Jin Kazama thread

LK as in just st. lk? What happens when Rufus changes is dive kick timing slightly and you get counter hit out of it, or he does it later and it punishes the st. lk? Was it worth that attempt at a 30 damage AA? Anti airing is a dangerous game, you have to be absolutely sure it’s going to work cause in this game you risk 50% of your health every time.

Anyone else finding power stance>> MA >> SW is amazing against jump ins. It seems like you can even punish a jump in before they land with power stance >> lvl 3 super depending on the height

After the LLRK xx switch cancel, you have to be perfect with timing a low hitting attack to otg them, for instance some c.lp did not work but c.lk did…with Lili. Again I think it is more useful at the 2 bar level after a ex PS xx MA xx SW combo then you can force stand and reset for 700+ damage

Yeah but at the same time you do have to be able to AA everything…Good AA game is the cornerstone of a successful ground game

Are there any tricks to getting SS out of c.hp? I can’t seem to do it consistently to save my life. :confused:

one qcf pre d.hp one durring to buffer

You don’t HAVE to AA anything. Honestly, all I’m saying is that a lot of the time it’s safer to just block and wait till he puts himself at disadvantage then start pressing buttons. Or jump back RH. It’d be nice if you could AA him consistently, but it’s not even worth trying considering how much health you lose every time he connects a dive kick.

I think it’s easier to just hold d/f while doing cr.hp, then let go and do a qcf. Just do it slow at first cause it is awkward but soon it’s pretty easy.

I find cr.hp xx ss lp to be a great frame trap tool. I often use it after the kazama 5 hit combo (after the 4th hit) or off any jab, especially walk-up jab pressure. They are both +4 on block making it a 3 frame gap, which to me is about an ideal frame trap.

That’s what I started doing, as I make absolutely no progress with qcf x2. It’s still the most unintuitive thing ever, in my opinion. Can do it just fine off a standing normal, just gets stupid off a crouching one. Let alone when I try to do it after c.lk c.lp c.hp. Throws off my timing entirely.

Do you mind If I post some of these matchup notes In my matchup thread?

Oh and for everyone that doesnt know. We got a matchup thread.

What gems does everyone use with jin?

I’m going to ask this in both threads… I"m learning to play with both Kazuya and Jin (not ont he same team…). Does any one play with Kazuya AND Jin? Do we have an idea of who’s better?

I use all launcher gems for Jin.
there’s the meter builder for jin’s launches, and one for partner launches into jin, and the damage one +20% when the partner launches into Jin. Or something like that.

This is mad scrubby, and feels to me like wake up guess down parry, but if you’re locked down and your opponent likes to try hit you with meaty c.lk or empty jump c.lk etc, wake up HP+HK tag cancel. If they low, you crush it, into tag combo, if they block, well, I tested it by recording Jin and Nina to do this, and played ryu. I’d block the launcher, then lp dp, and be able to catch Nina but not Jin. If I tried to c.lp, i’d either trade or get beaten by Nina’s jab. If Nina runs in and just blocks, I think you get a free DP on Jin.

It basically boils down to a 50/50 guess, like wake up parrying. You spend 1 bar and maybe hit them for 300 damage, they spend 1 bar canceling the DP and hit you for 300.

Blocking is always the best option, but it can’t hurt to at least have some bullshit to make people think twice about all those low shorts.

launchers have low invincibilty. Also when jin gets tagged in from a launcher or dp on block, do MA xx mp. Most people either dp or kab and it beats both those options. I think MA MP is really good in general, 10 frame start up invincibility.

Also are you guys using SS Uppercut to tag cancel? or MA Leaping Side Kick? Uppercut seems to work better for my team, but I got styled on in ranked by a friend using Jin/Kaz who tag canceled out with the leaping kick in the corner.

I use :hp: MLD for tag combos. It lets you get a jumpin for your partner.

Ma xx lk does more damage, so i would use that. MLD has less juggle potential and is too inconsistant, but there seems to be some cool juggles you can do with it.

Anyone found reliable set ups for his tag in overhead? I’ve been trying to tag him in during wall bounces but the timing is really rough to get the juggle.

I should rephrase, is there any decent set up for his overhead glitch?

looks like both Rufus and Hwoarang have fairly easy setups for it mid screen at least, from the WNF footage.