Last year it was Daigo and Tokido for MVC3
This year should be Kuso, Xian and more for UMVC3, also does Diago play UMVC3? and if so is his team still Wolv, AKuma and Dante?
Last year it was Daigo and Tokido for MVC3
This year should be Kuso, Xian and more for UMVC3, also does Diago play UMVC3? and if so is his team still Wolv, AKuma and Dante?
They’re more SFIV players than anything. They play/have played Marvel but it’s not really their game like that. UMVC3 has its own set of Marvel/Poverty game players (top TvC/Blazblue/HokutoNoKen players etc).
I know ReiChan is confirmed for going and he won the last big tourney there. Not exactly sure who else is confirmed for going but I would hope Chou is on the list. The godfather of Japanese Marvel 3 being there (G.X./Kuuronn) would be hot also.
Can you rephrase the question please?
Rei-chan isn’t coming he gave up his spot to Chou. Chou, GX, Mame Spider, Abegen, RF and Kubo correct? These guys are top tier with Chou being the best. There’s also old favorites like Tokido and Tokido is teaching his mad cat buddies like Momochi and Fuudo
I’m pretty sure Chou is going over Rei Chan because he gave the ticket to Chou.
Yeah, the competion will easily be 10x more powerful than was last year. Daigo and Tokido don’t really main this game, and their focus is on other games.
Oh yeah I forgot Rei Chan passed the torch over. Dat Nihon love.
I don’t know if it was giving as much as he declined so it went to 2nd place. Rei-chan had no plans to go to EVO anyway.
Competition is stronger, but whether or not it will be 10x stronger remains to be seen. I think we will see some of the Japanese in the top 32 but I am not convinced any of them are good enough to break top 16. None of them seem to have a team like Kusoru’s that can avoid all the derpness and their lack of matchup knowledge could be exposed. Especially against characters like Felicia, Dorm and C Viper that you rarely see any Japanese player use.
Thank god for Japan not knowing Felicia. That got Justin 5 wins off Kusoru in their sets. and Marlinpie blew up abegen in the laggest match ever with Viper. There’s literally like one Viper player in Japan (for whatever reason) and he got blown up at KVO even though they said he has beasted with her before and they gave up trying to counter pick her.
It will be better competition, but I don’t think it’s going to mean THAT much.
And Xian? Really? I watched the GF for that Singapore tourney and I was not impressed.
Xian gave Champ a run back in Vanilla (sent him to losers at one of the last vanilla tournaments). He’s no slouch
If my opinion matters , I think that some people just can’t fight some people so I think it would depend on who their matched up against. For example if Abegen were to fight someone like justin wong, even with his new team it would be a great pretty even match. But say if Chris G fought abegen, it would be leaned in chris’s favor given that all of Abegens characters would have a hard time advancing through the bullshit on the screen. But if Chris fought Justin with his new team, something like vergils spiral swords nullifying projectiles from both sides and what not or franks roll in lvl two and the range of his saws in lvl 4 and 5 he would have a way better chance against chris. I don’t know tron very well but I think her jumping and standing h nullifies projectiles but i don’t know to what effect. But on topic yeah, they’re a better competition and will surely eliminate people. I say 2 or 3 in top 8.
Does Daigo still play and who does he main?
Is it still Wolv, Dante and Akuma?
Lack of matchup knowledge, you serious?
And the only reason you might not see them break top 16 would be because they have 5 players representing the country, compared to about a thousand people from the US. The Japanese players coming are more than capable of winning Evo, but the odds are against them for lack of representation.
I’d say Chou has the best chance to win Evo out of any player. He has incredible knowledge, some of the best blocking ability I’ve seen in this game period, and a really strong team…not to mention the best Vergil. America’s only chance might be to snap in Vergil and get him out ASAP, but his Wesker and Magneto are still a big problem.
Maybe. Have you seen the movement and fluidity of F.Champ, Chris G, Fanatiq caliber players? Holy shit. I just saw a few video’s in Emil’s youtube channel, doesn’t even compare.
Xian was FREE to the Philippines in Vanilla when he came over here last year. You want real Asian talent, give us money so we can send some of our top folks to the US. Ryan (FChamp) already said that our top guy (Peter) could do well (top 8 even) at Evo if given the chance, the only problem is that we can’t afford to send them across the big pond to compete.
FChamp, yeah…actually I saw some of the best Dormammu play on Big Two a couple days ago, he has really stepped it up and will probably place high…but their movement isn’t really any better. In fact, I think movement is one of the most important things to be able to do in marvel, which is one of the things I also really liked about Chou, especially his Wesker. His Magneto has a more controlled approach.
Until Fanatiq learns how to execute and apply Magnetic Blasts(is it really that hard???), his Magneto will not compare to many others out there. Outside of that, yeah pretty fluid but not really a new caliber.
I think Japan can definitely break top 32 from the little Japanese play I’ve bothered to watch. Where in the top 32 they place is dependent on who they face, I feel. Top 8 is possible. Not definite, but possible.
I’m sure they’ll turn some heads, but there’s no point making claims about which country is better until we get to the actual tournament. The only JP player to make a splash in Ultimate so far is Kusoru, and his success says nothing really about Japan as a whole. Sure, inferences can be made about videos on YT, but they’re just that, inferences.
Do you really feel it’s necessary to pressure with the Magnetic Blasts? As the Drone assist looked pretty good for him over the weekend. As for Magneto’s, Fanatiq’s is definitely one of the best I have seen, although Champ’s is highly effective also.
Magnetic Blast is top tier zoning. there’s no reason to gimp yourself by not using it.