their back…

f+LK > LP > LK is +4 on hit, so you can link a c.LM afterwards. so you can do things like:

f+LK > LP > LK, c.LP, S.Masatsu, etc etc or c.LP, c.MP/MK SS LP etc etc, or c.LP, cMP, s.HK, Launch etc etc. Also I found that if you stand next to someone on wakeup, have them block a jab, back dash, then f.LK you can hit for the combo :D.

So I won a local tourney this past weekend. Some notes for those interested.

The Rufus matchup isn’t as bad as many of you seem to think. If they like divekicks (which im sure they do if they use rufus) go for MA+LK Rufus will stop jumping in on you. Once you close down the divekicks Rufus is free.

Solid gold info.

Hiya, so this is coming from a SF perspective but your use of the special step wasn’t too bad, here’s the thing most people who throw fireballs especially from the SF4 school are going to be considering. There are specific ranges where it’s safe for them to throw one out without risk of being jumped in on. If you can walk just outside of that range they will feel safe and you can kind of predict when a fireball is coming and special step in response. Right now it feels like your just trying to do it on reaction. Know the range where they feel comfortable throwing and it will make special stepping through on reaction easier.

Using Jin’s fireball against other fireball users…since Jin’s startup on the normal one is pretty slow I would throw out the close one first to eat the incoming projectile. If you have meter and need some space, use an EX Fist using the one that has a ball in front of you to eat the incoming projectile and one on the opponent to disrupt their fireball game.