"Jackpot!" Cody Combo Thread (v2013)

it just takes away too much to be worth that little extra damage imo.

Mmh, I don’t know… tried it out twice… You take away much, that’s right… but the priorities of the knife attacks are really insane. I use it sometimes. Many opponents don’t know what to do ^^

knife c.mp is decent, but why bother using it if you have a c.lk? x)
the knife only takes stuff away (anti air, movement pokes [f.mp], his only mixup f.hp overhead etc) and doesn’t give anything (worthwhile) new.

I agree with this. There is nothing extraordinary about his damage outside of the corner.

I know many players may disagree with me. Which is 100% cool, but I don’t think you play Cody for BIG damage, sure you maximize it where you can get it. If you manage to get them in corner you can send them in to a world of hurt, but I really don’t believe that is where his strength is.

It been documented that most of the cast can do about 400 damage from a variety of situation with one bar. Cody is no different outside of the corner. So, again I don’t think he is the big slugger most see him to be. I personally think the approach most are taking to Cody isn’t quite right, but this thread isn’t for that break down. I’ll throw it in the General Cody thread and see what discussion it brings up there.

That actually a really good point. I think we all got carried away a bit by the 500-600 damage corner combos. How often does it happen? Meeh.
How bad is the scaling if you do a variation starting out of a hitconfirm? Pretty bad, and not much more than the rest of the cast.
If I compare him to Dudley, where so many tools of his mixup can lead into EX MGB or MGB Tag into BIG damage.

So opportunities multiplied by damage factor would be the calculation :slight_smile:
Actually we should use this formula more often.

added some knife combos.

[190] c.lp, s.lp, c.lk xx HP Criminal Upper
[209] c.lp, s.lp, c.lk xx HK Ruffian, c.lk xx MK Ruffian
[220+] c.hp, s.mp~s.hk xx Launcher
[264] c.hp xx HK Ruffian, c.lk xx MK Ruffian
[270] f.hk, c.hp xx MK Ruffian
[282] c.hp, s.mp xx HP Criminal Upper
[412] (corner) c.hp, s.mp xx Zonk, s.hp, c.mp xx MK Ruffian
[416] (corner) (ch) c.hp xx Knife Throw, c.mp, c.hp xx MK Ruffian
[430] (corner) c.hp, s.mp xx Zonk, c.hp, c.hp xx MK Ruffian
[431] (corner) c.hp, s.mp xx Zonk, s.mp, s.mp, c.hp xx MK Ruffian

1 Bar
[268] c.mp, s.hp xx EX Criminal Upper
[327] c.hp, s.mp xx Zonk, EX Ruffian
[506] (corner) c.hp, s.mp xx Zonk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx Zonk
[542] (corner) c.hp xx Zonk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp, c.hp xx Zonk

2 Bar
[445] c.hp, s.mp xx Super Art
[468] f.hk, s.mp~s.hp xx Super Art
[572] (corner) c.hp xx Zonk, s.mp, s.mp, c.hp xx Super Art
[580] (corner) c.hp xx Zonk, c.hp, c.hp xx Super Art
[586] (corner) (ch) c.hp xx Knife Throw, c.mp, c.hp xx Super Art
[587] (corner) c.hp, s.mp xx Zonk, c.hp, c.hp Super Art
[596] (corner) c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx Zonk

3 Bars
[~546~] f.hk, c.hp xx Cross Art
[~582~] c.hp, s.mp xx Zonk, Cross Art
[~636~] (corner) c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, nj.hp
[~637~] (corner) c.hp, s.mp xx Zonk, s.mp, c.hp xx Cross Art
[~640~] (corner) c.hp, s.mp xx Zonk, s.hp, c.mp xx Cross Art
[644] (corner) c.hp, s.mp xx Zonk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx Super Art
[~649~] (corner) (ch) c.hp xx Knife Throw, c.hp xx Cross Art
[~658~] (corner) c.hp, s.mp xx Zonk, c.hp, c.hp xx Cross Art
[662] (corner) c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx Zonk
[680] (corner) c.hp xx Zonk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp, c.hp xx Super Art

ch c.hp xx Knife Throw connects but I was unable to follow up with something outside of the corner.
the knife in general not only takes tools away it also means you do less damage. the BnB link c.hp, s.mp does 170 damage opposed to cl.hp, c.hp which does 180. only in the corner it has some uses as knife juggles take away less juggle points, meaning you can combo with more hits. knife c.hp does 10 more damage, too. 680 is the highest solo combo I’ve done with him so far (a jump in adds another 1 or 2 damage x)).

This two bar corner combo
[571] c.hp xx EX Zonk, cl.hp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, cl.hk xx Zonk

Has the wrong damage. It’s actually 566. However, by doing this instead, you can get 571.
[571] cl. hp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, cl.hp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, cl.hk xx Zonk

This could do more damage if you replaced the cl. HP after the first EX Zonk with a neutral jump HP. So you would have this instead:
[578] cl. hp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, nj. HP, c.hp xx EX Zonk, cl.hk xx Zonk

Also, a 3-bar, non-Cross Art corner combo:
[639] cl. hp, cr. hp xx EX Zonk, nj. HP, cr. HP xx Final Destruction

And one final thing: This corner combo for no meter
[317] cl.hp, c.hp xx HK Ruffian, c.lk xx MK Ruffian

can do more damage if you add a cr. mp before the MK Ruffian for 343 damage.


Some Ogre x Cody combos and setups for Pandora.

by the time you’ll read this it’ll have been updated!

edit: done
-for the first one I simply forgot the cl.hp^^
-added the second
-that one was already on the list in that exact order with the same damage.
-didn’t even know you could use c.mp instead of c.lk in the corner (or haven’t tried? I can’t remember) - changed it to: [343] cl.hp, c.hp xx HK Ruffian, c.mp xx MK Ruffian or do you mean c.lk, c.mp xx MK Ruffian?

I mean, cr. LK, cr. MP xx MK Ruffian.

With the v2013 update, all the ex zonk combos will do different damage. new mid screen ex zonk combos will be possible as well. since I sold my xbox copy of the game, where I had the DLC characters unlocked, I can’t do it myself. I only have my ps3 copy left, which doesn’t have the DLC purchased, so I need one of you guys to do that job for me, so I can edit the first post. credit will be given of course.

You mean just doing the same combos to see different values and what is possible from Zonk midscreen? I’ll try.

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If anyone cares I found that MP and HP Criminal Upper have odd juggle properties. Normally you can’t follow them up because the final hit of the tornado uses up ~5 juggle points. However if you land a counter hit MP or HP criminal upper it only seems to count the first hit against your juggles. So you can follow up with the same combos you could have a Zonk, except you don’t have to be in the corner for it. Oddly this does not apply to the LP criminal upper.

The catch though: you can’t buffer into it. The Criminal Upper itself has to hit as a counterhit.


Also it’s really f’n stupid that Cody’s HK Ruffian is only 70 dmg and can’t be followed up mid screen in 2013, they should have either reduced the recovery / knock back to allow c.MP or c.LP to hit it or made it ~110dmg like most other anti airs (which often can be followed up like Gief’s Kick Lariat, Ryu/Ken’s LP DP, the Mishima EWG, ect.) or made all NORMAL zonks launch straight up like they did for EX Zonk.


After exploring the Criminal Upper stuff more I found out that you can do a similar sort of thing by doing a criminal upper after a Zonk. With the meter gain buff to CU in 2013 I have a combo that CURRENTLY builds 3/4th of a bar and in 2013 I think will build a full bar, of course since Cody is ass outside of the corner this combo is corner only.

fj.HK(or HP) - s.HP - c.HP - LP Zonk - LP Criminal Upper (make sure to wait until the opponent is low enough that you hit them with the fist not just the tornado, it should do ~100 damage) - s.HP - s.HK - LP Zonk.

503 damage and leaves you with enough time to prepare if they roll out.

So are most of these combos still intact or did things change? I am to lazy to make up new ones that would probably suck anyways.

Reading the change log, most of them should work properly, except for EX Zonk combos.

I’ve ordered a x box version again, so I’ll be able to update the combo thread in a few days. I saw someone mentioning that CH c.hp xx EX Stones combo now - so that’s a new setup.

Cool, start working on training mode then. Was just using my SFIV Cody shit but wanted to see if he had some juggle combos I could work in.

Wow, HK Ruffian, c.lk xx combos also don’t work anymore.

Got my xbox version today where I have the DLC, gotta update the OP

Okay, I spent the entire day in the lab and updated everything and changed the layout. I hope there are any cody players left to appreciate the work I put into it, since I pretty much worked through all combos again. PLEASE check out the OP!

Helost most of the more damaging combos:
-HK Ruffian, c.lk doesn’t combo anymore since [S]c.mk[/S], c.lk’s hitbox got raped. start up too, so even framewise it could be impossible.
-EX Zonk does less damage (-60) and doesn’t launch as high anymore. However, you can now combo midscreen with it.
-Knife c.hp, s.mp doesn’t link anymore (s.mp whiffs due to hitbox nerf).

=> Overall they removed the most damaging meter corner combos and mid screen combos with and without knife.

His meterless “mid screen bnbs” punish combos don’t even break 300 damage:
[292] cl.hp, c.hp xx HP Criminal Upper
[296] cl.hp, f.hp, c.mp xx HP Criminal Upper

At least I found a few new “old” combos (they were possible pre patch as well):

The 3 heavy corner combo is very tricky to time tho.

Also added Anti Air (ch) combos:

Entirely new combos:

  • Ex Zonk change adds a bit more damage in midscreen and juggle combos (after tag in for instance), but takes damage away from corner combos
  • the new combo starter ch c.hp xx EX Bad Stone can only be comboed into s.\c.mk and ex criminal upper midscreen, and only when you’re almost pointblank - so it’s pretty useless.
    However, you can actually use them mid combo now, e.g. zonk, c.hp xx EX Bad Stone in the corner, but you can’t follow that up with anything, and since you can’t do a cl.hp beforehand you end up with less damage. Only as 1Meter midscreen anti air, it’s the best option to add a some damage and only if you’re not charged. It’s kinda pathetic that a 120 damage EX Bad Stone is our most damaging juggle ender special move. :X

most damaging solo combo I’ve found is
[617] (corner) j.hp, cl.hp, c.hp xx Zonk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx Super Art

So yeah. Cody is basically ass if he doesn’t have the corner AND meter. Fucking called it ages ago. Nobody listened “O Cody still has frame traps, Cody still does great damage!” he never did “great” damage and what is the point of frame traps if they don’t lead to anything and other characters have frame traps just as good, a high low game, and more damage.

/rant /salt

I don’t if you guys have this same problem but for me linking the cr.lk after cr.lp then HP Criminal upper with the knife is now a real pain, too fast and I go to a HP chain which I usually don’t want to do, too slow and dont link the light kick its pretty annoying, I take it back I’am not ok with 5 frames couldn’t they meet in the middle and make it 4 start-up :frowning:

/also salty