iPhone, anyone?

well it’s down to either an iphone or Nokia N95. anyone have any comments to help me chose one?

Um, AppleCare? I have it for mine. My phone breaks, Apple takes care of it. I get it for every Apple product.

So…umm…when are the second gen iphones coming out?

It is apple after all.

from what i’ve been reading today at different places, it’s most likely next month. i guess the new one is supposed to have 3g and not just edge for internet.

for people who have the iphone already i have a few questions. is “jailbreaking” easy too do and is it worth it? how is the battery life? i tend to be surfing the net at work or listening to music so i need to get through the day. what kind of plan do you have and how much is it?

I haven’t heard anything at all about any dates there, but Spring and late Fall are typically the consumer electronics release points AFAIK.

iTunes works on my computer now, but I think i’m gonna hold off on the phone. Hopefully a better one will be out by summer.

I am not sure if there is going to a generation soon. I don’t have an iPhone yet, but I am waiting for February because of the SDK. My assumption was that if there is going to be a major update involved with the SDK release, they might also announce a new hardware generation. However, the 1.1.3 firmware update seems to be what sets the iPhone ready for the SDK, so I am not convinced that new hardware is coming out. However, this is Apple, and they are very secretive, so you never know.

About jailbreaking, I am not convinced its worth it anymore unless you want to change carriers. The SDK is coming out next month, so personally just wait for ‘safe’ applications to be released rather than risking future problems when new firmwares are released.

so now i read a new phone should be out in june. most likely it will be 3g, video recording ability, and have flash. maybe 16 gig but who knows. you never know whats going on with apple.

since i’m new too the iphone scene what is SDK? and can you watch youtube vids on the phone?

SDK stands for software development kit

SDK stands for Software Develper Kit. In terms of the iPhone, it means that Apple will release a standard, authorized set of tools to create new applications. So no more hacking to have new programs.

Youtube is integrated on the iPhone. You don’t use a web browser to see the videos.

since AT&T did a full launch on it’s 3G network late last year, i wouldn’t be surprised if Apple releases an updated iPhone sometime this year - it might be released in the fall or so when another keynote is made.

MacWorld was last week, and it focused on the MacBook AIR.

The next big Steve Jobs keynote will be in the developer’s conference late this year. However, WWDC keynotes revolve around developer technologies instead of consumer products like MacWorld. Our best bet will be if Apple makes a special press event, which are harder to decide.

This really makes it tough. SDK is out in February, but Apple could do a 3G iPhone announcement anytime.

so i just bought 2 phone’s online now. when i sync them with itunes is there a fee or is it free?

ok so i got my phones now. think anyone could do me a favor. if someone with some experience with the phones could shoot me a PM so i could PM you back with a few simple questions, that would be great.

Did you get the 16GB iPhone?

Fucken Apple still doesn’t put in 3G

no i got my phones on monday and they announced the 16g like a day or 2 later. i don’t really care though, 8’s good enough for me. i had to buy 2 so 16g would have been too much anyways.

my friend got this imitation iphone, it’s still pretty cool. cost less but can’t do alot of the things as the real iphone. http://chipchick.com/2007/09/160_iphone_clone_is_called_ifone.html

That CECT mobile is the slowest piece of shit I’ve used in years.

rumor is there will be a price drop to $300 for the 8 gig. att online was selling refurbs for $250. but they are all sold out now.

can anyone help walk me though converting a dvd and putting on my iphone?