Let’s just finally got the ball rolling with Zero’s useful combos up till this point. PM me whichever ones you feel need to be editted into the OP. And links to vids + damage values will be great.
It should be noted that both, the RBC and Jump Loop combos carry from corner to corner. Also these 2 combos are left open ended so you can decide upon your own extender i.e. Raikousen Loop, Rekkoha or assist extenders.
Further note about Lightning Loop, this generally adds between ~200-400K damage MORE THAN Rekkoha.
======================== LIGHTNING LOOP =======================
2013 Update:
======================== BASIC COMBOS =======================
Combo 1
(mid-screen carries to corner)
[Damage: 435,500 // 615,500 with Rekkoha]
c. :h: :f:+:h: c.:l: c.
:h: :f:+:h:,:s:, sj.
:h::s:, j.:qcf:+:h: (OTG) xx lv.3 Buster, j.:dp:+:l:,:s:, sj.
Video: [details=Spoiler][media=youtube]ISMMSWbxPKQ[/media][/details]
====================== ADVANCED COMBOS =====================
Ryuenjin Buster Cancel:[Doesn’t work on short characters unless in the corner]
My Variant (need to be charging already):
** [Damage: 425,900 // 605,900 with Rekkoha // 1m+ with Lightning Loop]**
[S]:l::h::f:[/S]+:h:xx :dp:+:h: (2-3 hits) xx lv.3 Buster, j.:dp:+:l:, land and quickly dash, j.
j.:h:, land, j.
j.:h:, land, j.
xx lv.3 Buster, j.:qcb:+:l: [land], (dash if needed), :s:, sj.
Solo Relaunch:
(Corner to Corner Carry)
[Damage: 368,200 // 548,300 with Rekkoha]
:qcf:+:h:, land and dash, j.:qcf:+:h: xx lv.3 Buster, j.:qcb:+:l:, land, dash :s:, sj.
Avarice’s Variant:
** [Damage: 384,600 // 564,600 with Rekkoha // ~960,000 with Lightning Loop]**
c. :h: :f:+:h: c.:l: c.
:h: :f:+:h: :dp::h: xx lv.3 Buster :dp::l:, land then quickly dash forward, j.
j.:h: land :h: :f:+:h: (1 hit) :s: sj.
**The Toaster: **
[Damage: 408,300 // 588,300 with Rekkoha]
cr.s.:h::f:+:h:,:s:, sj.:d:+:h:, pause, j.:h:, land,
:s:, sj.
xx lv3.Buster, j.:dp:+:l:, land, :s:, sj.
Jump Loop:
[Damage: 429,800 // 609,800 with Rekkoha // 1m+ with Lightning Loop]
:l::h::f:+:h::s:, sj.
sj.:h:, (wait till you’re close to the ground), j.
, (land), j.
j.:h:, (land), j.
xx j.lv3 Buster xx j.:dp:+:l:, (land), :s:, sj.
Video: [details=Spoiler][media=youtube]p9lHNWU4NdU[/media][/details]
The Grimey Corner Carry:
[Damage: 385,800 // 548,300 with Rekkoha]
Requires you to be charging already:
xx[ j.:dp:+:h: xx lv3 Buster,] (this is Buster cancelling i.e. you cancel the H Raikousen before it comes out by letting go of Buster) sj.:qcf:+:m:, land, :h::f:+:h:,:s:,sj.
Video courtesy of DrewGrimey:
Easiest Corner Carry Evar:
(Requires tiny bit of buster charged already)
[Damage: 358,900 // 538,900 with Rekkoha]
(as you’re falling from d+H) xx lv.3 Buster, j. :dp:+:l:, land, :s:, sj.
======================= HIT-CONFIRMS =========================
Jumping Opponent:
Combo 1 - [Damage: 371,700]
j.lv3.Buster, :dp:+:l:, land then dash quickly, j.:h:, land, j.
:h:, land, j.
xx lv3.Buster, j.:qcb:+:l:, land then dash, :s:, sj.
Combo 2 - [Damage: 333,800]
j.:d:+:h:, land, :l::h::s:, sj.
:h:, pause, lv3.Buster (As you’re falling from H), j.:dp:+:l:, land, :s:,
Combo 3 - [Damage: 372,700]
j.:h:, land, j.
:h:, land, j.
:h:, land, j.
xx lv3. Buster, j.:dp:+:l:, land and dash, :s:, sj.
Super Jumping Opponent:
Combo 1 - [Damage: 356,600]
sj. xx lv3.Buster, :dp:+:l:, land, j.
:h:, land, j.
:h:, land, :f:+:h:(1 hit),:s:, sj.
Combo 2 - [Damage: 323,300]
sj.:d:+:h:, pause, j.:h:, land, :h::s:, sj.
xx lv3.Buster, j.:dp:+:l:, land, :s:, sj.
==================== COMBOS WITH ASSISTS ====================