Its That Time Again

I played on a USED (30$!) Hori EX2 until 3 days ago. The case was turning off-white, there was a deep cut in the plastic, a chip in the joystick ball, the art was peeling on one corner, a couple screws missing, and the headset port didn’t work.

To be honest, it never really failed me. The buttons are harder to press and a little mushy (felt like they were going to get stuck all the time, never did though). And the stick puts up a little resistance, but it’s not broken. Even when soda got in my short kick button it worked OK after a little bit of cleaning. 8 months of service for 30$ (again, THIRTY DOLLARS) is a pretty good deal. You can play boxer with an upside down 360 pad and still do well though, so I dunno if I have a good perspective.

The EX2 is my spare now though

It has been replaced with

no modding necessary, it kicks ass out-of-box, in-box too now that i think about it. My SF2 gameplay isn’t better because of this new stick. sf4 is a different story, lightning legs and FADCs are notably easier. But windows recognizes the TE easier so it’s less of a hassle to play on GGPO

In conclusion, if you don’t want to spring for the 150$ TE, don’t go 80$ Madcatz parts, go with Hori. I bought a SE for PS3 with the intent of modding it, and good thing that was my plan, because the stick was already coming apart and the buttons were spazzing out right out of the box.

I used a stock Hori FS3, it sucked, I broke it, wouldn’t give me my moves. Now it will never give anyone their moves MWHAHAHAHA!

Noriega READ THIS THREAD! You said you were getting the TE right? Great stuff in this thread. From the guys who’s insight you like. :slight_smile:

Not a single “That’s what she said.” I’m so disappointed in all of you… Let me show you how it’s done.

That’s what she said.

Bravo, sir. Bravo.

He’s right though, how about you don’t be lazy and use the info that’s there and do a little research. It’s not like there’s an entire fucking sub-forum.

We don’t want every new user making a topic going “HAI GUYS I NEDZ STICK! WHATS A SANWA LOL!”

Also, on a street fighter forum, nerd, is not an insult.

Now that’s how you post in this thread.

Fry’s had em! Actually they had $89 sale for the TE’s. I bought two of them. Right after, they went back up, but you’ll see them fluctuate from $100 to $130. You just have to look out for the prices.

I used to be a professional mobile installer so I made 2 of my other sticks out of MDF. Bought Sanwa and Seimitsu parts, and wired it to a toodles PCB. If you have the tools and the time, and really look for good deals on parts, you can make one pretty cheap.

Does it really matter? Its not like the SF4 forum where there’s 10 new threads every day.

God forbid we strike up some conversations in the HDR forum.

Given that I’ve seen you make posts about getting high and playing HDR…Really, just let it go. As I already stated in my post, I wanted some insight from the users because I play with them regularly and consider most of them online buddies. Its really quite simple. And hey, this forum isn’t exactly full of activity so what’s the problem? When I say nerd I’m speaking more of people who get anal over absolutely nothing, not the type who plays games (hint: that’s what I do). Read Coth’s post, all I’m looking for is insight from some familiar faces I trust. God forbid this dead forum gets a new thread…

You think that’s some shit? Oh yeah? Check this out. Im now using a TE I purchased from a friend for…


Now you really do have turbos! Haha! Glad to hear you’ve made the switch!

They wont ship, but luckily you have one up in Fishers…

I live in Los Angeles, a grand total of 0 of those sticks are available at the 8 stores within 100 miles of me.

It’s the second time he’s made the switch, I believe.

I made my decision to get this certain Mad Catz for $109. Thanks alot, fellas. I’ll be seeing you regulars online really soon, so please don’t delete me based on my 2 months of HDR inactivity.


I got my stick a few weeks back.

I actually played with the stick on the 360 pad and found it to be good, but I had a few issues with QCF causing me to jump forward and a few other instances that would probably result in a match loss. Still, I can see why its better - and I imagine an actual TE stick will be even better.

You live in LA and haven’t come to the Denjin RanBats? WTF?!?!?

I’ll check our new Fry’s down here in San Marcos for ya.

I’m not competitive. San Marcos doesn’t have one.

So that Fry’s that I go to after lunch on a weekly basis isn’t really a Fry’s? :confused:

Either way it’s a lot of fun, and we always play a bunch of casuals…

No, I mean that the San Marcos Fry’s doesn’t have a TE Stick.

No excuse! You know how much I wish there was an HDR scene here with regular ranbats!? And surely you’d level up playing those dudes.