Its That Time Again

You and me both.

So some people can’t go to the ranbats, BIG f’n deal. Personally tho, I’d pay money to go to those ranbats. You couldn’t keep me away to save my life. For real. : D

Yeah good job missing the point. It’s not that it’s off topic, it’s that your asking questions which could quite literally be answered by 5 fucking seconds of research in the Tech forum.

If people want to answer your questions then that’s on them, but that’s not going to stop me from telling you that you’re a lazy bastard and that’s there’s plenty of info already on the subject.

It’s like those people who post in the character strategy threads asking, “Hi guys how do you fight [insert character]! I always get owned online by him lol thanks!”, when it’s been covered in the very same thread at least 10 fucking times. I find this personally very annoying.

There is a slight difference though.

He didn’t want to know what the general opinion was on those sticks.

He wanted to know the opinions of the members of this part of the forum’s opinions were.

Since he knows most of us.

Come on guys, we don’t need to start arguing.

He wanted specific opinions from people who play the same game.

Should srk stone him just for that?

Does T. Hawk now stand for…

Turbo Hawk?


Honestly, whatever man. I got my answers and I’m thankful to those who helped me out. As I said, I came here because I consider most of these guys friends and wanted their specific opinions. Guys like Shari, Fei Lee, Quaristice, Jiggly, Mavrick, Mars - I play with them regularly. Its no secret that I have a personal preference for the crowd here in the HDR forum, as much of SRK is immature and stupid. So, you can sit and call me lazy all you want but the reality is its irrelevant.

Thanks to everyone, I’m going stick really soon!!

Nahh he deserves the stones, he should have went w/ american stick like i recommended…


Well, I don’t think mashing 360’s is his goal, so that’s probably why :clown:

Well if you guys want to continue with life with feminine forearms go for it…

i actually change my buttons to my cabinet, i decided to go sanwa buttons w/happ stick…So far so good…I think my jab will be more consistent against those damn honda torpedos




Are controllers made in this fashion for the xbox 360, I want one badly for 3D fighting games i.e Virtua Fighter 5.

Was never good at using the stick for VF5 for some odd reason. Goh 4 President lol.

Awesome thks man, didnt know anything like this existed lol

Okay let’s be honest. SF4 Fightpad <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Sega Saturn Pad. Sega Saturn Pad = God of Pads

Fixed. :wgrin:

You know for someone who does math that’s disappointing because Sega Saturn Pad >>>>>>>>>>>>> 90% of Sticks

Fixed your fix :Wgrin:

Fixed :wgrin:

I could say that sega saturn pads are good which implies => That 90% of sticks are better. :wgrin:

Do you get handstrain on those pads?

Man the Sega Saturn Pad is the definition of pad perfection. Strain? What strain? If I had any technical knowhow at all I’d have my pad modded for maximum awesomeness. Since that isn’t going to happen though I’m going to have to take a 100 dollars and buy myself a stick for Christmas.

BTW, that means if anyone has a TE lying around being abused by a lack of use for whatever reason… let me know and we can talk business :smiley: (XBOX 360 of course…)