Jin Kazama Q & A Thread

Swaying Willow only causes a lot of stun on counter hit. You have to force a counter hit mid-combo by using EX Power Stance before Mental Alertness. Just do the EX Powerstance and then input down+kkk for the Mental Alertness (strange timing, requires some practice, so don´t give up). It´s a 4 frame link I think.

The best extension you can do after EX Swaying Willow is walk up mp, hpXSS LP into whatever you want.

Hello friend, as my co-hort in Jin-A-Nomics above me (Pierpmatz) said, you have to get an EX Power Stance after the Shun Masatsu, then do Mental Alertness to Swaying Willow in order to get the Stun you need to do that combo.

As for Cancelling MORE moves into SS, you can also do cr. Mp and cr. Hp if you do a kind of Double Hadoken Motion as soon as the Normal Connects. I do it all the time for my Charge Attack Dash Cancel (CADC) Moves.

Ah yeah, canceling into SS isn´t a super big issue, there are some tricks you can use.

Like ShinkuGadoken said, a double hadoken motion is one way, but personally I prefer holding forward right until the normal you want to cancel from hits, then go neutral and do a hadoken motion. This also is pretty straight forward, you just have to remember not sliding to down when hitting the normal.

Oh, and I´ll just list the best meterless combo for midscreen and in the corner so you can start maximizing your damage when you feel comfortable canceling into SS (starter is his crossup):

Midscreen: j.hk, (cr.mp), shun masatsu XX SS lp, st.mk XX Power Stance XX Median Line Destruction HP

This Combo is his best damage option midscreen (afaik) and offers an awesome opportunity for switch canceling because of Median Line´s 5 hits. You can omit the cr.mp at the start but I like to add it on very deep crossups when I´m not sure which side I´ll land on (Jin´s crossup is amazing for these).

Corner: j.hk, (cr.mp), shun masatsu XX SS lp, cr.mp, cr.hp, cr.mp, cr.hp XX SS mp

This one is just like the midscreen combo until SS lp. The you have to hit the first cr.mp reall early to juggle them as high as possible for the first cr.hp. With the last two normals you have to lower the juggle height, if not you´ll swoop under them with SS.

Sorry for the writeup, but I thought this may come in handy for a Jin beginner :slight_smile:

You sir make me want to do battle with your Jin, your knowledge of his battle prowess intrigues me.

Which system are you on? My internet is kinda fast so we may be able to get a good connection even though i´m European. I´m on Xbox and ready for matches anytime :slight_smile:

I’ll be picking up an Xbox soon, so we’ll be able to play soon enough friend.

Yay, looking forward to it. Jin mirrors are always interesting.

Ok I need some help, I’ve seen some videos where after a tag, Jin does b.mp, lp, dash, cr.mp, cr.hp ss mp(at least it looks like that to me9 , however I can’t dash properly out of b.mp, lp to combo. Any help?

Yup, you saw exactly what they do. This is his best post launcher and MA LK meterless combo.
What you do here is dash canceling the b.mp, lp with a fireball charge. You have to do the QCF+P motion, but don´t release the punch button and instead input the dash to cancel his charge animation. After the dash do a cr.mp as quick as possible.

Feels horrible at the beginning, but you´ll do these easily in a few days. For training, I suggest setting the dummy to jump with you catching him with MA LK trying to do the combo above after the hit. This combo is possible at ANY height, however the lower they are the harder it gets. If you want a nice challenge try doing it of Julia´s launcher :slight_smile:

I hope this helped, if not feel free to ask further questions.

Thanks a lot I should have thought about the fb dash cancel, I’ll check it out it looks like a lot of inputs in a very short time lol. I’ve been training jin for not too long but he seems a lot of fun right now.

It´s quite the bunch of inputs compared to the many no-effort post launcher stuff other characters use. However, everything of that string up to the dash part can be heavily buffered, thus it´s easier to get the dash on the first frame possible. It´s really just a matter of training, but also remember to practice it in real matches.

I officially dubbed that move ‘The Devil Roll’ due to how fluently Jin can roll his opponents on that combo alone. Plus, any good MA->LK Combo easily becomes a 400 Damage Punish.

Wow I thought it would be easier, but I’m getting better at it, it’s not ready for using it in matches though, but the extra damage is worth it, i’ll keep training.

I need to say however that I never thought jin would be so amazing! he’s a lot of fun and does SO MUCH DAMAGE lol. He even has a decent zoning game and so many tools, wow I didn’t expect him to be this good. I use him with Poison, she is well rounded overall but lacks on damage and tag combos, so she does really well with jin since she’s a great battery and her long normals open lots of tags for Jin to finish the job, and jin with ex is godly, he does so much damage on his own that he doesn’t need a heavy tag combo partner.

Yeah, poison isn´t too great at expanding combos unfortunately. However, switch cancelling from Jin to her is still important in my opinion, because you can play (if limited) footsies with st.mk buffered into H.Median Line. If you hit an opponent with one of these, you can do a j.hk into whatever (don´t know what can be done with poison). Thats another good tool to make your opponent fear walking forward when near you, as they can be hit for 400 damage easily by walking into your foot… If you hit them once or twice with that combo, they´ll start to approach with jumps and then your MA.LK fun begins :slight_smile:

Well you’re right, st.mk hp median line ex tag into poison j.hp, cr.mp, hk srk gives an impressive 424 damage, thanks for that. However it’s pretty risky as a footsie isn’t it? h.median line is -10 on block and it’s hard to hit confirm the st.mk so you could be potentially wasting an ex just to avoid the full combo punish. Most of the times I footsie with s.mk, ss launcher thats only -3 on block and can get you a lot of damage on hit, and you can go for the ss mixup if you read the block. On the other hand, cr.mp, st.mk etc is very easy to hit confirm for 422 dmg nice though a lot less range, so that goes on my bnb list from a cr.mp with 1 ex if I need a tag thanks sir!.

Yeah, only use that as a long range punish or when you´ve got 1 meter or more. This isn´t meant to be the go-to pressure tool, just another option he has. If I face opponents who don´t neutral jump much, I just do st.hk xx SSlp. Your right, thats safe against everyone except Julia with 2 meters. You really have to be on point with your footsies though, as this isn´t Jin´s best skill.
Every additional option you have is helpful for Jin. Thats what makes him great, he has an answer for nearly everything if you play patient.

Devil Rollllllllllll~

I’m quite new to Jin so… what?

what happens here? [media=youtube]D9aYtQJgnws[/media] 26:29 , jin cancels st.mk -> power stance -> median line, why?

Yeah, that st.mk xx Power Stance xx Hp Median Line is his most damaging midscreen bnb. the powerstance before Median Line causes it to hit with all five hits instead of only four. Really awkward motion, you´ll need some time to learn this. Awesome for tag combos and damage, also rewards a bit more meter because of the additional special move.

Oh, and “Jin Roll” is Shinku´s nickname for the Shun Masatsu dash cr.mp cr.hp xx SSMP combo. I have to admit, the name is catchy and I guess I´ll have to steal it :wink: