"It's show time!" Dee Jay Beginner Thread

Check your plinking right first. Open input display and try and plink, I’ll assume you’re doin mp~lp. The display should show mp next line lp mp, both lines should come up instantly aswell.

What combos do you have to do cr.lp ~ cr.mp for as opposed to cr.lp ~ cr.lk? The second one is incredibly easy and seems to work for everything but sobat kick as far as I can tell - it works with a mgu and air slash afterward anyway. Unless I’m missing something, I don’t really get why people go for cr.mp which has a much higher chance of error?

I think I am not hitting them close enough together. It’s like 10% at the moment. I’m going to head into training mode and try it again. Thanks for the advice :slight_smile:

I gotta be honest, I’m not the guy to ask personally. That’s just what I’ve seen the majority of the good Dee Jays do, and I figure it’s because of the Sobat. I’m just trying to get the basics down before I get too deep into it :slight_smile:

How tight a link is cr.lp into cr. mp? Is it a one framer like Guile’s or is it a bit more lenient?

It feels like a one framer, since I’m not landing it accurately without plinking.

how do you do dash U2?

from the frame data thread:

cr.lp cr.mp is just plain not worth the risk. should either skip the jab and do cr.mp xx MGU or cr.lp cr.lp mix up with cr. MK or throw. if your confident with the link then you can also use cr.lp cr.lp cr.mp xx sobat. I still prefer MGU for better damage and juggle, but some characters can punish a blocked MGU even if it pushes back. doing more than 1 ground attack before the MGU means they get pushed back more, increasing the chance for the MGU to whiff or not push them back (meaning a devastating punish).

I’ve been trying to do this all day. Can you cross up to cr.mp and then special move? Yeah I can’t think the cr.LP to Cr.MP. Sounds like throwing it out it a good idea. Got any other combo tips that end with a special were you don’t have to link? I mained DeeJay in ST so he is quite different in 4. Thanks.

I’ve been trying to do this all day. Can you cross up to cr.mp and then special move? Yeah I can’t think the cr.LP to Cr.MP. Sounds like throwing it out it a good idea. Got any other combo tips that end with a special were you don’t have to link? I mained DeeJay in ST so he is quite different in 4. Thanks.

Yeah you can start charging down as soon as you start the jump and cross up, cr.MP xx MGU. You should start practicing it at first by not crossing up and instead jumping in with a HK because it’s easier to link. It sounds to me like your problem with linking cr.MP to a special is most likely that you are inputting the special move too soon, I had that problem at first and I mained DeeJay in ST too.

I feel like I’m not getting enough charge to do U2 after EX MGU. I can do FADC -> U2 and dash U2… just not after EX MGU. word… =p

Is c.jab to c.strong really a 1-frame link? Iunno, I’m doing it easily. Maybe because I’m coming from Abel, who is filled with 1-frame links.

So how do you hold a down charge while standing I’m stuck on a trial right now.

You Can’t

I’ve been able to pull off the c.lp->c.mp link in the trials/training with increasing consistency, but I haven’t been able to pull it off at all online. I guess this is going to be a real problem.

Don’t have the game so don’t know what moves your doing for the trial, but if you first hold down the move from down to neutral to up and press the button for what normal you’re cancelling as you fo through neutral.

Trial I am stuck on his jumping hard punch to standing mid punch into air slasher its input should be this :u::hp::r::mp: :l::r: :p:

:uf::l:j:hp: land :mp::r::p:

Hold back the entire time until you do the forward punch to do the air slasher

Sounds like your problem is your not doing the minimum number of hits for EX MGU. After you do the initial input for EX MGU start charging and don’t hit any additional punches.

Remember you need to cancel s.mp into air slasher

thank you so much for posting that…based on the original way I was struggling to get it but doing that motion for U2 made a HUGE difference! I can consistently pull it off now in training and in matches. :tup: now i don’t feel I’m stuck with U1 :lol: