Japan Arcade - Little Tokyo - Downtown Los Angeles

Cool, good looking out. :tup:

NP!! ill see what i can find during the weekend and ill let you know! ill try and get the best deal i can find. :nunchuck:

Gameland? That place is about a block from my apartment. I haven’t been in there myself, but my roommate has and he says that they’ve had some interesting stuff in there…some rare finds. I’ll ask him about it later (or maybe I’ll swing by myself after school today).

Heh, small world huh?
Yeah place got rare shit but ups the prices too :wasted: 70 bucks for Castlevania Sotn

thats an outrage!!! wat the hell is castlevania sotn?? :lol:

is this place still open

so whos up for going to JA? and when?

symphony of the night son!
as for JA… ummm not in a while cus mahvel sticks don’t work, characters aint unlocked, and 2nd player 3s m.p don’t work so… eh not for a while

Yeah, I’ll probably show up next week or something.

aight, let me know what ya’ll are going!

same I live in chinatown

do they have a marvel machine in chinatown?

no arcades here I don’t think
just lots of food

I been there twice looks cool n all but yeah you have to unlock characters for marvel.

I’m here right now leeching the free internet from my PSP. Anyone up for some games?

so whens anybody gonna head down to this place for some gaming?

I’ll go Thursday… if I got cash

aight!! tight! hopefully they got some more characters unlocked! :lol:

hopefully IM!! :rofl:

I wouldn’t hold my breath :rofl:

im hoping and wishing theres an IM character on that marvel mchine!! :lol: