thanks, I think ive got it down now it just like clicked’ for me the other day… I have another question though, whats the best punisher for jin?
What’s the trick to landing after a SS uppercut? Sometimes I get it, sometimes I don’t (easier to do against bigger characters). Am I hitting uppercut too early and thus being too far to land the Does walking forward a split second before the mk help?
To make sure you always hit the after the uppercut walk slightly forward, this way you can hit them pretty damn late with the
I just press forward immediately and then after first uppercut, never misses.
Best punishers for Jin, although this heavily depends on your second character so experiment with it, but overall it’s something like this:
*No meter *linking into launcher, example,, cr.hp/>launcher…juggle second character…
*1 meter *If possible go into Shun masatsu xx EX Powerstance xx swaying willow, dash,, cr.hp>launcher.
*2 meter *Shun Masatsu xx SS.lp, xx super.
*3 meter *Same, only you go into crossart, generally only does 50 more damage, not really worth it.
i only tag after second uppercut if was unable to confirm my attacks were hitting, like xx SS.lp.
I know i’m a noob, i just picked up SFxT and it’s my first real fighting game ive ever tried to get into competitively…
But i suck so horribly its not even funny, I can’t win online at all @_@;;;
I’m playing with Jin/Jury and just recently picked up Jin, all his moves feel amazingly natural to me unlike many other attempted chracters. question I have is when i’m looking up combos online, alot of them are like this.
jHK crMP crHP xx special step-LP, sMK xx special step-MP
I get stopped dead in my tracks after i perform the crHP… from what i gather “xx” means to cancel into the next move… but how? i’ve mashed it as fast as i possibly can after CrHP, but nothing… What am I doing wrong? = /
(video to the combo i posted)
I’m guessing you do know how to perform Jin his Special Step right(f, NEUTRAL, d, df), somebody mentioned it a while back but it feels like an angled C, its not the same motion as a dragonpunch(f, d, df) from say Ryu. If you are able to link into a cr.hp you should go into his Shun Masatsu instead(>hp), it’s far easier to perform a Special Step from a standing attack although eventually it shouldn’t be a problem from standing or crouching.
From a crouching attack you can do a double qcf+lp, from cr.hp it can be done pretty slow, no need to rush it. From it’s faster.
I found it good practice to do special steps from cr.lp to really get the motion down. Some advice for the portion of the mentioned combo, you have to walk forward a tiny bit before doing it, makes the timing far more easier.
And no, don’t mash it, doesn’t work
Yeah, i’m up to trial 17 on JIn, and that one gives me trouble too lol…maybe a single 7 hour session isn’t enough, I don’t have any problem SS+LP but perhaps i just need to get more time under my belt so that it feels more natural. I’ll try out that cr.lp , SS to get the motion down. =) Thank you. I’ll let ya know if it helps.
This might sound like an odd question: Why is CPU Jin using an EX Special Step/empty EX Thrusting Uppercut?
It’s a movelist bug much like how Guile could access Step Forward Flashkicks in SF2. The game knows this move is in his movelist. It knows the way to use it without it actually doing an input. It’ll most likely get patched out.
I had a feeling it was something like that. The first time I saw it, I went by the assumption that the CPU was simply using a variation of the EWGF much like Kazuya does. This isn’t the case now… But, thanks for clearing that up.
Wait. When was this ever confirmed?
Are you guys talking about EX Special Step or EX SS -> Uppercut? Because Jin’s alpha counter is the EX Uppercut, which is weird too because u cant do the uppercut as EX version either.
No it Ex Special Step > MP follow up. There are videos out there of it. It’s not the alpha counter and doesn’t use meter.
Whatever the case, it seems that it is impossible for human players to use Jin’s EX SS to Thrusting Uppercut. I’ve tried many notations on the training mode but to no avail. Until it gets figured out, I will go by the assumption that it is a CPU only move and it may as well be under the same scenario as Guile in SFII. It’s MKII all over again as far as CPU Jin is concerned. This could be in because Jin is a “boss” character of sorts in his Pandora form as you play the arcade mode. The EX SS to Thrusting Uppercut might have been some sort of attempt to make him into an SNK boss but fell short.
Very valid reasoning all of you.
Umm yea he does, im sure everyone knows his costume already
Yeah, he does have the best.
What is the best damage option for no meter after a launcher?
I saw a PF charge dash cancel after a launcher a few weeks or so ago on WNF. Can’t for the life of me find it anywhere.
Well if you’re bringing Jin in after a launcher, the absolute BEST Damage option is the Shun-Messatsu CADC into, C.Hp, XX Special Step XX Right Roundhouse Punch.
Edit: With second best option just being, C.Hp, XX Special Step XX Right Roundhouse Punch
Hello, I started playing this game a week ago and am maining Jin atm. I’m getting the hang of cancelling in SS however the only moves I am decent at cancelling from are Jin’s st.HK and st.MK.
I’m currently working on a combo and need some advice.
What I’m aiming for looks like this
Shun Masatsu > Mental Alertness > Swayling Willow > st.MK > Special Step > Thrusting Uppercut > st.MK > Special Step > EWHF
I can manage to do the Shun Masatsu to MA and the st.MK Special Step combo separately, however I’m not very sure how Swaying Willow works. Apparently there it cause a crumple state? I’ve set the CPU to auto block and can’t seem to continue the combo after Swaying Willow, no matter how fast I input the commands. I always get blocked.
Any help, fellow Jin users?