I think Jin has a better close-range game than Kazuya. He has +Frames on more normals than Kaz does, and his overhead is so amazing. If the overhead hits, easy combo into any kind of cancel you want, if it’s blocked perform his 5 hit string for a whopping +4 on block into frametraps…so it’s a win-win. Compared to Kaz: his qcb+P two-hit overhead is very unsafe, and b+HK overhead is unsafe as well. At the highest potential Kaz is probably better because of perfect EWGF combos for 500 damage meterless (which are also safe on block), but Jin in my opinion is still better up close because of an easily applied, frame advantageous offense.
On the topic of Jin vs. balls of fire
I wouldn’t recommend using Power Stance as the focal point of an anti-fireball strategy. It’s good with situational use, but he takes damage during it. Try these options to safe your life bar from unnecessary pain.
-Retaliate with your own Jin orbs, but not in the generic trade 1 for 1 sense. If you place one correctly, your opponent has no choice but to either jump over it or shoot their own to negate it. Once you get a fireball on screen first, you dictate the pace of the match. Here is the option tree if YOU place one of his awesome delayed fireballs on screen:
*(fireball on screen), they jump, you AA
*(fireball on screen), they pause and fireball to negate, you jump/walk/SS towards and try to punish OR move forward to gain better positioning
*(fireball on screen), they do nothing and wait, you walk/SS towards them to push them towards the corner
Alternatives: charge the fireball input and make it look like you’re going to shoot one, but only briefly. Dash when forward you think your opponent has visually confirmed this. If they’ve been conditioned by your solid fireball game, they’ll probly want to jump once they see you about to shoot. You AA! If they do nothing, you’ve just gained slight positional advantage with your CADC forward.
-Jin’s super BODIES fireballs and has ridiculous range (it begins with two medium range projectiles, and he’s invincible too)
-Walk forward and block a few. Once you’re into SS~LP range your opponent has to be careful. If the Ryu (for example) likes to CADC fake a lot at this range, just check with SS~backdashes to keep yourself safe and possibly force a whiff. If you get a good read on poorly placed fireballs go for SS~LP, st.MK xx SS~LP [TC] into your next character for big damage.