Japan Arcade - Little Tokyo - Downtown Los Angeles

Yeah, well since I don’t hit up FFA. My skill level hasn’t gone up due to me not playing against good comp much, so my skills can’t be really relied upon.

I got class till 1:30 after that I’m free. I’ll say 2pm or 3 I could be there. I gotsa eat!

never been to ffa either but montebello mall has helped me out a lot. although my sent needs tons of work :lol: … maybe ill be decent comp? who knows. what time will u be leaving at? cuz i get out of class at around 12:30 or 1 so i can be there at around 2 also

Lemme know when you’re going, still. Maybe I can teach you a thing or two about Ken.

GG’s to Illian_3rd, too bad the sticks sucked at Mahvel.
Thanks for the info man.:tup:

GG’s to u to 4play :woot:. stick did suck !! second assist button on 2p was failing and stuff… work on ur cable and doom more and try to close ur gaps dude… need anymore info just ask.

ill be going tomorrow again so if ur gonna go duralath then ill see u there ill be there at around 2ish playing my scrubby ken… :lol:

Yeah, I gotta step up my game. Thanks for the words. One day though, I gotta learn Ironman though.

2 PM? Okay, I’ll try and make it.

hey no prob man. anytime u need advice just ask. keep working and that doom and cable of yours and ull have those two down in no time. learn IM soon … the sooner the better that way u can INF all the way… :rofl: work with different characters too like mag storm and other characters just to be diverse!

will u be able to go tomorrow? if so around what time?

btw 2p stick is loose like super loose.:shake:

Cool man cool. Oh and good luck at that tourney at ELACC.

hey thanx man! im gonna be wooping some ass at ELAC. :karate: lol jp. u gotta get the DC soon dawg!! then u can practice all day long and keep in mind those Tj’s = triangle jumps with doom and lk’s… .thats the key to getting that launch and super /photon array thinga ma bob!! :rofl: we gotta play more often when r u gonna be there again?

Yeah I def. need that DC. I’ll probably be there next week. Mon or Tues, we’'ll see what’s up and stuff. Since CalState LA is like 10 min away I could be there like 2 o’clock and stuff. But we’ll see I’ll let ya’ll know.

cool. i could probably get that DC for u! and not for that much i mean after all i got mine for $25 and payed an extra $5 for my memory card! what college/university do u go to?

Really? Where did you get yours? I go to CalState LA. Not far from ELACC, I think…

yea, for reals! i got mine from a video game store i was surprised they still even sold them considering they are old!! haha :lol: i live not to far from calstate LA !! like a few miles away

yeah i saw that this one store on Santa Monica sells them like for 50 bucks. Not bad but not great either.

:lol: Daang you live close to CalLa? Cool.

i live close to everywhere dawg!! :lol: seriously though i do live close to everywhere and when i say i live close to them i mean just a few miles away!! now when u talk about FFA i live nowhere near there :rofl:!! so where these DC’s used??

:rofl: Yeah mang.
The store I was referring to is in West Hollywood actually. On Santa Monica and La Brea. Place sells all these old games and systems. I’m talking about OG Nintendo games too.

nintendo?? hahaha that shit is old as hell!! :lol: so how come u dont get ur Dc their?? wats the name of the store?

Gameland(creative huh?), I was hoping I would get a better deal somewhere else.

i guess!!! lol if it literally is packed with pure games and nothing else?? and i mean literally to point there the shelves are made from old ass games!! :rofl: i think i can get u a better deal!! not quite sure yet though.