Jin Kazama thread

when Jin is tagged in you could do c.mp s.mk xx SS MP. Or in the corner, c. mp c.mp c.mp c.hp xx SS MP

Man, not being able to anti air is so annoying! at this point, I’ve resorted to block then Alpha counter as my anti air…unfortunantly sometimes Jin just goes past the opponent, leaving me to get punished… :confused: Its just stupid how no matter what I do, I cant stop jump ins for free. Even mental alertness to dragon fang sucks…

I’ve got him on point, with Ken or Ibuki behbind him. Both can help Jin create some nasty tag juggles, for a small meter price.

After a tag in, if I’m not going to continue the juggle, I go for back mp, back hp, MA-> sweep or dragon fang. That sets up an untechable knockdown, for the same amount of damage and its a bit easier. But if I want more damage, I’ll go for a super or a tag cancel.

Hey i was trying to do the trials of jin but i cant seem to get it how i get the special step to work. it says forward N or a star in this thread wich i have no clue where both stand for, so first i thought i stands for any button but that cant be right cause i can do the move with lucky by mashing down forward. So please anyone tell me how to do the special step of Jin =(

forward bring the stick to a neutral point down then downforward.

for longer methods to make it easier you can do two qcf motions or

Forward then a halfcircle motion sinice that would make the stick cross the neutral point

Incase you guys need frame data. The char names should be on either ze top or ze bottom.


What characters do you guys think Jin fairs well against? I’m mainly concerned with how well he handles Rufus Hugo and Rolento but knowing his favorable matchups goes a long way towards deciding who to pair him with.

Rufus fucks him up free. He does ok versus most of the cast it seems. Jin seems like the character that can nullify zoning pretty well with his SS and projectile thing. Footsies will be important for Jin since he can get good damage off of st. mk xx special step into whatever. Those seem to be Jin’s strengths. Other then that, he’s kinda meh.

For the tag-in combo I find that Shun Masatsu -> MA :lk: is pretty good, not sure how it compares to the above in damage, but I find it works :slight_smile:

How does that work? Wouldn’t the attack whiff on most of the cast since the hitbox is so high?

I just do, Strong, Strong, Step Strong Finisher. If I want to keep going, which in reality doesn’t add that more damage, but it looks awesome, I replace the finisher with Fierce Median Line Destruction, to tag.

I dont feel the Rufus beats Jin easily at all. LP/MP Fireball and MA-> Lk or Mp are great against Rufus.

Rufus is a fucking tough matchup, but one trick I did against a rufus player is that when he’s doing divekick pressure, I would do hp powerstance xx special step. This escapes crossup divekicks, and if it doesn’t crossup you can do ss uppercut which is mostly safe against rufus I think? And the distance from the uppercut will at least give you a little breathing room.

I don’t find Rolento a huge problem. I find that almost every Rolento presses a button of some sort after the blocked first rekka, usually that standing jab. You can MA xx MP to get that pressure off you.

I played a good guile player earlier, and surprisingly enough Jin handles Guile pretty well (as well as Abel but that’s a different story.) You can use powerstance to nullify his projectile then cancel into your own fireball at the appropriate range to hit him, and it’s hard for him to deal with that I find. After the guile player learned I was doing that he would throw a slow one and follow it, but I would use powerstance xx Lp fireball, and he couldn’t really get through that for the most part. And of course, you have special step to get through sonic booms but anyways.

I think we should start a matchup thread. We are lucky enough where I live to have a pretty big arcade/fighting game scene and I’ve been getting a lot of matchup experience against lots of different characters. If we could get other people to contribute that would be great too.

It doesn’t whiff, I think the second hit on Shun Masatsu hits the enemy high enough to make cancelling into the MA Lk hit.
Hit it up in the lab :slight_smile:

He’s right, it was the very first tag in combo I started doing for Jin and it’s never failed for me. I might try to start doing the cr.mp, st.mk xx ss mp though.

That AA requires a lot of preemption and doesn’t cover a lot of the space where Rufus will be dive kicking you at.

Use LK as genuine AA while using MP as a move to halt Rufus’ pressure when hes grounded.

I agree that Jin’s AA in general is just terrible tho

Not only that but if you were to react to a jump in (lets say Ryu), MA LP will lose to a jump in most of the time (unless its an empty jump).

So I found that you can cause the re-stand state by doing SS xx LLRK xx Switch Cancel…whatever. Pretty cool if you have a hard hitting second character, even though Jin can do about 400 ish by himself with a bar

For the life of me I can’t get this to work. Can I do a normal bnb into Uppercut launcher, then st.MK xx SS LLRK then immediately tag in Steve Fox and press a normal to restand them?

Cos they go into a slower floaty juggle state. Do I need to catch them on the floor?

From what I’ve been noticing, it seems you simply need to tag while it’s hitting, during the hitstop of the move. Not after it has hit.