Ryan Hunter, JibBo, Vulcan Hades, and I will gladly help you up your game. Play some games with us in the lobby and we’ll tell you what we think in the chat. From what I’ve observed of you already, I think you’re a good player, you just have a hard time maintaining focus and concentration under match conditions. You certainly won’t “shit up” the stream. I think getting used to playing with an audience will help your spazzing issues. =D
Id love to see some new blood for next week’s tournament…
Silph, I have to get a new mic but if you could coach me when you get the chance or any other squad member that would work…
question: how do you guys feel about asuka? I like her but I feel she just gets blown up to easily under high pressure
I’ve wanted to join but I’ll pretty much get thrashed. Its not that I mind that, I just don’t want to waste people’s time. I’m strong in the classic fundamentals but am not good at tag cancelling and all the SFxT-specific stuff (ST/HDR was the only SF game I was ever great at). Anyway, if you guys are ok with that then I’m definitely down.
How I play: [media=youtube]rSEfY1bAZ5Q[/media]
Do you have skype? Maybe you can be my first live stream student. What characters do you play and what is it that give you the most trouble. We can set it up.
I do now.
I’d like that. I’ve been playing Hei/King since day 1 - no particular reason, they just seemed like they had interesting move sets. I’m a stubborn bastard, so for better for worse, I’ve stuck with them.
About me: I’m 31, a physics teacher, and relatively new to the FGC. SFxT is the first fighter I’ve ever really taken seriously (MvC3 is what brought me back to fighting games after a huge layoff. I think the last game I played before that was Killer Instinct :xeye:)
Silph alluded to my difficulty managing the mental aspects of the game. I’m not a hot-headed guy, but I think I have difficulty adapting to the ebb and flow of a fight due to my lack of experience. Specifically, I have trouble sensing the ideal moments to attack/counterattack. In those matches where I can’t feel out the pace of the fight, I tend to get impatient and either force the issue by trying to attack from awkward distances or get counterhit trying to get out of defensive jams.
As far as executional stuff goes, I’m still relatively inconsistent with my anti-air game, have difficulty spotting certain crossups (air tatsu, Jin’s j.HK, Julia’s j.MK) and I’m garbage when it comes to teching throws. (although I’d imagine that’ll get easier with experience)
I’m sure you’ll spot more as we get to work.
You have your work cut out for you, General - I just hope I make a decent student for you.
Awesome, Awesome. Shouldn’t be a problem. It’ll be fun for everyone I imagine.
Fun fights tonight I got beat up again D= !
I’d be glad to. I set two conditions though for personal coaching. 1) Must play on stick. 2) Must be willing to practice at least 2 hours a day. If you play fighting games on a pad, there are too many execution barriers that are rarely overcome and will hinder your ability to improve basic mechanics. If you aren’t willing to practice hard, nothing I can tell you will make you a better player. Sorry if that all sounds harsh. =x
Anyway, as far as Asuka, I don’t think she is competitively viable, and is a poor choice for a player trying to improve their fundamentals. I say this because she has no footsies. Someone trying to improve at fighting games in general is best off choosing characters who encourage strong fundamentals. In SFxT I would recommend improving players choose characters like Ryu, Guile, Bison, Sagat and Chun for that reason. On the Tekken side, Nina, Julia, Bob, Jin, and Lili are good examples. I don’t mean to say playing other characters will get you nowhere, but your overall skill will improve in a more meaningful way if you’re winning or losing in the footsie game as opposed to based on how successful your pressure, mix-ups, or gimmicks are.
Not to start an argument or anything, but I don’t think there is an execution barrier between pad and stick. Its all preference.
I had heard rumblings of how good Vulcan Hades’ Yoshi/Juri team was, but it wasn’t until I watched the latest stream that I realized HOW good.
Joined in on a bit of the chat for the first time yesterday really fun. I also was wondering could any of the defence force could help me learns the ins and outs of the game. Really want to bring my game up.
Thats a bold ass, straight up lie. Theres no barrier on this game that cant be overcome by the average pad player. “Must play on stick”… Man that statement deserves facepalm of the year
I know i’m looking forward to it. If I can’t get hands on help myself i’m sure I can learn something to help step up my game from watching someone who is.
Stick is definitely better but play on what you feel comfortable using.
I play on pad.
There’s not a single thing someone can do on stick that I can’t do on pad. Stick only makes stuff like plinking and pianoing easier. But unless you play a super heavy execution character with a lot of 1 frame links you don’t really need to plink. In the end it’s just a matter of preference…
There are some things that are ridiculously hard on a pad. I’ve been a pad’er forever, I gave sticks a brief try and it didn’t work out (should have tried more). I’ve felt handicapped at times when I’ve had to use the 360 pad (its not the greatest). A stick has superior mobility and button placement, I feel it definitely gives players an advantage when properly utilized.
But still, if you’re skilled enough you can do most things with a pad.
Glad to be of service.
In before the “this guy looks like the lovechild of NerdJosh and Jesus Christ” jokes.
I would know, I’m the one that received the ass whoopin…really underestimated Yoshimitsu.
We can agree to disagree, however, if I’m going to take the time to teach someone, I prefer to know they have the tools I personally feel are necessary. For example, if I’m trying to teach someone to Kara Demon and they’re having trouble, I don’t feel comfortable telling them to practice it for an hour and a half on a pad when I’m not even confident it can be mastered on that medium in that amount of time.
ive been using a pad for 15 years and this isnt going to change anytime soon, as for time I probably can’t do two hours a day
I feel she has no pressure game and gets dominated by the stronger characters like Jin,Kaz, Raven, etc. but I just like the character…