Is Asia going to give USA better competition this year at Evo?

Why do people say that Fanatiq doesn’t use Magnetic Blast? He uses it all of the time, he just doesn’t spam it the way many Magneto players do. Don’t see why he needs to when he has drones to lock people down.

Perhaps Duckstrong saw how Abegen’s Thor can beat Jeo’s Morrigan and Kurosu’s Joe???

Mighty Strike=Safe on Block+projectile nullification+super armor. ???

vs hidden missiles tho? it’s not a good look.

thor loses to hidden missiles so bad.

my post wasn’t even in regards to Fanatiq, how you gathered that i was dickriding i’ll never know.

Throwing is Cheap and Emil have the BEST rivalry of all time. I <3 them both.

You must’ve missed the Dark Geese era.

Thor is going to have his backup also. Thor/Shuma or Dante CAN do well against MorriDoom. It’s not a gimme but its pretty effective.

No he doesn’t, Strikes go through missiles too and you can cancel into Tornado which will negate the missiles if you happen to hit Morrigan. This does minimum over 475k, so do it twice and she’s dead or blow your X-factor and do it all at once if she’s that much of a nuisance. If you hit from the right angle you can get a full combo and pretty much kill her on the spot with the right assists. You just have to keep track of where the missiles are which is something most of the people on this board fail to realize when they demand missiles disappear if Doom gets hit. You pick your moment; it’s not that hard a concept. Morrigan can’t play like an idiot around Thor because her spam means nothing to him when he’s in the air (hint: that’s where he’s supposed to be played if you’re having trouble).

Here’s another stupid scenario to show you guys missiles are avoidable. Thor can walk across the screen and a full volley of missiles won’t hit him, so it’s not that hard to see how he can avoid 6 with strikes.

I have a really hard time taking anything you say seriously if this much wasn’t blatantly obvious to you as a Thor player.

Thor also does quite well against Doom imo. The only character that would worry me is Virgil since Chris G has been switching it up lately. Thor gets decimated by swords.

From the way you guys talk about missiles it’s like a never ending rain of death. There are tons of gaps in MorriDoom even when she has Astral Vision on.

Agreed on that last line. Hidden missiles might very well be the best assist in the game, but I still dont see them as broken or as derpy as some of the other stuff in this game.

Why is she getting hit by Mighty Strike? What happens if she just blocks it, and then the missiles hit you and she punishes you with 2a?

Saying ‘Thor beats Morridoom’ implies the matchup is in his favor. He has something to say about it, I’ll give you that, but it’s just as easy to get blown up in this match as Thor if they understand the properties of Strike.

Eh, 90% of the characters who would normally be able to snipe Doom with beam hypers CAN’T because they’ll get combo broken by a slow ass assist. If Hidden Missiles won’t go away, it should go straight up, then curve down so it hits in the front so that hypers meant to punish assists (besides full screen ones or ones that come out regardless of whether the character gets hit) actually punish Doom.

And the fuck? If you don’t know how Thor beats MorriDoom you’re an idiot? What in the hell? Thor can probably survive against MorriDoom the longest because he has a shit ton of health and a little air mobility (and a 500 frame startup screen clearing hyper), but I seriously can’t see Thor beating MorriDoom. Morrigan doesn’t have to do jack shit when Thor’s near her. She just has to call Missiles, wait till Thor’s in blockstun (or punish whatever he tries to do) and then fly away.

Well actually x factor cancel to grab super while blocking the swords, works with Thor and She Hulk so swords doesn’t completely own them.

They’re the best all around assist in the game but you don’t need them to win matches either. They’re good if you don’t like dying everytime you get touched, but there’s other assists that do more immediately strong stuff that you don’t have to cover as much with your point character.

They’re not as universally strong for everyone as other assists are either. X-23 isn’t this super awesome character running around in the second spot with hidden missiles in the back for example.

Why is everything always so black and white with you people? Did you not read the part about picking your moments? Morrigan can’t react and block mighty strike by flight canceling like you can a super because there’s no flash and it’s also extremely safe on block. I don’t really care if she blocks it, she just took chip and Thor will most likely recover in time to block missiles. Once again, PICK YOUR MOMENTS. There’s also the bonus that Thor can take a good few hits so a hugely scaled Morrigan combo isn’t that big a deal. That’s assuming she can even convert because Thor should be trying to hit with the tip of strike if he’s smart (bullet hell is much less oppressive from far away since it’s more spread out).

Thor is also quite likely to pick off Doom if he gets called blindly. There’s not a whole lot Morrigan can do about it if you do a air :m: strike into Tornado since she’ll be stuck in block stun then you can just DHC to someone with a safe super.

I’m not gonna argue this with you guys though, waste of my time.

I’m right you’re all wrong. Mr. Wizard agreed don’t bother him about it.

I hope we see Abegen vs. Chris G at Evo. I would like to see this “anti-MorriDoom” tech in action.

i think the mistake u.s. players are making is that they’re not familiarizing themselves enough with the atypical characters in the game. general rule of thumb when it comes to japanese players is that they like to use characters not often seen in usual play. we’ve seen this quite often is the past decade+. what makes that worse is that at this stage in the game (~7 months old), there are LOTS of variables that players haven’t been exposed to or experienced yet. add in the general nature of the game (cutthroat), that’s bad news for unsuspecting opponents. the 3/5 format helps, but players can still get bopped due to sheer character/tech/team unfamiliarity. the way i see it, if japan sticks to chars that the u.s. are accustomed to fighting against, u.s. will take it, but if they bring a whole new bag of tricks to the table like they’ve done in the past, japan will take it. we’ll see. either way, it’s gonna be very interesting to see what happens.

the problem is most of the weird characters in marvel didn’t matter. They’re better in Marvel 3 but the top can still just shit all over them. Hell most of Japan is running two characters than Anchor Vergil because the first two get blown up. And I wish people would drop this they use more characters myth. Kusoru never even played a Felicia worth a shit before Justin along without other characters he ranked low because they saw no use.

Abegen is the ‘best’ thor but his Thor isn’t very good.

You guys talk a lot but saying nothing.