Jin Kazama Q & A Thread

Devil Rollllll~

And Piep, Call it by its name! It’s the Right Roundhouse Punch, which is done with SSMP. =D

Very interesting thanks!. Now I’m fearing that he may be nerfed on the 31th patch, probably they will nerf his jabs and I’m ok with that, but I hope most of his tools stay in place. btw can you combo out of his alpha counter?

Yes you can, and it´s one of his best tools.
His Alpha Counter is fast, safe and launches the enemy high enough to do 300+ damage combos even midscreen. You just need to tag cancel it like every alpha counter, as these things use up all your juggle points generally.

I don´t think his jabs will be nerfed, maybe he´ll get a few more recovery frames on MA LK and MA HP. He is one of the chars whose frame trapping isn´t done by lp alone, but rather the lp>mp target combo. I don´t think they´ll nerf this as they´re focusing on jabs alone seemingly. I´m no fortune teller however, so I might be wrong :wink:

Thanks, good to know!

Another question, I’ve seen some vids where jin does is overhead target combo and then he links into the launcher if I remember well, or maybe it was a special move, in any case, I simply cannot make it work, all I can do the is full target combo and nothing else, is there some kind of trick to get the launcher out of the combo?

It is possible to link anything you want after that, you just have to link a normal at a special point in the chain. You can do Overhead>Punch>Punch [sorry, I don´t know the inputs for the Kazama 6 Hit combo because I´m doing option selects with the 3P button] then link cr.lp and do whatever you want after that. You can´t link anything after the overhead alone, you´ll always have to do a part of the chain. Comboing after the fifth hit is also possible (and a bit easier), but it scales your combos harder and may push you too far away to link anything.

My overhead combos:
Overhead>Punch>Punch, cr.lp, launcher
Overhead>Punch>Punch, cr.lp, b.mp>lp xx SSLP, st.mk xx Power Stance xx H Median Line
Overhead>Punch>Punch, cr.lp xx H Median Line TAG [really good damage if you tag partner is capable of good juggles, my most used overhead combo]
Overhead>Punch>Punch, cr.lp xx Super
And if you wanna style and have a nice combo challenge:

Overhead>Punch>Punch, cr.lp, cr.hp xx EX Power Stance xx Mental Alertness MP, dash cr.mp, b.mp>lp xx SSLP, st.mk xx Power Stance xx H Median Line

I´d always go for the first if you wanna tag, for the second if you wanna have decent damage without a tag and for the third if you want the most damage of it. The fourth combo is just a cool round ender basically.

Thank you for those combos, you’re really helpful Piepmatz, and no more questions that I can think of right now :slight_smile:

Just wanted to thank Piepmatz and Shinku for the tips they gave me a while ago. It really helped my game with Jin.

I have another problem now that I need help with, though. I’m currently trying to get one of Jin’s fireball combos down. It goes

Shun Masatsu > SS > lp > st. mk > LP/MP EX Penetrating Fist > SS > EWHF

I never use any meter with Jin so I think this is a good place for me to start with some BnB 1 meter combos. The problem I’m having is nailing the EX Penetrating Fist after the st.MK. I’m finding it really, REALLY hard to position my fingers and hand in a way to be able to hit both LP and MP and then get that SS afterwards. Any help?

Personally, this combo is more for flash than damage when using 1 meter. There is a better option for more damage and the option to tag:

Whatever, Shun Masatsu xx Ex Powerstance xx Mental Alertness MP, dash, cr.mp, cr.hp xx SS LP, st.mk xx Powerstance xx H Median Line <— No Tag version
Whatever, Shun Masatsu xx Ex Powerstance xx Mental Alertness MP, dash, cr.mp, cr.hp, Launcher <— Tag version with a LOT of damage with Kings Knees [thats your team, right?]

Both combos net ~450 damage depending on the starter. The fireball one will do less damage and knock the opponent into a less favorable position than Median Line offers. If you need that extra bit damage while leaving Jin in, I´d go for combo 1.

If you want max damage for a meter with switch canceling, this one should work best for your team:

Whatever, Shun Masatsu xx SS LP, st.mk xx Powerstance xx H Median Line TAG Knee, Knee, Knee, Knee, Powerbomb <— This should be your max damage combo for a meter (I think, I´m not a King players, sorry).

I hope this was helpful.

Piep, I’m having trouble linking the EX PS to MA after Shun Masatsu. I can do it without the Shan Masatsu first, but the timing is off when I do.

Edit: seems like I gotta wait a bit after the second hit of Shun Masatsu before activating EX PS.

Ya know, Piep, if you want a Better Combo with less Damage Scaling, Cr. Mp link to Cr. Hp can be changed into a standing Roundhouse Kick, because Jin’s RH is Special Move Cancellable and it makes him step forward enough to continue the combo.

I also tend to rely on st. MK since I figured shorter combos usually mean more damage due to less scaling. I still gotta learn to SS-cancel from Cr.Mp > Cr. Hp though. I haven’t gotten it once yet.

Anyway here’s a video of me playing as my usual team. I’m hoping you guys could give me some tips? I have a really hard time against Vega, Hugo and Dictator as Jin. I keep reading that Jin’s pokes are fast and safe and that Vega has good reach but his pokes are slow to come out. As you can see in this video, I try to beat him to the poke punch a few times and get owned.


Ah, yeah I often use the far st.rh in that situation myself. I just thought damage would be higher with the additional mp hp link in there, didn´t test the numbers myself. Thanks for the correction.

Okay! So first thing I noticed is that you use your Chain Launchers just a little too much, and at the wrong times. That and you put so many Jabs and Shorts into it that your damage scaling for the incoming character is ridiculous. If you’re gonna do a chain launcher, do like that Guile did, and chain together a bunch of Special Commands, or at least some heavier moves (For Jin, I do c.Mp->c.Mp->St.RK->Launcher) Your Damage will thank you.

Second, Jin’s pokes come from using his Jabs and Low Shorts efficiently. For example, in SF4, the Typical Shoto Conversion is c.Lk, c.Lp, c.Mp into Hadoken. For Jin, we have to change our conversions due to our fireball being a little less useful. Unlike Shotos though, Jin can follow up with a good target combo. If you get into a poking war, Jin’s Standard Conversion is c.Lk, c.Lp, c.Mp, Shun Messatsu. From there, you can cancel into anything you want. For the sake of Optimization, you can also just do c. Jab, c. Jab, Shun Messatsu as well. The Lk just makes it easier for you to open them up due to being a short.

Third, Vega is a poking ‘monster’ in this game. But Jin has the Ultimate Weapon, Mental Alertness. I say this because MA will duck out of Low, High, and Mid (not overhead) attacks, to which you then use his follow up ‘Swaying Willow’ to fish for a Counter Hit against Vega. Even if you don’t get it, a Punch to the face will make Vega think twice about mindlessly poking you. The best part is that you can use MA just after you block and Aeriel attack, since more people try to go low anyway after such a move. Just be warned for people who try to Neutral Jump after an Air attack, you’ll need to swiftly respond to that with an Expertly timed Leaping Side Kick or to just get out of the way with Swinging Fist Strikes. MA gets eaten alive by Overhead stuff, so be careful.

One more thing, learn how to CADC and -Crouch Cancel- your Special Step. The CADC Part will make your Damage Maximum, and the Crouch Cancelling makes the CADC Combos even stronger.

Shinku, how do you link the c. mp > c. mp > st. mk? I can do the first two hits but the pushback is so huge that the kick won’t connect?

You don’t. In that situation is just better to do c.Mp to st. Mk. After two c. Mp, Jin won’t be able to connect anything that isn’t Far Standing Roundhouse Kick, and even then, only because it’s part of a Chain.

double hadoken motion works consistently enough for me in combos. outside of combos, I input it precisely. I suspect that I can’t do the true input fast enough during combos for it to come out every time.

Is his st. MK special cancelable? I think it is, but I can’t seem to do SS Lp, st. Mk, SS Mp yet.

Indeed it is Prophet. You see, Standing MK is able to be SS’d into anything from any point in the combo.

Make sure you press forward at the same time you do the Standing MK, that way you already have 1 part of the input in the attack

Thanks Shinku, I’ve practiced a bit since then, and now I’m starting to get it consistently, but I’m using the double hadoken motion to do it so it’s taken a while to get it to work properly. I only just found out that his st. Hk is sp. cancelable too :smiley:

Well the far standing version is.

Any idea about how to combo st.mk xx Power Stance xx Hp Median Line, I’ve been hours trying to nail this combo but it’s so damn hard, most of the time either I chain mk with hp, or I’m late from the power stance into hp median line, then I see jibbo does it all the time like nothing so either he has godly execution or I’m missing something here.