Its That Time Again

Yeah, someone has said they will sell me their PS3 TE for like $80 :woot:

Actually you know, with Amazon selling the Hori EX-SE for 89.99… I think I’m going to have to go with it. I know Seimitsu parts buttons are a little more ‘squishy’ and the joystick has less room to move but I think that might actually be good for me. Having never used a stick, I’m not sure I’ll know the difference. So Merry Christmas to me.

You will need to upgrade the parts. Thing will break on you right out of the box.

Really? See that’s troubling to hear… I was all excited but perhaps I should reconsider… especially since my modding skills would just equal instant irreperable damage…

Guys on here can show you how to mod it, its just that you’ll end up having to replace at least the buttons and the stick. You’ll probably end up at the same cost as a TE. If I got a TE I’d probably mod it for an octo gate, so I’m better of getting a SE so my total cost is lower.

Besides I tried out a TE and its kind of too big for me. SE is alot like my current Hori and works great in my lap. :smiley:

My problem is I want something bigger, the EX-SE is a nice size. It has some bulk to it. Trust me, there’s a reason I went into Economics, because my manual abilities make my grandfather and father want to disown me as some genetic mishap. No, modding is out, so the EX-SE is out. I mean sure I’d want to get a TE and put an 8 Way gate in it, but I’d have to pay someone else to mod it and that’s just too expensive to convince the wife.

NOOO, no, no! Don’t listen to him, he’s wrong.

He must be confusing the "SE’ with the Madcatz SE (standard edition) stick.

The “SE” in the Hori you’re referring to is for SEimitsu. Seimitsu parts are good, you won’t have to replace them.

So, go ahead and buy it! It’s a good deal.

Thanks for catching that, yeah rain I saw the SE and was like oh no! Of course if its like the HORI I bought you might still be disappointed. :wink:

See that’s more what I had heard previously. But Coth’s opinion is one I value quite a bit. He’s been around, always given good advice before. Sure he’s another scrubby Ken player… on PS3 no less… but whatever. j/k

So yeah, if there’s not a whole bunch of hate for the EX-SE, at 90.00 I think that sounds like a pretty good deal… Christmas might be a week late, but I think it might finally be time for me to make the move, at that price I might be able to buy two and have people over. Indianapolis really is a lovely place :smiley:

Yeah, regular Hori’s are crap, but the HRAPs like Silver’s referring to are perfectly good.

It’s definitely a good deal. You’ll have enough money left over for a PS3 dual mod in time for the 30th!

Yeah, I’ll probably have to put a message out in the Indianapolis thread to see if anyone local can Dual Mod it for me for a little fee. Of course, it’ll probably take some time to get used to it. Actually what I think I’ll do is I won’t play for a couple weeks. And lose some of that pad muscle memory and then start fresh on the stick. Yeah I’ll suck for a while but it’s better to start new than retrain right?

:lol: I got neg repped for being a joystick noob! :lol:

Alex, what would you recommend over a HORI FS3, if its gona cost the same as a madcatz SE, and I can mod a 8 gate into it. Should I just get the madcatz SE?

Whatever you do rain, just don’t buy a HORI FS3.

I got neg repped too… eh. I think anyone who knows me, knows me better than my rep score… how do you neg rep the founder of the WWL? That’s just asking for karma to come back and bite you… I do wish it would tell you who repped you… some people are nice and leave reasons.

If you’re interested in going the Madcatz SE route with modding, you can pick up the SE from right now for 49.99. Go buy all the Sanwa parts you want and put 'em in after that.

:wow: 49.99 That’s a steal! I have to decide which system though.

This would be where I would normally have some smart remark about “Why would you ever get a PS3 blah blah blah” but I’ve come to the realization that tournaments are what they are, and you already own a PS3.

So, I’m not going to make a smart remark… just make the right choice… there’s always time to fix that first mistake :wink: :lol:

If it makes your decision any easier, seriously, the price is 49.99 on the PS3 one, the 360 one is still like 79.99. I don’t know if that’s an error or intentional pricing differences based on demand and quantity in stock.

Well, 49.99 vs xbox + 49.99, I think they make ps3 to xbox converters anyways.

Nah, start as soon as you can. Going from pad to stick is going to be foreign and awkward at first no matter what you do.

Yes, the SE fightstick can be found pretty cheap now and is brain dead easy to mod with good parts.

If you have a premium membership, it tells you.

Well, in regard to dual modding, it’s easier to go 360>PS3. If you plan to attend offline tourneys, you’d be set with PS3 in most cases. But if you have any plans on playing on Xbox, I would advise just getting the 360 version then modding it with a Cthulhu/Imp for PS3 if need be. Then again, it’s worth noting that you can mod the other way around, too, so the decision isn’t exactly life or death.

No, none that don’t lag, anyway.

Well I have to wait for at least proabably 10 days. I bought myself a 65" DLP for Christmas so… I’ll have to wait. But if you think that’s the best way to go that’s the way I’ll go. If you thought my Cammy was bad before wait 'till I’m stick certified. Then I’ll beat you’re Honda once out of every TEN times we play instead of every TWENTY. WATCH OUT!

Alex, as far as dual modding, how much would it cost and what does it entail?

Why is one way easier than the other way. Dual modding from PS3 > xbox and vice versa.

I’m surprised not many folks use the Hori Arcade Pro/modded. I like it it’s just soo big. Does it need to be this thick???