iPhone, anyone?

pretty much, the ‘innovation’ concept is done, there is nothing they can do to it thats honestly worth having a ‘day’ about.

We upped specs, made it thinner again and increased screen size…enjoy. No need for a big press conference. Now when its…

We added built in projector so you can use it for power point presentations on the go, increased the storage capacity to a terabyte so you can actually USE the phone to play music gasp and have room to store the apps you’ve been collecting for years, made it thicker so you don’t have to worry about it shattering from being in your pocket, opened up the file system so that you can use it like a portable hard drive without having to jailbreak it, you now have complete control over notifications, and my favorite feature that we are showing off today…Siri gives blowjobs…and we have this accessory kit that adds saliva for a real realistic feeling!

when that day comes…it might be worth a conference. Or if they decide to unify all three or four conferences into a SINGLE day, OSX, iOS, iPod, iPad, iPhone…and just for shits and giggles stocks…then its worth it. But the last one for OSX was bullshit. When M$ did conferences, it was because it was like a decade between OSes hahaha.

  • :bluu:

So, a brushed metal finish on the back, a (barely) larger screen, and a couple of the apps got updates?

Where do I sign up!?

I don’t know what people were expecting with this update. I mean honestly, I knew they weren’t going to go huge with the screen size, they’ll tackle that beast with the tablet market. 4.5-5in screen sizes have never been an appealing option for me, I guess I’m in the minority when I say that though. I just happen to enjoy iOS(when it’s jailbroken of course) better than android and I enjoy the 3.5in screen so the upgrade to 4 is fine with me. Hell, I keep telling people out there that there’s plenty of phones that compete with the iPhone on every measure, it’s really just coming down to preference. I ALMOST bought an S3, I just prefer iOS over android. Lets not say the phone is complete garbage either because at the end of the day iPhone (any iteration from 4, 4s, to now 5) is still a super solid choice. It’s like picking Ryu now on character select. Everyone knows what Ryu’s going to do, what he has and what his possible future is going to look like. No surprises here at all. It’s not like you can go wrong with any phone you pick now-a-days it’s just that more people like to hate on yearly iterations and upgrades when there’s other companies doing the same thing,(I’m looking at you Samsung) it just so happens Apple is in the limelight.

Was hoping the holo keyboard was installed

I know I’ll never get one for two reasons. No removable battery and no external memory. I can kind of understand the battery because they’re able to make a sleek unibody device, but it’s annoying when the battery life starts to deplete or if I decide I want to have a backup to swap when I’m doing some heavy usage. The external storage however is some bullshit. This is something that Apple refuses to budge on, and the reason I’ll never buy one of their devices. This is inexcusable to me.

The one thing I’m happy to see though is NFC. With it on the iPhone that means that more places will start to accept it. This is a good thing.

As far as I know there is no NFC on the iPhone 5.

Oh I read the above post wrong. I thought that was the stuff on the iPhone5. I know that if I Google iPhone 5 I’m gonna get a lotta bullshit links with superfluous details. Can anyone give me a link to a barebones list of features that was mentioned?

iPhone 5 > Nokia 5110, I owned 1.

dat fifth row of icons :coffee:

Never owned a smartphone before but I’m very impressed with iphone5, although i have a dslr I still really like 1080p recording, the panoramic photos, and 8 hour battery life. Anyways what are the plans and how much data do you guys go through monthly?

I’m almost ashamed to admit that since I jailbroke my ipad2 I’ve spent more time than anyone else in the universe researching what apps (mostly games) are good enough to be worth my time lol.

Essential apps (some of them are free so you might not find them on installous)
installous <this is the one that will get you anything free
food network
skyfire (lets u play flash videos)
alarmclock hd
instacast hd
the weather channel

games: (way too many so I’ll just list the best)
super brothers swords ans sworcery (best ipad game)
dead space
league of evil2
tinywings hd
edge extended
beat hazard ultra

That should get you started let me know if you need mroe also don’t forget ALWAYS make sure you get the version of apps that say they are HD and/or are official ipad native not upscaled from iphone apps.

Can someone recommend me ipad platformers and a god of war clone?

I want that lumia 920 in my pants.

Sorry. Carry on with the Iphone talk.

Oh yeah - there were no surprises. I’m not hung up on it, I’m not calling it a failure or anything negative. I just don’t feel it deserves the hoopla they give it…I understand its 90% marketing, but you’d be a fool to upgrade if you have a 4S in good condition, and as someone with a 4, I stll don’t see the point. The things they can do to increase the functionality - as Hotobu pretty much stated - Apple seems adamant on, so me personally - I have no interest just upgrading as their is no benefit. Yeah…I’d get Siri finally, but beyond the novelty factor, all he progams she uses, I already use. And while my list of upgrades was joking, there is def room for Apple to grow the iPod. Imagine the hype it would get if they did build in a holo-keyboard? What if they increased the storage space to be the high end of the market (they already have a huge mark-up for the size of thte flash)? Or build in an option for a projector. The options are so there for substantial upgrades, they just aren’t looking down those paths.

  • :bluu:

I kinda feel like right now Apple and the iPhone are like a boxer who’s doing well on points and is just relying on the left jab. Apple has some of the best profit margins out there and people are buying their shit regardless of what they do. There’s no point in really innovating when they’re in the position they’re in. I have to imagine that they’re fairly close to market saturation. I don’t see them gaining or losing much of their customer base regardless of what they do, so what’s the point in cutting profit to drive innovation? People are going to buy it anyway. Now when people look behind the curtain and find out that Oz is just a man, or that the emperor has no clothes then we’ll start seeing some big ideas from Apple, but until then why try?


My concern would be the growing percentage of Droid users. Droid going to be more cutting edge due to how many devices they have out there. Apple can rest easy knowing that its got people on lock, but fewer and fewer people are going to ‘upgrade’ their phone as the reasons to shrink, and they won’t dent the Droid machine without doing something cutting edge to draw them over. Right now Apple has enough money laying around doing NOTHING to buy out Microsoft. They’d be wise to use it to buy out a few companies who have been focused on those innovative ideas and done the hard part, higher some systems engineer to integrate it all and be good. Largest storage space on the market is EASY to get. They keep buffing up the processor, well its strong enough to run a holo-keyboard, it just needs the LEDs to project it, and that doesn’t take much space, power is a different aspect, but thats because they keep pushing the processor up so it’s consuming more power (same for retina display). Projecting your own keyboard would be HUGE, especially with capturing the business market. they have projector atachments already. I’m sure that they could slighly increase the thickness of hte phone and actually build that into it (not a great one, but a start) - again the tech is there and its bleeding edge. They bought out a haptics company last time around, but never used anything from it for force feedback. Not new tech (I researched it back in like 03-04), but something ‘new’. And those are just pulling stuff off the top of my had form the lsat 24 hours. One of your issues (external storage) is brain dead to do, and simply Apple being Apple. Fat32 file system so the phone can use the storage space however you’d like? Thats there via jailbreak…so the tech is there…just Apple being Apple.

waiting for a response e-mail at work

  • :bluu:

Until Apple starts shutting down people’s phones for unexpected reasons.
Offers Customer satisfying price reductions to appeal toward the masses while still making profit (duh).

Apple is Apple, the iPod is great but nothing rattles my jimmies outside of it.

Apple has done a great Job of selling you the experience of being tech-savy and a Faggot nerd.
WIndows makes you earn that shit by looking for programs and what not to custamize your rig.
-Maximum PC is filled with tip/tricks for this shit.

[S]Americans, [/S]People around the Globe (lol, edit an “e” in there) hate working and exploring for shit.

Actually the iPhone isn’t nearly as popular world wide as it is in the US.

I hear they charge a bunch more for it

Japanese phones are way cooler anyways
-I was watching Into the VOid, that phone is flip but it lights up and shit when gettin a call, lol.

Phones shouldn’t become PC/tablets
if so, tablets will have a blue tooth feature and wipe em out.
Except for the loosing signal stuff

I would be happy with Phone/Camera/Snake/Text

but lol… I do not have a smart phone
Most of the app stuff is to be social

Is this the Galaxy S III vs iPhone 5 thread? I want to post in the Galaxy S III vs iPhone 5 thread.

Hate, Propaganda and Shenanigans will be slung.

I honestly don’t understand the back and fourth banter. It’s not like NES vs Genesis, its a communication device. They get the same games. Same apps. There’s dumb Apple fans and dumb Droid folks shrug

  • :bluu:

They ask for your first born just to get into the store at China…but they are used to that so it’s no big deal. [/Zap]
IMO phones should become PCs and eventually should absorb the tablet market…the technology just isn’t cheap enough yet and mature enough yet (it does exist) to stretch the electronics and add in the necessary features to make it truly a productivity center. Tablets aren’t really productive yet (functional yes!, simply not on the level of the PC).

Most overseas phones are truly bleeding edge, alot of it has to do with US regulations…including taxes roll eyes

  • :bluu: