"It's not X you should worry about - it's me!" - The UMvC3 Zero Combo Thread

You start holding :l: right after Raikousen and activate Sougenmu with :m: and :h:

that’s how I do it anyways.

Trying to learn this combo piece by piece. I’m having some problem with consistently getting the Sentsuizan to be a hard knockdown after calling in Vergil’s assist. Basically the part where you go j.236M, call vergil, 5.S, j.236M. For some reason that second j.236M doesn’t always give me a hard knockdown, and if I recall back to vanilla I think this has something to do with the timing on when I hit the 5.S.

Should I be timing it so that the S hits after all of Vergil’s hits take place? I’m currently trying different timings for the 5.S but any tips are much appreciated.

The 5.S should inbetween vergil’s hits so they will be in a launch state and get juggled by rapid slash and not 5.S because of hitstun. You’re also gonna jump cancel S to get the j.236M easier.

It’s combining the time that the raikousen takes+the sougenmu activation.

basically L raikousen+sougenmu gives enough time for buster to charge

^ On top of that, the time between Sougenmu and time taken to jump too.


I finally got the spiral swords DHC working properly (thanks nini heart!). Anyway, basically this is just showing the lightling loop set up and using spiral swords instead of the actual loop. There’s probably a few reasons why you want to do this instead. For one, this vergil DHC is much more easier to do online than the lightning loop. also you’re buffing zero’s assist which I do prefer using.

You should optimize the vergil combo though.

Hey guys, I’m trying to do this combo: [media=youtube]91Pgwqic908[/media]

But I can’t seem to get the Jam Session to connect, the opponent just air teches before it hits him, can anyone help me out?

it’s a close timing. u need jam session come out as quick as possible and press S as late as possible. Give it a good second before it comes out.

i’m still working on my vergil. he’s my weakest character of the three (i main zero/vergil/spencer). I’ve seen that video on SRK’s front page which uses Vergil and Spencer’s assist so I’ll try and copy that combo into mine.

I think there’s another trick to it, I’ve done it at the last possible moment and sometimes it still doesn’t connect. I’ve also seen Sam’s Club doing dante+launch pretty fast after eachother.

I’m having problems connecting Lv3 Buster > Ryuenjin > S in the basic BnB.

Any tips?

Basic BnB doesn’t have Ryuenjin o_0
I’ll assume you meant Raikousen, are you doing it mid-screen or in the corner? It’s tough midscreen, you have to dash up, OTG Dive xx lv3.Buster, j:qcb:+:l: (NOT RAIKOUSEN), land, :s: (or dash then :s:) to get it. Otherwise you really want to be using a multi hit assist to OTG and carry them. There really is no reason why your basic BnB should be completely without an assist tbh.

Oh, sorry. My mistake. The DP Motion didn’t have a “j” so I assumed it was Ryuenjin >_>

Anyway, yes. The combo normally ends up carrying them to the corner.

I can get it down until the OTG because I tend to release the Buster earlier.

Yes, my execution sucks >_<

But thanks for the help :smiley: I’ll try and see if I can get it down with Raikousen.

np, I’ve attached a vid next to the Basic BnB so if you were ever confused check the vid. Heh.

Will do when I get home.

My cellphone won’t reproduce videos -_-

There’s no trick. Call it as soon as you land then press S and it should combo. If it’s missing then either you’re launching too early, calling Dante too late, or your combo causes hitstun to run out (which I doubt)

As long as M sentsuizanxxbusterxx is able to connect, HSD should not be a problem.

You call Dante as soon as possible after the raikousen, and delay the launcher as much as possible. So far I haven’t ever had it drop when doing this, and the combo works much longer than any of Zero’s bnbs (it even worked for me after lightning loop, though this is really, really tight)

I’ve also been using M raikousen instead of H, though both should work (and H gets you a tiny bit more damage). I just preffer M raikousen because it makes setting up the buster cancel->L raikousen aftewards easier, and I want to make sure that part is consistent.

Waaah!! I dunno why I didn’t start doing this sooner. And I THINK someone mentioned it a while ago but throwing in TK H Raikousen in the Raikousen Loop makes it sooooooooo much easier to do.

So you’re basically doing Sougenmu, jlv3 Buster, L Raikousen, TK L Raikousen, TK H Raikousen (gives a lot of time to float and hit j.Buster), L Raikousen, TK L Raikousen, TK H Raikousen, Buster, L Raikousen then whatever.

H Makes em float higher and works well for height correction purposes combined with the Buster. And you’re more likely to get more hits out of your Raikousen when doing H.


Combo video showing a lil zero doom strider team sinergy.
link : [media=youtube]yAqcC5oKMHo[/media]


I’ve just made my first combo video. A lot of it is burning all the meter and x-factor and designed for show. But the majority of these combos can be tweaked to be more viable both online and in tournaments.

Look in the video description for how to pull these off and what they work on.