Totally understandable, and I for sure don’t “want” to mash. But there are situations where it is the only viable option. Like if you are Ryu in SF4 and are caught in a Sakura loop that will definitely kill you. Just do it.
That is understandable, but overall it sucks! It just shows lack of experience. I wonder how sakura will be played in sfxt, the damage scaling is gonna suck lol!
My friend is using her. He says she is really sick. Her and Cody.
He’s “Sol” from Shadowloo if anyone has ever heard of them. Aussie guys.
Lololol. I know people talk about his armor move…but this move need to be explored more.
Sup, thought I’d post this here … had been playing with tag-canceling Hell Axel, which is pretty useful if your partner has air juggles. This is more of a Bison combo than a Heihachi combo, but I’m pretty happy with it. Nets you 475 off a jump-in HP, or 419 off s.MK s.RH Launch, w/ Bison.
j.HP, s.HP, [c.MK s.RH Launch] > s.HP xx MP DBreath, s.HP xx HK Hell Axle xx Tag > j.MPx2, s.MP, s.HP xx HP PC
Oh, some1 beat me to it already for that exposure.^^ I like the text for that move on Page 231 of the Guide even more. Good summary of how ridiculous this Move is.
My post on that Move :
Sup guys,
I just uploaded a video showing how great heihachi is
Have fun:
this thread needs to be updated im going to pm a mod but is anyone interested in putting all the combos and damage together in one post?i recommend fullmetalross,not sure if he is interested though
I have been really playing with cross-cancels. This is where heihachi really shines, I think. I end every combo of his now with his dragon uppercut + follow-up punch. Cross-cancel from that thing leave the opponent open to ruthless juggling for very good damage. Getting hit by Heihachi should never leave your opponent with less than 400 life lost. It is basically like fighting against Gouken in SFIV, but I feel Heihachi is much stronger than Gouken.
Here’s a fun combo with Kazuya/Heihachi (start w/Kaz) if you want to eat 3 bars of meter and have a fun combo:
j.HK -> FP -> qcb.LP -> mist -> sweep (K) -> K >> Cross Cancel >> FP (opponent is hit as though “standing”) -> srk.MP -> FP -> srk.MP -> FP -> srk.K -> P >> Cross Cancel >> d.FP -> mist -> dragon (LP) -> K
As for comboing wih Heihachi after a Launcher, you can get a close, it’s just tricky with the timing. Too early and you’ll get a far, which isn’t cancellable. But xx Medium RU into xx Hard DU is what I use. The juggle limit is pretty extensive after a Launcher, so I think that’s the most you can get meterless. haven’t explored EX yet, although the second goes into super and cross art.
So a couple of weeks ago someone around here was showing me a good Heihachi blockstring.
It starts with f+LP,LP,LP Dragon Breath. If it hits, follow up with b.MP, EX RU, and then begin your standard juggle. If it is blocked, hit c.MK and if you’re lucky, the opponent won’t see the low coming. LP Dragon Breath is pretty safe on block so it could result in a pretty good mix-up.
Yeah it is +2, issue with LP demon breath is the range. Does lp demon breath always reach after f.lp>lp confirm?
Yes, lp demon breath always connects after f.lp>lp.
That is excellent.
You can do what Xerox posted about the counter hit setup, or you could do the Lightning Crush (fwd+lk) after the Demon Breath. It’s 1 frame faster and it has +3 on block (+1 frame, same +7 on hit, woo). And people seeing that knee coming at them really like to jab at it for some reason, at least in my experience.
The fwd LP, LP, LP demon breath string is good. If you’re close enough you can link CR. Mk after then xx to raw launcher
For some reason though, if I’m in range to connect the CR mk if I chain into HP it wont connect but if I hold twrd while doing it it works.
Agreed, I am a fan of the [f+lp, lp] xx qcf+lp string, as I think a mixture of safe block strings and high/low reset situations will be the life and death of Heihachi
some fun demon breath stuff. i know going straight into uppercut does more damage, but this is easy to confirm on reaction.
requires walking forward.
really fun and stylish.
What’s a good Heihachi combo that ends with his Super Art?
And what’s a good combo ender after being tagged in following Akuma’s HP SRK?
i’d assume his best combo into super art is the rising uppercut loop, but change the ending for st. hp xx super art
j. hp/hk hp xx mp rising uppercut > hp xx mp rising uppercut > hp xx super art