JiBbo's SFxT Dedicated Stream

Tonight was a great session. Shoutouts to Ryan, man restored my faith in SFxT Lili.

Tournament #1 Stream Archive on Youtube:




I will never understand this game. I feel like I held my own against you guys (I’m good!), but still can’t win for shit in ranked (I’m ass!).

Do I just stop playing ranked? You guys all seem to think I can play, but I can’t beat johnny random in a ranked match. It’s killing me.

I use rank to test theories and get comfortable with characters. For the most part I don’t care for rank or wins, just the learning experience. Not saying I enjoy losing to mash jab reversal DP or getting hit by dumb shit but playing rank has its uses.

My lobby when I’m home + Stream Chat > SFxT at large right now. Just sayin :stuck_out_tongue:


As a PSA, if you think what letter or pretty symbol is next to your name matters or is representative of your skill, abandon that notion immediately. Applies to all fighting games.

Whatever dude I want that crown. Not even trolling. It’ll look good for the stream!

Odd that this always seems to come from guys with ratings best expressed in scientific notation :slight_smile:

Snark aside, I understand the argument and the reasoning behind it. But “all fighting games” are about beating fools, right? The conditions under which the matches are played (ranked, JiB’s endless lobby, tournament) shouldn’t really have a huge impact on your success rate given equal competition. What’s been maddening to me is that you all maintain that the level of play in our regular endless lobby is higher than that of the community at large (and I don’t disagree), yet my success rate (win rate, BP gain, self-esteem, cock circumference, insert preferred win metric here) is much higher playing against tough competition than it is against the average joe.

So while you guys might read, “WAAAAAAAAAA I LOST BP!”

I’m really saying, “WTF is going on - am I really legit? Or do these guys just think I’ll go all cutter on them if they tell me the truth?”

In summary, I agree that BP aren’t the best indicator of player skill. However, shouldn’t a good player be able to accumulate BP if he so chooses?

Edited to fix comma splices.

General needs a crown…

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I know I do Kappa

I’m genuinely curious why there seems to be so much animosity toward rating systems in general around here. Could someone explain this to me as a FGC neophyte?

I’m having trouble imagining guys like Magnus Carlsen and Vishy Anand (chess superduperstars) sniffing at the Elo system the way the best fighters around here tend to look down their noses at BP. Assist gems aside, why do you guys feel the BP system is such a poor measurement of progress?

Apologies if this is a naïve question, but again, I’m kind of new to all of this.

Because of how reaction based fighting games are, and how much online affects what you can react to, and the fact in itself that the online is nowhere near close to being perfect. You can’t really gauge skill from online play because of this…to an extent at least.

I know myself that I have certain improvements to make in my gameplay so I do run into people at my skill level who I have trouble with and people higher up that bop me hard. So to a certain point the BP can somewhat be accurate. But when it comes to highly skilled players who are on a level playing field, such things as latency, dropped frames, and rubberbanding/rollback can affect the outcome of the match greatly online, whereas offline in person its never a factor.

Man, I am going through that same thing. I mean I have a long way to go to be really proficient at any FG - even when I played T5 like uber-hardcore I was still average at best. But online play really confounds me sometimes… I’ll hold my own against much better players, but get put into “why a I losing to this?!” mode against things I not only have beaten before, but have a clear way around.

For me at least, I think I put too much pressure on myself, and end up doing more harm than good. I’ve been told that a lot through the years by the folks I played in tourneys with who could not figure out why I was dropping things in tourney that I did against them on a regular basis: I’m too busy playing against myself and not the other person.

Then there’s this as well:

…all so very true. I need to focus on getting consistent offline more than anything else.

The reason is that grinding ranked points does not require the same skill-set of high level play, and often causes players to develop bad habits.

For example, the highest BP count anyone possesses right now is a little over 30k as far as I know. We’ve had that player in the lobby. He got facerolled by every competent player in the room at the time (myself, Ryan Hunter, Vulcan Hades, JibBo). I couldn’t tell you what he did to grind all those points, but it certainly didn’t help him at all when faced against actual competition. As a matter of fact, every highly ranked online warrior to enter the lobby has been thoroughly embarrassed.

No stream until tomorrow. Just taking some time off to work on some planning for next week. I’ll be back tomorrow :slight_smile:

Enjoy, man. Recharge those batteries.

Is there a European lobby yet?
I´d love to participate, playing Julia/Jin mostly and am a quite capable player I think.

My XBL tag is “Hadophobia” and I´d gladly help to rejuvenate this awesome game.

Ah, I knew I meant to mention another reason why ranked - especially in this game - is not the best meter of skill. Things like this:


It also seems to be easier in this game to point grind because when you team with a player with less points, the point loss seems to be based on their total, not yours (someone else might be able to confirm, as I’ve only seen it once or twice).

Anyway, I’ll leave it at that - not really the thread for it and don’t want to completely hijack it. That thought came to mind earlier and I couldn’t get around to adding that in to my explanation, lol.

It’s really easy to see who’s cheating in ranked on this game. Just go to leaderboards and look at peoples last ranked game. You can even look to see how your friends are getting points. I laughed really hard when I looked at silph’s ranked replay. He was fighting the 3rd highest player in ranked, he was cheating using a C rank partner to gain points (if they lose they only lose like 5-10 points but if they win they get 50). Good job throwing the cheaters in the trash silph ^.^.

I wouln´t call that cheating… from my observations, if you gain less points and you lose less, the difference is absolutely equal. I often play with a friend of mine who really doesn´t like playing ranked alone, so his rank is C while mine is A. We team up frequently these days and I don´t consider that cheating. If we win against an A rank player, we lose 8 points , if we win against him, we only get 18. Normally I would get -40 on a lose and +50 on a win. So teaming up with a C rank just gives more security to the high rank partner, as a lose saves me 32 points and a win nets me 32 less generally.

Well it kinda is, just saying >.>. The game figures out how many points your lose or gain by your letter rank.

Currently I’m B+ and the scale goes as followed per win (scale shifts every time you rank up):
D: 5p D+: 10p
C: 20p C+:30p
B: 40p B+: 50p
A: 60p A+:70p

Lets say I have to fight you and your C rank friend. If you win you are awarded points based on the highest rank on your team. With you being an A you and your partner would get 40 points every time you beat me, if you beat an A you get 50 points. On the other hand I would be losing points equal to the lowest rank on your team (70-80 point loss). Let say if I win, great I get 60 points but you lose the same amount of points as the C rank if he was fighting me alone. There’s no risk involved when people do this. You can’t even filter them out because the rank system pair’s you with people of the same rank.