This is for all of Heihachi’s combos.
I will update this thread with all of hei’s combos that are found. If in the case i do not please message me in my inbox.
Heihachi’s got some pretty interesting things going on with his Eisho Mon ( ). You can link off of it at the right range–which seems to be fairly close (or range), though the timing seems kinda tight. Here’s what I’ve found that seems to work:
forward mp,crouching lp, hk hell axel xx (this can be EX’ed for mo’ damage)
Forward mp,crouching lp xx rajin stance (links right into Super)
forward mp, forward lp forward mp,mk dragon uppercut xx xx > (the timing for the Muso Tettsui is TIGHT)
His overhead links to–and, again, is tight–his crouching short ( ) and then into a full combo. Such as:
back lp,crouching lp xx mp rising uppercut, mk dragon uppercut xx punch > (you can tweak this as you see fit)
Also, his crouching mk at the right range can confirm straight into either his Dragon Upper ( ) or his Hell Axle ( ). Just a note, I s’pose.
found by Baushy
[298dmg] [0 bar] B+mp xxDP+lp > s.hp xxDP+mp > s.hp
[348dmg] [1 bar] B+mp xxDP+lp > s.hp xxDP+mp > s.hp xxDP+pp
found by Guns1linger
Fwd lk, st.lp or lk, Light Dragon Breath(Fireball motion),lk,mk,hk , EX Dragon Breath, DP mp , fwd lp,mp , DP any kick then punch.
Everyone who found combos were credited. If you weren’t just tell me.