"It's not X you should worry about - it's me!" - The UMvC3 Zero Combo Thread

Yeah works with a lot of hypers, just that CF has arguably the tightest time/ specific way of doing it.
As for the 2nd TK H Raikousen, I’m just doing it how I normally do it- nothing special going on. The opponent’s already really high up so you could really freestyle between Raikousens hell I managed to do L, M and H versions in one combo about 2 times each.

Just TK L then TK H just like my modified version =)


While the damage for Vergil isn’t optimized at the end (I’m talking to the poster now about that) if you just ended at the last relaunch into uppercut it’s around 700k meterless with 1 and 3/4 bar built! Not bad for only 1 assist and no X Factor :slight_smile:

shoutouts to reposts…

ye that’s my video ur reposting there… thanks for ur comments on the video though. will sort that out soon.


Anyway, this one isn’t anything ground breaking, it’s basically establishing that Strider is also a good assist for combo extension for zero. Is it safe to establish now that the best assists for Zero in terms of combo extensions is Vergil’s Rapid Slash, Dante’s Jam Session, Doom’s Hidden Missiles, Sentinel’s Drones and Strider’s Vajra?

TBH I don’t really see why Vajra (as a combo extender) is better than the likes of Dark Hole, Eye of Agamotto, Plasma Beam and a lot of other multi-hitting assists. It’s nice that it’s there for sure but in terms of damage it’s not exactly amazing vs say multi hit assist with the Lite Steb Extender.

Oh in case I didn’t post it already, DHC from Legion to Sougenmu leads to Raikousen Loop too.

Zero’s raikousen loop can be set up by DHCing from

any DHC glitch setups things like Weapon X prime, cutting time, ect, ect
Any floating state/soft/hard knockdown supers: Million dollars, Viper’s OTGing super, Maximum Wesker, Hard Drive, Dimension slash, Bionic Arm, ect
Supers that stay out for a while after DHCing away from them: hailstorm, hyper sentinel force, king servebot…ect.
Any additional supers simply require high enough hitstun to land a raikousen. It’s why Chaotic Flame worked.

Basically you just check to see if you can land a raikousen (can be any version) after DHCing to sougenmu. In the case of Hard knockdown supers, you can additionally try to land M sentsuizan xxbusterxx->lightning loop.

Really, just try with your team. It really doesn’t require much to set up.

Wow Zero has fuzzy guards after a blocked J.H/Air normal using instant J.M and he can get full combos if he has buster. Fun times.

yeah I do it off Million dollars, its actually quite good since you can pass the 1mil damage with that.

lol I assume char specific. that actually sounds pretty BS

Quick question. What does fuzzy guard mean lol. I know this sounds kinda stupid. But like I remember once when I used ammy okami shuffle then use sougenmu shadow super while lightning was going on someone tried to say that i was doing a fuzzy guard setup. Is that when the blockstring isn’t tight? Kinda like sent drones in vanilla?

Didn’t Avarice or X Samurai X mention that Fuzzy Guard setup before? It’s pretty fucked.

Basically fuzzy guard is forcing the block animation of the opponent to be standing, so in this case if they block j.H (which has to be blocked standing) they’re caught in a fuzzy guard setup whereby even if they’re crouching after it, their character will still be standing up. This helps you go for an instant overhead setup since they’re forced to stand.

This doesn’t mean however, that they’re forced to block in a specific direction. So don’t get it confused with “OH I forced you to block high now I can hit you low for free”, Nah, it just means that you forced the ANIMATION to be high (they could still be crouching)- which makes instant overheads like the j.M A LOT easier and it’s pretty nice mixup since a lot of people don’t anticipate 2 overheads back to back.

Actually I just tested it, its pretty fucked up lol. Reminds me of my old Guilty gear days…fun times.

Well, you dont really need lv3 buster, you can just do blocked j.:h:, land, j:m: xx :m: Sentsuizan and you get a free combo as well

With Jam Session, you can do a blocked j.:h: (1st hit) > Call Jam Session > (2nd hit of j.:h: is blocked) > j.:l: for a fuzzy guard setup without any buster needed.

j.M->M sentsuizain->st.L->full combo (FULL COMBO! No compensating for HSD or anything).

It’s nice to have the buster anyway though (you don’t really get time to hitconfirm and sentsuizan isn’t the safest thing in the world on block without a buster cancel available).

I have a question. I’ve been working on this combo for about 30 minutes and they tech out right after the last Sentuizan(right before you DHC to Vergil). What am I doing wrong?

Are you doing the whole combo as fast as possible?

Hitstun deterioration is based entirely on how much time the combo has taken. Doing a combo too slowly will make it drop.

Exactly correct. Do it as fast as possible.

ok, I checked the Killer Kai combo for Zero, its actually pretty smart. He does hard knockdown ender, :h: Dive xx lv3 buster > :l: Raikousen xx Rekkouha and then DHC into someone to get full damage.

I tested it with Vergil’s Spiral swords and it works perfectly, to get the full juggle I do:

(charge round trip) j.2:h: wait for rekkouha to end, sj j:h: j:s:xx release round trip j:s:, land, :l: Dimension cut, cr:h: xx stinger xx :l: dimension cut cr:h: xx Lunar phase and then ender with DF :h: xx Dimension slash.

That sounds exactly like the Zero/Vergil DHC we’ve already been doing.

Yeah the extender is great for his team, but for anyone that has a team capable of a lite steb extender you’re better off going with that for damage.
Given me a few ideas though,

Yeah what i do is I do the Loop set up ( we need a name for Corner Dive XX buster Lightning like… Chidori Ima start calling Dive XX buster Lightning Chidori LOL…)
So After Chidori If you do Rekkhoha then DHC to whatever ( you have to time it right so Zero hits the ground first ) you basically do like Dr Doom Super that goes up or… What I do is after chidori is level Genmu Zero ( which is mostly for show but it kills usually lol )