Jin Kazama thread

Here’s how I work in Jin’s overhead:

St.LP, walk forward, st.LP, walk forward, st.LP, walk forward, st.LP, walk forward st.LP… etc

Usually my opponent is tempted to press buttons and get hit. What that happens I’ll either go into st.LP, boost combo, or st.LP, st.MP Special Step LP.

But sometimes they’ll just keep blocking, and that’s when I sneak in a forward+LK into 6-hit combo (still learning how to combo off second-last hit).



You can chain into the over head off of the far lp mp chain, but you get no combo out of it. I think for the most part I’m going to keep overhead usage for after knockdowns. I even tried testing using the overhead after blocked j. hk’s, but there’s still too much of a gap to make that viable.

Seems like Jin will have some solid tools to compete with, but he’s definitely not one of the strongest characters.

Is there a shorcut for median line destruction ? I always have trouble doing it from crouching.

Press down forward with your crouching attack. Like DF+Mk, then back, then forward again and a punch.

I think it’s still too soon to really say whether or not he’s the strongest. However, playing him makes his C.Viper inspired alt make a lot of sense. I haven’t tested everyone but Jin seems like one of the most technical fighters of the roster, like she is in SSFIV.

What are you guys using for Jin’s BnB combo’s? He seems pretty hard to use for me, and I find combo’ing into SS really hard, anyone have any tips for that?
Jin is an old time favourite of mine, but I haven’t played Tekken proplerly since Tekken 3, so I dont know much about his moves and stuff, but hes a character I would like to stick with and learn. :slight_smile:

I’m using Jumping Roundhouse, which also makes good cross-ups, then Crouching Strong, link to Back Strong, chain to Fierce, cancel to Step, to the Launcher Uppercut, then pick up with Standing Forward, to Step, to the finisher you do with Strong.

That’s 370 damage. Although I’m working on the machinegun blow he has for tag combos.

What frame-traps are you guys using?

It’s so hard to hit that special step to strong after the standing kick. Jin is one of the hardest guys to learn in this game that’s for sure. Gonna be a while before I get back online with him.

When you want to do the step, remember to hold forward while you press the button of the attack.

For instance, I go from down, to back for the link of the strong, and then I hold forward while I chain the Fierce, and right after it hits, I do a QCF to get the step. Now I hardly ever drop it, at least in training mode.

You know, I’m still waiting on a response to what good reversals Jin has. Everything he has has so much startup execution wise it’s kinda pathetic.

His best reversal from what I saw is MAxx Swaying willow, or EX Power stance into MAxx Swaying Willow. But yeah his reversals fuckin blow.

Messing around with Leon’s combo, I edited it a little and found some nice damage. (well, to me at least)

j. HK, B. MP~LP(or HP, which oddly works), cancel into Ex. Power stance xx MA xx Swaying willow, B.MP~LP again, cancel into special step LP, cr. HK.

Hope I typed that right, too sleepy to check the legend ^^;. Anyway, that’s 425 damage by itself. And the CH Swaying willow in the middle opens up quite a few more possibilities.

On another note, and I’m not sure if this has been found or shared yet, but Jin can dash cancel his special step at startup. The notation is something like: F ,HCF , B. He’ll start the special step but immediately dash backwards. This might help get Jin out of strings that go bad.

Does Jin have his EWHF. I know he has his normal WHF from special stance but does he have the just frame ex version like Kazuya?

As far as frametraps go, up close doing the Kazama 5 hit (or 6 hit) and ending on the 2nd to last hit is real good (so lp, lk, mp, lp); the string has hardly any pushback, it’s +4 and typically when opponents see you doing a longer string like that, they won’t be pressing buttons. It’s a perfect setup for either a grab, or a counterhit cr.hp xx ss lp

So my go to frametraps are the aforementioned Kazama 5 hit ending on the 2nd to last hit into either grab, or cr.hp xx ss something, or honestly walk up jabs are great in this game too. I’ll pressure a lot with walk up jabs, then throw a counterhit cr.hp in there in case i know they’re pressing buttons.

Anyways, I’d say Jin’s got 3 main problems right now:

Low damage - It’s disheartening to hear how everyone and their dog gets at least 300-400 off bnb’s and poor Jin has to use meter do anything comparable.

No good reversal - MA xx Swaying willow is about as good as it gets, it seems. At least it’s safe on block

No good reaction anti-airs - his MA xx leap kick is good if you can predict the jump, but that’s about it.

That being said, I like Jin and I’m gonna stick with him, it’s only week 1 so hopefully we’ll find some new tech to make him beastmode.

Swaying willow isnt safe, its -3. It has decent pushback so its hard to punish but it isnt safe against a good amount of characters. Mainly anyone with armored moves or a command grab.

c.HP and nj.LK are ok anti-airs. better than what a good amount of characters lack it seems…

After SW, I dash forward and do cr. mp > cr. fp and continue the combo.

Reversals aren’t that important anyways. It’s not like block string throw mix ups and oki is dangerous in this game or anything. Plus, if you get pressured you can mash back dash anyways.

Meh, he’s got like one kinda technical thing. He’s hard to combo with at all.

Where do you guys put Jin and who is he partnered with? Also, what kind of tag cancels do you tag him out with? All I’ve got so far is EWGF during a combo.

I tag him out with whatever xx SS uppercut (LP) s. mk xx SS uppercut (LP) tag cancel.
Also I’m playing him 1st, because I don’t really use meter with him, only to either tag cancel into my partner (Nina) or EX PS MA SW combo’s.

Edit: @Dami Segun, I haven’t seen anything or anyone saying he does. I’m sure someone has tested it but I’ll give it a crack tonight. I’m terrible at EWGF in Tekken, but setting the dummy to All Block makes it pretty easy to gauge the difference (at least with Kaz) because it pushes him back further and has more chip damage. Someone else possibly already knows though.

Im partnering Jin with Sagat right now. I like to build meter with Sagat (throwing plasma) then get inside, tag Jin in, and go nuts.

Yea I hate how slow Jins overhead is, I like it for his wakeup game but just throwing it in after a block string or something you will just get poked out of it. If you are also further away if and when it connects then the 6 hit chain combo wont fully connect. I typically try to go for more cross ups out of block strings than use the OH, every once in awhile its good to throw it in though.

I also agree that Jins biggest weakness is probably anti airing. He can do it, but like others have said which attack you use is very situational. They can be inconsistent at times too… especially his cr. HP. I feel like it trades or loses more often than it works :(.

I dont agree that his damage is bad though, his easy damage isnt that great, but if you work a little harder than you can get solid damage. Speaking of which what is Jins best combo when he is tagged in off a launcher? I have just been doing MK -> SS uppercut.

I wasnt going to take this game seriously but ever since I took Jin into the lab I have found this game so much fun. He can be tricky to use but he does have sick options and you can really play your own personal style. You have to be pretty good at blocking to use him IMO because a lot of situations you wont be AAing but just have to block the incoming mixup… I actually enjoy blocking so it works out perfectly.

How do most of you approach with Jin?