Is Poison a "TOP" or a "BOTTOM"?

Nah. Im trying to see who compliments her. Not sure if she’ll replace rose as a sub now. People say rose is better offensively but the only thing keeping her wake up game better than dhalsim is that she has something with strike invincibility.

There was a Poison player at EVO who made place 33rd.

I think the game needs more time, then we will see some solid Poison players.

In my opinion, she is “at least” mid tier, because of her amazing fireballs.

What was this player’s name? I would love to see some videos.

His name was Twitch|Acqua, I searched for some videos, but couldn’t find anything. :-/

Evo placings:

Thanks for sharing his name. You can find his match right here:

Is it just me or does anyone else feel that Poison is a very honest character? I mean Sakura was beaten without any flashy combos.

I looked at the bracket and the only notable player he beat was mike ross who said acqua is pretty much his demon.

lost to bonchan and latif, all of which are bad matchups. its also unknown if he stuck with poison the whole way or tried cammy atleast once

Amazing match, thanks for sharing! I like his corner pressure.
Yes I think so too. Out of the new ultra characters, she is definitely the most honest character. A real SF character. =)

Well he placed higher than Daigo, that’s all we need to know. :stuck_out_tongue:
I think he stuck with Poison the whole time, because he is listed as Twitch|Acqua (Poison) on eventhubs placings.

If he would have used other characters as well, they would have added it like they did with Momochi (Ken, Juri).

the thing is they have footage of momo using juri so they know for sure so they write that, the guy who wrote it may not have known if he used other chars aside from poison so he wrote that

hmm… She’s very honest but I think she also has some nice mix ups. Especially in the corner. Tbh other than her buttons being a little on the slow side I think she could possibly climb the tier list.

I can already see haters screaming for nerfs if Poison were to climb the tier list. I currently receive a ton of hate mail with messages like “You’re a F@GG-IT for using Poison” or “Stop using your fireballs you noob”. Sighs Anyone with similar experiences?

I don’t get those messages… I dizzy them before they get the chance to get salty.
but lol “Stop using your fireballs you noob” reminds me of the time I was told to stop anti airing.

I think the more stuff we find the further poison will climb the tier list. Not too much higher…possibly just under uppermid. I feel that for her anti airs that her and cr.hp keeps her ok.

The dirt comes in the form of the Ex.WoL resets and her fireball game. I do think she isn’t that honest, because of the standing reset and the corner pressure. I think the problem is she isn’t that dirty so that you can ride her tricks to success like Yun but at the same time isn’t fundamentally solid as say Guile to an extent or Fei long who is a perfect example of this.

That i feel is the reason a lot of people feel like she is missing something but a lot of the cast have the same feel IMO.

Just wait until Edition Select comes out in August. Our worst nightmares will be Vanilla Sagat and AE Yang/Yun.

It’s too bad Poison only has one version to choose from. Imagine we could choose her SFxT iteration…

People can jump out of it, because it is a 0+x ultra, not an x+0 ultra, so there are frames after the freeze frame that allow people to enter prejump frames, rendering them unthrowable. You have to use it as a punish, or in some situations as a frame trap. I don’t really see this ultra being useful as it’s 3 frame startup (from my not 100% trustable source, I will update this comment if i experience a different value in testing)

And I disagree, she has great fireball recovery and if you can get good at her DP timing she can be a very strong character. Even Daigo boldly said that he thinks all Guile players would be better off switching to Poison.

Just play ranked or don’t join edition select rooms. :slight_smile:

I’m up for the challenge. Besides, where is the fun in playing overpowered characters like Vanilla Sagat and Seth?

I will say that winning is fun. I personally play characters that I like. If they happen to be top tiers like Superman or SFxT Cody (pre-patch) then awesome, if they did turn out to be low tier or mid like SF4 Poison and Cody then it is what it is and i stick with them. I generally don’t like the idea of low tier heroism, I mean i can understand tier whoring but not being a low tier hero is something i just don’t understand.

Just wondering, what does low tier heroism mean? Are you talking about people who play as Dan or Hugo just to show the community that these characters are viable?

I’ll be honest. I like playing as Poison because I like the character especially since she’s getting a sexy China dress costume in August.

Apparently poison made top 8 at a major… are we doing something wrong?

Who made that happen? :open_mouth: