anyone know the heihachi loop with kazuya?
kaz in with opponent in corner
anything into lp SH then mist step KK xx tag
heihachi cLP fLP LP hcfLP LK MK HP HP
What can Heihachi do off of post-launcher with meter outside of st.HP xx LP RU > st.HP xx Super? Sometimes I’ll tag Heihachi in with very little scaling off of 1-3 attacks and I’m willing to spruce up my output, but I don’t know the optimal stuff right now. Maybe st.HP xx EX Demon Breath > MP RU > st.HP xx HK DU + P?
I found something very useful for damage in Heiachi’s meterless combos.
After landing qcf.LP (from stuff like f.LP x st.LP or st.LK you can link into b.MP xx hp.DP, st.HP xx mp.DP, st.HP xx hk.DP xx P allowing for better (if not best) meterless damage. I don’t have the numbers on me but I’ll go back and get that later.
Just looking at that combo i would assume that it would nvr work, cant wait to try it… Looks like a hard link between qcf.LP and b.MP…
I noticed page 2 of this thread had a bit of discussion on Hell Axle. I find it to be his best option for tagging out with nearly any character. There are two reasons for this.
[]:hk: Hell Axle does 120 damage, but only scales for one hit. Now, many of you may have tested this and noticed that :hk: Hell Axle whiffs the second hit if you do it where you would normally Dragon Upper. The catch here is that if you tag cancel on the first hit, it resets Heihachi’s juggle potential, and he gets the second hit for the full damage.
[]:hk: Hell Axle allows for superior followups with most characters. This relates back to the first point. Because Heihachi gets that second hit of the Hell Axle, most characters can land a jumping heavy attack and be in position for another heavy attack upon landing. eg. Paired with Jack X, you can get around 500 for one bar (most of which you build back) by doing f.:lp: > :mp:, cl. :hp: xx :lp: Rising Upper, cl. :hp: xx :hk: Hell Axle, tag (Jack X), j.:mp: (2 hits), cl :hp: xx :hk: tackle.
For clarification purposes, I’m going to reiterate that while Dragon Uppercut does a total of 140 damage with the followup, it usually does less damage after tag in combos because the followup scales an extra hit. That being said, if you are ending a combo with Heihachi, Dragon Uppercut is almost always the most damaging option, and you can get great setups from it.
So hopefully this gets updated for 2013, interested in using this guy!
Hard to figure out whats a good combo and what isn’t in this thread.
Uhhh can someone just fill me in on…
Midscreen Combo with no meter, and one with 1 meter.
EDIT Jump In with no meter…
J.HK, S.HK, MP SRK, S.HP, MP SRK, S.HP, HK SRK. This does 422. Anyone have anything better?
You can do this same combo but do C.LPx2, plink into S.HK into the MP Srk. Does 322, but off a jab.
Corner Combo with no meter, and one with 1 meter.
What to do off of a generic uppercut TAG cancel. (Dudley HP upper, TAG to be precise)
And if Dudley launches into Heihachi what’s the combo Heihachi should do?
Edit: Is S.HK, LP SRK, S.HP, HK SRK the most optimal ? ^
Hey guy, just started playing a couple hours ago. Trying to figure some stuff out with Heihachi and Bryan. I cant find much about these two together so I’ll post these here. If anyone has any suggestions I’d appreciate it.
Most of this is just standard stuff nothing to fancy.
Heihachi to Bryan (1 meter)
j.rh, s.fp xx sp RU, s.fp xx sp RU, s.fp xx rh HU, p + switch, s.sp, c.fp xx qcb+fk = 468
Bryan to Heihachi (2 meters)
j.rh, s.fp xx hcf+pp, switch on first hit, walf forward a little ->+jp+sp (charge to lvl 2), s.fp xx sp RU, s.fp xx rh HU =549
Anyone know anything with heihachi and nina? I like Bryan, but im willing to boot him for some thing else. Thinking of nina.
I think my combo does more but I’m not sure., xx qcf+lp~b+mp xx dp+mp, st.hp xx dp+mp, st.hp xx dp+k not sure I wanna say it does like 430 something?
The combo you listed for a meterless jump in combo is a decent choice, but if you’re looking to not spend any meter, the combo listed by FullMetalRoss does more damage (listed below, should be somewhere close to 445)
If you have one meter, however, the best option will likely be to combo into qcb+hk as early as possible, and start a combo with as dudley comes in. For example, if we’re going off a jump attack again, you can do, cl.hp xx qcb+hk, tag if you can confirm they are standing (hell axles whiffs on crouching). If they are crouching,, cl.hp xx dp+mp, cl.hp xx qcb+hk, tag will get you good damage as well. I’ve found that in general, you should be able to easily break 500 dmg with 1 bar tagging from Hei, and as a general rule, his ex moves aren’t that useful in terms of optimization.
In the corner, Hei’s combos don’t change that much. It’s possible to combo into off a qcf+mp, but you don’t really get any more damage, and the timing of the combo gets more difficult.
Off a tag cancel, if you can’t get a jump in or charge a lvl 2 chrome dome, your best combo option is cl.hp xx dp+lp, cl.hp xx dp+k, p.
One thing you may want to test if if you can get a lvl 2 (partially charged) headbutt off dudley’s HK qcf+k. If that’s the case, something li**ke xx qcf +hk, tag, f+ppp (charge lvl 2), cl.hp xx dp+lp, cl.hp xx dp+k, p **should get you close to 500.
So thanks to edane finding out that you can do hp demons breath,, xx dragon upper for better scaling and damage off of some hit confirms in the corner. If you do the too early, the dragon upper may whiff. If you’re gonna switch cancel, it may be best to do hp demons breath, hk xx hell axel.
Hey guys, so the character discussion is pretty dead but for any of you who still browse here I picked up Rufus x Heihachi as my main team. Right now I’m looking for Heihachi’s highest damage combo off a boost into tag back to Rufus. If anyone knows what the most optimal combo is I’d really appreciate it.
If I had to guess it is something along the lines of st.hp xx dp+p, st.hp xx qcb+hk (tag to rufus) jump hp, st.hp xx either dp+hp or lk messiah kick, lk follow up.
Combo video featuring Cody/Heihachi: