Jin Kazama thread

Ive been doing cr. jab st.forward its exactly a 3 frame window so often youll get a counter hit

Can jin combo off of his hell sweep?

What’s the point of Jin’s power fists in this game? I’m sorry if this is a stupid question. Also what’s a good way to start a combo for Jin?

If by hell sweep you mean the one he has in his dash, then yes but only into the 2k/overhead followup, so not really.

Are you talking about his power stance, or penetrating fist? I think the fireball use is obvious, power stance hasn’t really been delved into yet but it’s nice if you’re opponent is just pressing buttons or you expect them to do a shoryu of some sort, to punish it.

One trick I do with powerstance is, at mid/long range when my opponent is trying to zone me, is do powerstance to absorb their fireball then immediately do whatever PF fireball is in range to hit them. It’s sort of a way to nullify/take them out of their zoning game, but don’t do it too often.

Thx, yeah sorry about that. I was going by his tekken stuff, so yeah hell sweep is ss mk.

is Jin’s overhead glitch kick still in the game or was it patched with that 20MB update?

Having a hard time anti-airing with Jin. What do you guys use to anti air, or should I just work on parrying their jump ins?

Neutral jump HP.

you can also use his leaping side kick, but got to time it right.

haven’t tried parry jump ins, but it will probably work too.

@djKun - nice. against ppl that are just rushing seems good, just got to be careful not to abuse that otherwise they’ll probly empty jump into grab=p

What is a good anti air attack for Jin? Jump ins are giving me a hard time with him.

c.HP, Mental altertness> LK, EX Power Stance> anything, nj.LK, s.LK and cl.HK all anti-air.
none of them is a “go-to” Anti-air though, so you’ll have to play around and see what works best in what situation.

I feel like nj.MK would be a great Anti-air he kicks straight above his head need to test this.

On deep jump ins, you can use Mental Alertness to go through their jump in and cancel into Swaying Willow. They’ll have time to block but at least they won’t be able to jump in for free. cr.HP works decently at mid range.

yes it is still in the game.

Does anyone have Jin’s frame data?
I’m pretty sure that a lot of us would be incredibly thankful if it was posted.

is it his F + LK?
i’ve done it so many times in training mode on jumping opponents, even as counterhits and they fall at a normal speed, is it only an online bug?

Its his inner axe combo, it should still be in there. On 360, we still have it.

it needs to be the one from the 1,2,3 string, and the first 2 hits must whiff.

nvm figured it out

So far I think it’s safe to say Jin’s weaknesses are his lack of good AA, and mediocre over head option. That shit is so slow you can’t really work in into pressure out of fear of getting hit by a light normal into launcher.