"Jackpot!" Cody Combo Thread (v2013)

[000] = Damage
[~000] = Cross Art damage depends on team partner (all combos are done with max damage possible [380 Damage with Hugo])
s. = (Far) Standing
cl. = Close Standing
c. = Crouching
j. = Directional Jump
nj. = Neutral Jump
xx = Cancel move with
, = Link
~ = Chain
LP/LK/HK/EX etc = Light, Medium, Heavy or EX version respectively
CADC = Charge Attack Dash Cancel
(ch) = Counter Hit
(*) = After a Switch Cancel that launches the opponent high into the air

Note: Instead of MK Ruffian as combo ender, you can also use Zonk or viceversa - they do equal damage.

Single Hit
[242] f.hk, c.mp, c.mk~s.hk
[260] f.hk, c.hp xx MK Ruffian
[262] f.hk, c.lp, c.hp xx MK Ruffian
[268] f.hk, c.mp, c.mp xx MK Ruffian
[292] f.hk, f.mp, cr.hp xx MK Ruffian

Close (Punish, after jump in, wake up etc)
[220+] cl.hp, c.hp xx Launcher
[232] cl.mp, c.mp xx HP Criminal Upper
[262] cl.mp, c.hp xx HP Criminal Upper
[292] cl.hp, c.hp xx HP Criminal Upper
[296] cl.hp, f.hp, c.mp xx HP Criminal Upper

[330] cl.hp. c.hp xx Zonk, Launcher
[343] cl.hp, c.hp xx HK Ruffian, c.lk, c.mp xx MK Ruffian
[407] cl.hp, f.mp, c.mp xx Zonk, cl.hp, c.hp xx Zonk
[427] cl.hp, c.hp, xx Zonk, f.hk, c.hp xx Zonk
[427] cl.hp, c.hp xx Zonk, cl.hp, c.hp xx Zonk
[441] cl.hp, c.hp xx Zonk, cl.mp, cl.hp, cl.hk xx MK Ruffian
[462] cl.hp, c.hp xx Zonk, cl.hp, cl.hp, cl.hk xx MK Ruffian
[469] cl.hp, c.hp xx Zonk, LP Criminal Upper, cl.hp, cl.hk xx Zonk

Counter Hit
[277] f.mp, c.hp xx HP Criminal Upper
[281] f.mp, f.mp, c.mp xx HP Criminal Upper
[295] nj.hp, c.hp xx MK Ruffian

Anti Air (ch)
[197] HK Ruffian, c.mk~s.hk
[257] b.mp, c.hp xx MK Ruffian
[265] b.mp, c.mp, c.mp xx MK Ruffian

[220+] c.hp, s.mp~s.hk xx Launcher
[270] f.hk, c.hp xx MK Ruffian
[282] c.hp, s.mp xx HP Criminal Upper
[416] (corner) (ch) c.hp xx Knife Throw, c.mp, c.hp xx MK Ruffian
[410] (corner) c.hp xx Zonk, c.hp, c.hp xx MK Ruffian
[415] (corner) c.hp xx Zonk, s.mp, s.mp, c.hp xx MK Ruffian

[200] Launcher, Launcher
[302] Launcher, cl.mp, c.hp xx MK Ruffian
[308] Launcher cl.hp, c.mp xx MK Ruffian
[312] Launcher, b.mp, c.hp xx MK Ruffian
[332] (corner) cl.hp, c.hp xx MK Ruffian
[342] (*) j.hp, c.hp xx MK Ruffian

[-1 Meter-]
Single Hit
[200] EX Zonk, Launcher
[210] Zonk, Ex Ruffian
[270] EX Zonk, c.hp xx MK Ruffian
[278] EX Zonk, f.mp, c.mp xx MK Ruffian
[332] EX Zonk, f.hk, c.hp xx MK Ruffian
[383] f.hk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx MK Ruffian

Close (Punish, after jump in, wake up etc)
[248] cl.mp, c.mp xx EX Criminal Upper
[250] EX Bad Stone, c.hp xx Launcher
[278] cl.hp, c.mp xx EX Criminal Upper
[308] cl.hp, c.hp xx EX Criminal Upper
[310] cl.hp, f.mp, c.mp xx EX Criminal Upper
[322] EX Bad Stone, c.hp xx HP Criminal Upper
[323] cl.mp, c.mp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx MK Ruffian
[330] cl.hp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, Launcher
[367] cl.mp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, f.hk c.hp xx MK Ruffian
[337] cl.hp, c.hp xx Zonk, EX Ruffian
[383] cl.hp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx MK Ruffian
[427] cl.hp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, f.hk, c.hp xx MK Ruffian

[493] cl.hp, c.hp xx Zonk, cl.hp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, cl.hk xx Zonk
[517] EX Bad Stone, cl.hp, c.hp xx Zonk, cl.hp, cl.hp, cl.hk xx Zonk

Counter Hit
[354+] c.hp xx EX Bad Stone, c.mk~s.hk~Laucher
[402] c.hp xx EX Bad Stone, c.hp xx HP Criminal Upper
[539] (corner) c.hp xx EX Bad Stone, c.hp xx Zonk, cl.hp, cl.hp, cl.hk xx MK Ruffian

Anti Air (ch)
[265] b.mp, c.hp xx EX Ruffian
[273] b.mp, c.hp xx EX Bad Stone
[350] b.mp, c.mp xx EX Zonk, (walk forward) cl.hk xx Zonk

[280] EX Zonk, c.hp xx MK Ruffian
[288] c.hp xx Zonk, EX Ruffian
[436] (corner) cl.hp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, cl.hp xx Zonk

**Tag **
[393] c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx MK Ruffian
[436] (corner) cl.hp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, cl.hk xx Zonk

[-2 Meter-]
Single Hit
[340] EX Zonk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, Launcher
[393] EX Zonk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx MK Ruffian
[468] f.hk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, (walk forward) cl.hk xx Zonk

Close (Punish, after jump in, wake up etc)
[422] cl.mp, c.hp~cl.hp xx Super Art
[428] cl.hp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, s.hk
[455] cl.hp, c.hp xx Super Art
[463] cl.hp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, f.hk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, s.hk
[468] cl.hp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, (walk forward) cl.hk xx Zonk
[472] f.hk, c.mp, c.mk~cl.hk xx Super Art
[474] f.hk, f.mp, c.hp xx Super Art
[493] cl.hp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, f.hk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, (walk forward) cl.hk xx Zonk

[538] EX Bad Stone, cl.hp, c.hp xx Zonk, cl.hp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, cl.hk xx Zonk
[515] cl.hp, c.hp xx Zonk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, cl.hk xx Zonk
[585] cl.hp, c.hp xx Zonk, cl.hp, c.hp xx Super Art
[600] cl.hp, c.hp xx Zonk, cl.hp, cl.hp, cl.hk xx Super Art
[607] cl.hp, c.hp xx Zonk, LP Criminal Upper, cl.hp, cl.hk xx Super Art

Counter Hit
[440] f.mp, c.hp xx Super Art
[457] f.mp, f.mp, c.mp~cl.hk xx Super Art
[491] nj.hp, c.hp xx Super Art
[560] (corner) c.hp xx EX Bad Stones, c.hp xx Zonk, cl.hp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, cl.hk xx Zonk

Anti Air (ch)
[453] b.mp, c.hp xx Super Art

[468] f.hk, s.mp~s.hp xx Super Art
[573] (corner) c.hp xx Zonk, s.mp, s.mp, c.hp xx Super Art
[580] (corner) c.hp xx Zonk, c.hp, c.hp xx Super Art
[586] (corner) (ch) c.hp xx Knife Throw, c.mp, c.hp xx Super Art

[478] Launcher, c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, (walk forward) cl.hk xx Zonk
[484] Launcher, cl.mp, c.hp xx Super Art
[490] Launcher, cl.hp, c.mp xx Super Art
[494] Launcher, b.mp, c.hp xx Super Art
[512] Launcher, cl.hp, c.mk~s.hk xx Super Art
[514] Launcher, (corner) cl.hp, c.hp xx Super Art
[524] Launcher, (*), j.hp, c.hp xx Super Art

[-3 Meter-]
Single Hit
[466] EX Zonk, c.hp xx Super Art
[478] EX Zonk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, (walk forward) cl.hk xx Zonk
[514] EX Zonk, f.hk, c.hp xx Super Art

Close (Punish, after jump in, wake up etc)
[485] EX Bad Stone, c.hp xx Super Art
[502] Ex Bad Stone, f.mp, c.mp~s.hk xx Super Art
[515] cl.hp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx EX Zonk, (walk forward) cl.hk xx Zonk
[553] cl.hp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx Super Art
[585] cl.hp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, f.hk, c.hp xx Super Art
[~590] cl.mp, c.hp xx Cross Art
[~620] cl.hp, c.hp xx Cross Art
[~625] f.hk, f.mp, c.hp xx Cross Art
[~663] cl.hp, c.hp xx Zonk, Cross Art

[608] cl.hp, c.hp xx Zonk, cl.hp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, cl.hk xx Super Art
[~710] cl.hp, c.hp, Zonk, cl.hp, c.hp xx Cross Art

Counter Hit
[530] f.mp, f.mp, c.mp xx EX Zonk, f.hk, c.hp xx Super Art
[547] nj.hp, cl.hp xx EX Zonk, Super Art
[556] (corner) c.hp xx EX Bad Stones, c.hp xx Super Art
[~586] f.mp, f.mp, c.mp xx Cross Art
[~605] f.mp, c.hp xx Cross Art
[~618] f.mp, c.hp xx Zonk, Cross Art
[~621] f.mp, f.mp, c.mp xx Zonk, Cross Art
[651] (corner) c.hp xx EX Bad Stones, c.hp xx Zonk, cl.hp, c.hp xx Super Art
[654] (corner) c.hp xx EX Bad Stones, c.hp xx Zonk, cl.hp, c.hp, cl.hk xx Super Art
[~655] nj.hp, c.hp xx Cross Art

Anti Air (ch)
[520] b.mp, c.mp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx Super Art
[~617] b.mp, c.hp xx Cross Art
[~622] HK Ruffian, Cross Art
[~622] b.mp, Cross Art
[~647] s.hk, Cross Art

[532] c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx Super Art
[535] c.hp xx EX Zonk, s.mp~c.hp xx Super Art
[~630] f.hk, c.hp xx Cross Art
[638] (corner) c.hp xx Zonk, c.hp, c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx Super Art
[~640] c.hp xx Zonk, Cross Art
[~718] (corner) c.hp xx Zonk, c.hp, c.hp xx Cross Art
[~724] (corner) (ch) c.hp xx Knife Throw, c.mp, c.hp xx Cross Art

[563] Launcher c.hp xx EX Zonk, c.hp xx Super Art
[~635] Launcher, cl.mp, c.hp xx Cross Art
[~641] Launcher, cl.hp, c.mp xx Cross Art
[~645] Launcher, b.mp, c.hp xx Cross Art
[~665] (corner) Launcher, cl.hp, c.hp xx Cross Art

Switch Cancel
You can extend your combos by switch-canceling any Zonk, HK Ruffian or Criminal Upper.
You can also switch cancel his f.hp overhead on the first hit.

Here’s a video showing some combos. :slight_smile:


biggest find so far:
hk ruffian, c.lk xx works mid-screen

Only works if the RK hits a little meaty?

As long as you don’t hit ruffian at point blank you can link cr.lk. Any hit confirm will move you back enough to link it.

s.hp, cr.hp xx
cr.lp, cr.lp, cr.mp xx
s.mp, cr.mp xx

The timing is pretty strict, hit cr.lk a little later than you think you would.

you can use it even when point blank.

the last statement is very valid. needs to be used ambiguous late. seems to me like a 2 or 3 frame link. I tend to think it’s the former.

zUkUu, you’re doing an excellent job compiling these combos, keep it up! Does anybody know whether Cody gets anything crazy on counter hit?

so far I have found ONE useful CH specific link… ch f.mp links to c.hp, but that’s about it. the other interesting stuff like cl.hp, f.mp, or cl.hp, c.hp are already possible without counter hit. so in the end it might be just a damage increase. good ol’ ch c.hp xx ex stones is gone as well :frowning:

ch f.mp, f.mp links as well
ch c.mk, c.lk

I just noticed that f.mp forces stand btw.
f.hk seems to be airborne (corpse hoping possible)

Thanks for the information.
You know, maybe losing that CH combo isn’t so bad, we only have 3 bars now and all of Cody’s combos are much easier. It isn’t all doom and gloom, we could Ken! :slight_smile:

I can’t think of any other combos (today). will work on the frame data and knife combos the following days. please keep posting new useful links, combos etc as well.

Didn’t try that, CH cr.HP x EX Stones is not possible? What dafuq? That’s nasty =/

Found that on youtube, some nice stuff :wink:

ex rocks are sooooo slow. I think you can charge a denjin hadoken fully before he throws dem rocks.

from the video I got the zonk, f.hk link in the corner - but it’s not worthwhile to do as it does exactly the same damage that the way easier and consistent cl.hp, c.hp juggle does.

What’s the most damaging combo you found so far after a tag in?


[332] (corner) cl.hp, c.hp xx MK Ruffian

been trying to use nj.hp but had no luck so far (didn’t tested it that much tho)

Wie siehts’s mit Midscreen aus? Ehm, what about midscreen? :slight_smile:
Corner is quite clear. Cl.Hp - cr Hp - CU for Tag back? What about st.Hp - cr.HP -Zonk, etc?

Edit: Have to apologize, watching this thread on my phone, didn’t see that little arrow showing all the rest of your research.
Amazing job dood! :smiley:

Thought I have read that the overhead doesn’t combo.
Well anyway, it does combo if your tag out on the first hit, just like Uncle Ryu’s

zonk or mk ruffian don’t make a difference in terms of damage - both do 100. however, you don’t need to charge for a ruffian, so that’s easier to do on the fly. for a switch cancel back you want to use zonk or hk ruffian.

midscreen I only found two viable options so far after a tag:

[302] cl.mp, c.hp xx MK Ruffian
[308] cl.hp, c.mp xx MK Ruffian

the second is way more distance/timing specific, so I’d advise to go for the first one.

What does work is cr HP xx Hk Ruff - c LK - MK Ruff. I’m just a little bit struggling with the timing. It’s a bit weird linking the c LK

didn’t thought of that yet. will test it later on.

Any tipps with the cr LK link? What are you using most for the Zonk charge? LP?