"Jackpot!" Cody Combo Thread (v2013)

I keep getting hp chain as well. Never had that problem prepatch. Who knows???

Then you’re inputting it too early.

I must be going crazy because i just cannot do cr lp, cr lk, HP criminal upper with the knife. Iam not the best at execution but I know Iam not bad. Is it no longer possible to cancel it? can you only chain afterward the light kick?<br>

<br><blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/81190/Paul%20DX">Paul DX</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>I must be going crazy because i just cannot do cr lp, cr lk, HP criminal upper with the knife. Iam not the best at execution but I know Iam not bad. Is it no longer possible to cancel it? can you only chain afterward the light kick?<br></div>

take a peek at the frame data and you know why. ;)<br>https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0Ahj9eopeop0SdDltVUdvbWx4ZjFUMWNBRW1mdmFwUEE&f=true&noheader=false&gid=38<br>

Man picking up the knife is really not that beneficial to you at all every thing O or negative on block and you can only chain after wards thats pretty crappy I hope they can change this is the future. <br><br>Btw thank you very much zUkUu for answering my question and doing a big project and gather the frame data for the DLC characters, been dieing to figure out Bryan for a while now.<br>

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/81190/Paul%20DX">Paul DX</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>Man picking up the knife is really not that beneficial to you at all every thing O or negative on block and you can only chain after wards thats pretty crappy I hope they can change this is the future. <br><br>Btw thank you very much zUkUu for answering my question and doing a big project and gather the frame data for the DLC characters, been dieing to figure out Bryan for a while now.<br></div>

He’ll come after Sakura (currently working on). Planned on finishing her today, but I have another project that needs to be done first (an awesome and useful glitch)<br>

jesus. didnt know his frame data was that fucked on knife… wtf does he have other than a neutral game along with tons of other chars. Cody blows lol. oh well im still using him till i get baller with kaz so fuck it im still having unreal amounts of fun with him on anchor (i know he blows there but i suck with everyone else on anchor :frowning: )

People press buttons to much at a lower level and i love free meaty counter hits :smiley:

Knife being 0F on block isn’t TOO bad when you consider that the chip is really good and the reach is good. Just avoid using his c.MP since its like -4F on block. His s.MP (even post nerf) has decent reach his s.HP has pretty awful reach but it’s 0F on block and does 27chip.

If you ask me, his knife is unexplored and while not GOOD it is possibly viable. it’s too bad that it is lost so easily, leaves him defenseless when picking it up. Removes his badstone. and has no real links anymore thanks to Capcom removing c.HP - s.MP links. That is kind of the problem with him though, he has pressure that has nothing to back it up. He has nothing to keep you from simply doing downback and throwing out a jab if you suspect an overhead is coming (the jab will beat the c.LK anyway if it turns out to be that.) if you only hit buttons when he is far away or you know you are in blockstun so you input throw tech Cody wont ever open you up.

He is too slow, and even if he does open you up it’s just a boost to launch combo. He is literally a character whose sole use is letting other characters do everything. At least Rolento has pogo mixups and patriot circle to slide for hard knockdown + corner carry.

im a convert im sick of trying to learn 2 chars in 2-3 weeks. cody is my point with law on anchor time to make this mofo work (at least till i get used to some sick tekken char :O)

Found some more useless tech, Cody can follow up a counterhit Zonk with a MK Ruffian mid screen but the timing is super strict.


Does CH Zonk has a different Arc or is it maybe possible with normal zonk?

I don’t think it’s possible with normal zonk but I do believe it is because CH Zonk has additional hitstun for the opponent thus you basically are able to move 2F sooner in the opponents flight arc. I think the best way to test it would be to record max charge zonk CH and not counter hit and compare the points at the opponents spin out which you are able to move. I don’t think the frame data itself changes (E.G. the amount of recovery frames) I think that the opponent simply takes 2F longer to start moving after getting hit.

The physics themselves are the same though, E.G. the air time/distance

Yeah, CH Zonk floats higher or something. After a CH zonk in the corner, you cna neutral jump fierce and combo after. Really specific setup for Pandora.

Found something with Cody. On moves that cause high float (e.g. Heihachi’s Hell Axle), it’s possible to do jumping HK, cr.hp xx CADC, st.mk (or st.hk) xx Zonk for a bit extra damage. Annoying to land consistently though, you basically need to hit with the cr.hp at the max height it reaches and right around the end of the active frames.