"Jackpot!" Cody Combo Thread (v2013)

in this game LP for the most part.


can’t get that to work after a tag.

Couldn’t get it either…
@DocDignity: Bist dir sicher that this works after a tag in? xD
I always use (until now) cl.MP > cr.HP x MK Ruffi. cl.HP > cr.MP often whiffs ^^

I still have trouble with his combos. I often get ABC combo because of the fast timing in AE canceling a cr.LK into CU x.x

True, I tried it outside of tag I guess.not happy with the Cody’s possibilities to tag back and forth so far. Hwoarang was more versatile I think and the damage with him was higher.

Coming from a Cody punish, e.g. J.HP-cl.HP-cr.HP-HP CU Tag the damage is mental with Gief. Over 530 for 1 Meter.

What did you find as best Tag in with 1 Meter after Launch? Is there anything possible after cl.Hp-EX Zonk?

Edit: lots of german love for Cody? :wink:

midscreen there is nothing possible after cl.hp-ex zonk but in corner cl.hp-ex zonk into cl.hp zonk works

ps: yeap, we love Cody :slight_smile:

You can also nj.HP for groundbounce after an EX Zonk in the corner.
Risoh, wie läufts mit Guy? ^^

yea, ex zonk nj.Hp works in the corner but not after a launch :slight_smile:
bin gerade dabei Guy zu erforschen, hab nämlich die letzten 2 tage Cody only gespielt hehe

F.hk, f.mp, cr.hp xx zonk // mk ruffian (292), timing is a bitch and have to be close, but good to know.
F.hk, f.mp, cr.hk. Or go straight into cr.hk, after this you can do his guessing game of which side Cody will be on with his crack kick.

will add that; now you need to do the same combo with super and cross art (with raven as mate :p)

I found a few things with Cody that make his wake up game a lot better so… I will explain why the works extremely well after the and would like some feed back :slight_smile:

100% corner mix up on quick standing (crack kick once) and non quick standing (crack kick * crack kick):

Hold LP, J.HK, cl.HP, c.HP xx Zonk knuckle, s.HP, c.HP xx L ruffian kick, crack kick (once or twice depending on opponent) hold LP or MP Zonk, cl.HP c.HP xx Zonk knuckle, Qcf MP + MK

Ok breakdown time, (hold LP) Hold LP because if your jump in isn’t hitting them that close then you need to use cl.HP, f.MP, c.MP xd ruffian kick instead of cl.HP, c.HP because the c.HP will miss.

“crack kick (once or twice depending on opponent)” Because ruffian kick crosses up if you time your crack kick right you should be able lock down your opponent in if they are still holding forward in the direction use to be in if not they will go in the other direction putting themselves back in the corner setting themselves for a cross up if not they’re only option is just get up normally… This is exactly what you want as far as mix ups go. This gives you the chance to do crack kick walk forward crack kick which will put you on the opposite side of your opponent, you can also do crack kick, walk back, crack kick leaving you in front of your opponent, or you can do crack * crack kick which will also leave infront of your opponent. Please leave feed back I need to know how it works out for you guys :slight_smile:

I can’t for the life of me land a linked cr.lk after a crack kick. any hitconfirm I do into hk ruffian It seems like cody is JUST too far away for cr.lk to connect

I can’t for the life of me land a linked cr.lk after a crack kick. any hitconfirm I do into hk ruffian It seems like cody is JUST too far away for cr.lk to connect

I can’t for the life of me land a linked cr.lk after a crack kick. any hitconfirm I do into hk ruffian It seems like cody is JUST too far away for cr.lk to connect

Is there a way for cody to combo off of midscreen EX bingo?

Please look at the openingpost which zUkUu has painstakingly made.

Do people think Cody’s damage is really all that? After a hit-confirm it seems pretty so-so, especially seeing as 1bar doesn’t really give you anything. Or am I missing something?

You have a second character, this is a team based game and starting anything form a hitconfirm like cr.lp, cr.lp will scale the combo.

chained cl.mp (c.lk~cl.mp for instance) is +3 on hit assuming s.lp and c.lp have 4 frames start up and -1 or -2 on block, so it’s perfectly abusable up close as hit confirm. it’s a 1 frame link, tho.

video by risoh showing it on hit:

some combos off this:
[140] c.lk~cl.mp, c.lk~c.hk
[193] c.lk~cl.mp, c.lk xx HP Criminal Upper
[213] c.lk~cl.mp, c.lk xx HK Ruffian, c.lk xx MK Ruffian
[348] c.lk~cl.mp, c.lk xx Super ARt
[370] c.lk~cl.mp, c.lk xx HK Ruffian, c.lk xx Super Art

another random note: c.lk xx LK Ruffian combos if you hit them point blank.

Messing around with Cody. You can skip to the last combo. 609 damage and only 2 bars. Crazy.

S.mk, cr lk xx rest of your combo. Doesn’t need counter hit. S.mk, cr lk xx HK ruffian kick, cr lk xx mk ruffian kick 227 dmg. The standing mk can be either the close or far version.

Knife looks good. Just playing around with it last night, and cr. HP links into st. MP, and st. MP links into st. LP. There’s probably more there, but I didn’t spend that long. Is it really not worth looking into?