Ah, I understand now. Does it have much Durability?
it eats through a ton of stuff and covers Mags’s approaches. it’s probably one of his best tools.
Fanatiq with the best Mags you’ve seen?
He’s an amazing player, no doubt about that. But his Magneto is fairly basic.
He certainly is one of the best I’ve seen. Although, in my opinion, Champ’s is the most effective and efficient.
What makes it basic? As he has the loops, hit confirms, pressure and movement down to a tee. Obviously the Magnetic Blast is missing, but should he be doing more?
Oh yeah I remember him mentioning that guy. He posted a couple sets with him I believe.
I would like Abegen to place well, if only for his Thor. He makes She-Hulk look pretty top tier also. Seeing other players snap his She-Hulk in speaks highly of his skill with her.
Many players have loops down.
Hit confirms… I suppose he’s confirmed off of stuff that I wouldn’t have expected to confirm off of. I’ll give you that.
Pressure is easy with drones.
Movement I would attribute more to his fundamentals as a player than his skill with Magneto.
Magnetic Blast isn’t really required for a Mags player, but it’s a nice tool. Fanatiq wins without it, though, so I guess it works for him.
he does use it on occasion. Do you even know why he doesn’t rely on it much. there was a 1-2 on the stream page discussing why he doesn’t rely on it, and he even did a 20+ minute analysis on why the move is mediocre at best.
yeah, and basic get’s him that win. you make it sound like a bad thing
And he’s wrong…
Anyway,I expect Mamespider to do well…but not exactly win the tournament. His Spiderman will probably blow some people up but in the end I think it will be his anchor Vergil that will be a problem.
Kubo to me…i actually don’t think he will do that well here. He has the most consistent X-23 I’ve seen, in terms of not dropping combos (he almost never drops anything) but it’s not oppressive enough I think…though I guess you shouldn’t count him out, it’s Kubo after all.
Xian I remember was surprisingly good in Vanilla despite not playing the game much. I don’t expect him to get top 32 but he should surprise some people maybe.
Ill rep the PI :).
But japan has a decent chance, Im not knocken em, Im rootin for frieda.
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It’s not a bad thing. It’s not a good thing, either. No need to be butthurt for him.
Again, Fanatiq is a great player, but not the best Mags in the business. Basic works for him, I’m not trying to take away anything from him.
I wish Liquid Metal would come over again. So few people running my lovable Mags/Doom/Phoenix these days.
The fact that Kusoru’s team made a “splash” (winning the biggest major yet in Ultimate without going to losers) means US has a BIIIG BIG problem come Evo. We need to step this shit up come Evo or else Japan could very well take the whole thing.
ABEGEN is going to be at EVO? Top 16 Tron/Thor/She-Hulk, can’t wait.
Top 16 Potemkin/Potemkin/Potemkin.
PI has been waiting to be properly repped since MvC2 (I believe we were neck and neck with the US until about 2006 when the local arcades all switched to level 1 damage), if only we could actually send our guys over there instead of relying on Fil-Ams already living in the US.
I don’t know about that not knowing the match up for Dorm, C.Viper, or Felcia meant anything when EVO will with dozens of Zero/Vergil/Spencer/Wesker/etc for Japan to fight.
This shit ain’t MVC2(and it will NEVER be MVC2), Japan won two majors in American(Which NEVER happen twice in most vs series games). NY ain’t the ocean of talent they used to be. If there people better than Frieda/Kurosu than there is a good reason to be concerned.
Chou will win and USA will be salty just like at FR.
Im not doubting him, but I dont think a Wesker is gonna win period.
>Sees thread about Japan
>Sees emil posting
All is right in SRKland