iPhone, anyone?

Blood and Glory
Heroes vs Monsters

2 free games that I recommend.

What’s the usual life cycle of Apple’s phones? I’m gonna be eligible for a [S]free[/S] heavily discounted phone soon and I’ve been without a smartphone for a while so I figure I’ll wait until the iPhone 5 and decide between that and whatever else is out at the time. I’m obviously in no rush ti pick one up. I’m just curious.

it used to be new iphones would be released in the spring. but since steve jobs got sick and the iphone 4s getting pushed back until just recently all the way from spring, who knows. some people are saying maybe an iphone 5 in spring now, but i think all guesses are out the window now.

iirc the apple strategy would be to release something a few months before christmas and then something in spring (a few months after xmas), so that way any majorly wealthy people could get something nice for xmas and then splurge and replace it in the springtime. lather rinse repeat.

Similar boat, man. My upgrade is in February. I don’t want to get a 4s only to have the super new iPhone 5 roll out a few months later (possibly). I got a 3G when the 3Gs was out, and I vowed to go top-of-the-line next time.

Hoping for spring. Rumor is the 4s was rushed out to showcase siri (sp) as the 5 wasn’t ready.

I am ready.

Yeah mine’s up in February as well. I don’t even have a smart phone, so I can wait.

Well, these seem to be the launch dates expected atm.

Ipad 3 around March.
Iphone 5 in winter 2012

The iPad seem to be fairly sure, but the iPhone 5 could really be whenever. Personally I’m going to wait for iPhone 5, with my current 3GS.

can someone tell me if im reading this right?

apple is selling UNLOCKED iphone 4s RIGHT NOW.

so im sitting around waiting for a jailbreak for nothing? could use my tmobil sim + iphone 4s, RIGHT NOW?

found a website with a bunch of app games reviews.

but thats not all! it also has price listings and sale alerts, so you can check when an app you might want to buy goes on sale, and also see when paid games become free.


So my iPhone 4s won’t send picture messages. It says message send failure. Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?

anyone try the new Infinitey Blade yet? I bought it but haven’t had the time.

  • :bluu:

Any of you guys jailbroken? And/or converted to iOS 5?

If so, what do you guys think of iOS 5’s Notification Center compared to the jailbroken LockInfo app? I did a restore on my phone and upgraded to iOS 5 to fix some issues I was having with my phone, and I really miss LockInfo. Notification Center looks better, but in terms of functionality I feel like it doesn’t really compare.

Never jailbroken, but I actually hate the new notification center. Its not as annoying, but I’ve lost many a ‘eBay’ auctions that end at some random time at night because the phone didn’t wake me up.

  • :bluu:

i bought it and am disappointed. the game is laggy on my iphone 4s. it looks like they stepped the graphics up wayyy too much and sometimes when you swipe it doesnt register. this problem is exacerbated by having parrying become a much more important part of the game. you try to parry and the timing is off because the graphics are slowing down the game and then you die. wtf. if they’d fix that then it’d be good. i’d say dont buy unless you know they fixed the lagging issue. but whats weird is no one is mentioning it anywhere. i know its not my phone personally cuz i ran IF1 and it runs perfect. nothing else lags, i just got NFS shift 2 and thats fine too. i dont know what it is. IF2 was lagging on my moms ipad2 but less so than my 4s. her ipad2 is on 4.something and my 4s is on 5.01 or wahtever that came with it out of box.

hmm weird. I know its been optimizedto work wih the IP2 and the I4S, I hope my i4 doesn’t have any issues. Planning on getting an iP3 though so it should be kosher by then.

  • :bluu:

So i got an album on my touch that no matter what I do wont remove itself from the player. I’ve deleted the album while the player is synced, I’ve removed the album then synced the player, it will no go the fuck away which is annoying because the songs are corrupt and glitchy. How the fuck do i remove this shit?

so im playing thru IB2 again from the beginning (because i deleted it and reinstalled jic that would fix things). so far, i’ve not used the “frame skip” button in cutscenes and i am noticcing alot less choppyness. i also rebooted my i4s so that no other apps could be running in background or any other way. so far its alot better but to me the game is still noticeable less responsive that IB1. even with all this i’ve still had a moment or two where the game will completely not recognize a swipe even if my character is just absolutely doing nothing but standing there. i’ll keep u posted cuz i plan to play thru the game in hopes that it’ll be better this time around.

all i can say for sure is that this game definitely HAS THE POTENTIAL FOR CHOPPINESS AND IRRESPONSIVE CONTROLS. so far the no frame skipping has made the world of difference, as i know that the i4s gets a bit warm when im playing.

well IB1 played like that for me - not registering swipes (conviently when I needed it to DAMN YOU GOD KING!!!). Even though I DLed IB2 I more than likely won’t play it till I go on vacay. I’m just amassing games right now honestly heh.

  • :bluu:

ok playing IB2, game was ok and now it got laggy. its those goddamn light effects. everytime they are on it takes like half a second for any swipe/press/dodge to register. the “archivist” or wahtever is killing repeatedly not cuz hes hard, not cuz i dont know what attack is coming next, ITS CUZ THE GAME WONT REGISTER MY INPUTS. and i know concretely its them and not me cuz when i select magic theres a special line effect that follows your finger and THAT LINE DOESNT EVEN SHOW UP when the game lags, it is CLEARLY dropping inputs.

IB1 was laggiest against the god king, but switching back and forth between games, i’d say that i’d be ok if the WHOLE of IB1 lagged same as the last boss fight, it’d STILL be better than IB2 inputs IN GENERAL. god i am so angry at chair right now. they had a great game and they ruined it for me by fucking up gameplay for graphics. i just wish i could turn down the goddamn graphics so i could get smooth play. this is so bullshit.

CANT BEAT THAT STUPID BOSS AT ALL BECAUSE OF INPUT DROPS. FUCKING NUTS. i’d have to just grind my way to higher level instead of using my pre acquired street fighter execution to beat him. so fucking bullshit.

IB2 got an update today. its running better but still not as good as the first game.

also, mirrors edge was free yesterday and today. get it while the gettings good.

yeah I got it when it was 99 cents for the ipad. It’s ok…I still need to buy the REAL ME.

  • :bluu: