iPhone, anyone?

haha smart man smart man.

Hmmm. Handheld gizmos.

I can’t wait until all the technology combines into one device.

Oh and I think the iPhone hype is gay but the leaps being made in cell phone design are unnecessary. And I love that my Samsung ZX20 has 3G but the iPhone doesn’t. Almost a year old phone too. Pity Apple.

I don’t see myself with an iphone, but I still find some views rather hilarious.

I kills me how people keep trying to attack the iphone from the “I’m professional and I don’t see how this phone meets the demands of myself or colleagues at my firm… we’ll just keep our blackberrys/treos” angle. This phone clearly isn’t marketed at your group. I’ve never seen the phone marketed as a tool necessary to keep you in touch with your buisness and clients. I haven’t seen this phone pushed down the corporate esophagus as a need to survive in the world of cut throat mergers and high class clientele. You just come off looking like an uppity douchebag prick. It wasn’t targeted at your caviar brunch crew, or CEO’s.

The phone is clearly marketed as a sexy phone, as some put it. It’s eye candy doubling as a good form of “gimmick” that lets you call people. That’s it. They took techonology, they took enterainment. "Technertainment." It’s not being plugged as a phone for the corporate “go getter” looking to conquer Wall Street, and needs to be connected to his major networking and financial backers 24/7/365. If it was intended to be a business phone, Apple obvioiusly wouldn’t have chosen the iphone’s flagship commercial to be a dog on a skateboard. lol

When Steve Jobs announced it as “revolutionary” phone, he was speaking in reference to when he said it’s going to change the way people think about the cell/mobile phone. And it will. I’m not an Apple fan boy. I don’t own any Apple products, but if you deny it will at least accomplish what Steve claims, you are naive. The day they announced the iphone, what do you think happened across boardrooms of America. Media company (phone providers) were trying to figure out what they can release to match or beat the iphone.

If people want to pay 600 for a phone, let them. It’s marketed for the group of people who have 600 to put down on a phone, and want to be entertained as well. Apple did a good job with the design and gave it a clever appeal that draws in the masses. The stock doubled for a reason.

Jive Out!

LOLOLOLOLOL!!! That stupid ass strumpet. People are gonna get enough of this fake-ass Donald Trump shit. I don’t guess enough of these lame ass “entreprenuers” got shitted on with the PS3. You can check ebay right now and see what iphones are going for.

Hell i’ll save you the trip.

They’re NOT going. People aren’t even bidding. There’s 144 pages worth of iphones on ebay right this second but I guess no one told these morons that there wouldn’t be a shortage on these things. Consider these things…

  1. Sony put 400K ps3’s in the store on launch day. Apple put millions of iphones in the store (and on their own site) on launch day.

  2. The ps3 came out in time for the Christmas rush. iPhone came out in fucking June. Gotta beat the rush to get them July 4th gifts huh?

  3. Not many people have 600 dollars to 1) spend on a phone. 2) spend on a phone, then have to have a credit check. 3) spend on a phone then have to have a credit check AND have to sign a brand new 2 - year agreement. 4) spend on a phone, then have to have a credit check AND have to sign a brand new 2 - year agreement WITH AT&T. If you don’t have AT&T already you probably have to buy your fuckin contract out with whoever, THEN have 600 more bucks for this shit.

I can’t help but laugh to myself when I think about how these ebay folks had it all planned out in their heads. How much money they’ve wasted, and how anyone that wants an iPhone can get up right now and go to the store to buy it.

ebay failure: Hey, how much can I get for this?

places iPhone on counter

Pawn shop owner: i’ll give you 50 dollars.

E.F. - 50?! Dude this is a fuckin iPhone!

P.S.O. - …I know.

If any of you put an iPhone on ebay, I sincerely hope you make a little something off of it because you’re a member of this forum. But I seriously don’t see it happening. :rofl:

Cellphone that does everything you need a phone to do- 5 dollars
Used iPod with more space than iPhone- 70, maybe 100 dollars

…? 495 dollars for 2 things in one, and some shitty wifi? Who the fuck wants to interwebs on the go anyway.

I really don’t understand ‘technological advances’ these days, or at least the appeal to buy cutting edge shit. Most of the technology I own is 5 years old, 10x as cheap as new shit, but it does its job just as well. It just doesn’t do 5 other things I don’t need in addition.

Shitty 5 dollar phone, old ass iPod, same effect.

who wants the internet on the go?..seriously? get a phone with a web browser and then try to go back to some other shit, not happening.

i’m reading the cnet review and it seems like the only truly “revolutionary” thing on this phone is that it doesn’t use WAP. the less than 2 years worth of battery charges + non removable battery looks like auto-fail though. oh and typing vertically with one hand sounds terrible.

Opening up and removing the battery is like performing surgery. It’s fucken brutal. Not to mention trying to resolder some things.

dude what are you up to already motherfucker ! lol

Unless I’m a traveling businessman or pilot I really have nothing to worry about. If I’m on vacation I can use a cheap 5 dollar phone card to last me the 2 or so weeks I’m out of state.

Jive is pretty much dead on. This phone isn’t for the business sector. And it WILL make the industry change when it comes to smart phones. Most smart phones are clumsy pieces of shit. People on here have been talking about the 8525 and how it’s so much further ahead of the iPhone and all that. The thing is, the 8525 is a buggy piece of shit. It crashes constantly, it has to be updated so it WON’T crash and even then it still does. The windows mobile interface is fucking horrible, not to mention that you have to turn off active sync every 10 minutes so your phone doesn’t slow to a crawl. The only PDA style phones out there that aren’t clumsy as shit are black berrys. And for you guys talking about how much better blackberrys are and how shitty the iPhone is, you do KNOW that blackberrys and most PDAs out there RUN ON EDGE, and NOT 3G, right? You do know that the reason RIM (The guys who make Blackberrys) haven’t fucked much with next gen technology in regards to speed is so their devices can have great battery life, right? Same reason the iPhone is EDGE rather than 3g. 3g phones eat batteries. This already got explained.

Like I said, you guys are saying shit just to say shit and most of you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. I don’t even LIKE the iPhone and the fact that I’m in here having to explain it is retarded cause you guys are going “OMG HATE, INTERNETS!! lololololo”.

The thing about Apple is that people are going to hate regardless, but it’s funny to me why you guys don’t understand why the phone costs so much even though it was already explained to you. Same with the 3g. And why Korea and Japan have more technologically advanced phones than America. But I guess even though this is the internet, some of you guys STILL can’t read.

edit Oh yeah, Kalypso, don’t talk. Seriously. Who wants internet on a phone? Are you fucking retarded? I guess the hundreds of millions that people spend on data features alone in the wireless industry is really just 2 guys going “OH WOW, I HAVE TEH NET ON MY FONE!!!1111 pwnz0rz!!!1111” Un-fuck your brain and then start posting again, or at least TRY to pretend like you know what the fuck you’re talking about. Until then, shut the fuck up.

LOL we have 3.5G here now. And you guys are using a phone that is not even 3G?

Video calls here costs the same as voice only phone calls too. I can’t imagine myself getting an iphone although my friend wants one coz he thinks it’s cool. I think he’s retarded.

And I’m not even from Japan! Technology here is a step slower than other countries too. Imagine how Japanese phones are rocking your $500 phone!

How’s the touch screen. Apple was the first on that,no?

Don’t kid me. I know year old models with touch screen here now.

I’m not saying you’re wrong because you think your friend is retarded for wanting to buy a $500-$600 phone. You have an opinion, and I respect that. But look at it this way. iPhone, simply put, is the “hot shit” right now. It may not let you run your small business. But it’s a “cool” phone by industry standards. What I’m trying to say, your friends wants the phone because it’s cool. Regardless if you want an iphone or not, it’s the coolest phone out right now. So naturally, your friend is going to pay top dollar. Your friend is exactly who Apple is marketing at. If he can afford it, by all means do it. It’s a 1000% markup. Nothing strange about that at all. Think about it…

If you want the fastest of cars, are you going to spend 35K? lol No. Most likely a 1000% markup at 350K, or higher! (even up to $1,000,000) Enjoy the European import , buckle up.

If you want the best TV, are you going to pay $450? No. Most likely a 1000% markup at $4,500. Some TV’s are even higher.

There is absolutely NOTHING strange about the iPhone price. It’s “price tag” factor is coolness. If you want the coolest phone, you are going to pay the assumed 1000% markup. This is America, this is capitalism. Not directed at you(Cool Blue) but people need to seriously stop and think before bashing people for getting one. Now if they paid $600 for a standard phone you can pick up at Sprint for $19.99 with an antenna and 1997 technology on it, then they have issues.

And people who say the phone sucks because it doesn’t have [insert x reason here]… stop and think. What phone has absolutely everything? Your Blackberry and Treo have more, but does it have rotation realignment like the iPhone? Turn the Blackberry or Treo sideways, GGPO neck trying to use it. Does your phone have touch screen pressure sensitive/whip scrolling like the iPhone? Like Jobs said, “revolutionary” indeed. And even if they did use 3G you same fucks would be saying “OMG iphone sux cuz my phone already has 3G!” Like I said, no phone has everything.

Jive Out!

lol europe did it. i still want a cheap tv phone…damnit…it took too fucking long for that to hit the states.

I see that phones are used to elevate status and make one feel better about them self. Thats fucking insane.

This makes me think of something my buddy once told me. He said “Man Im gonna get me a hummer.” and I asked “why would you pay so much for a gas hog thats ugly as sin?” He said “For status.”

Well it’s a trade off that I’m willing to make – broadband access for a few less hours of talk time. I don’t see how that makes me a ‘dumbass’ Professor R. Chaos? Apple is targeting the tech enthusiast market – and I understand that – but I could hope for a phone with the processing power of the iphone, multimedia features of the iphone, but with a few business apps and broadband access for $600.

The ‘dumbass’ part isn’t about wanting features, it was toward “how much better blackberrys are and how shitty the iPhone is”, when, at least according to RC, the avg ones are prettty comparable to the iphone.

Is 3g a software or hardware issue? Either way i’m 100% sure apple will address it with either a new phone or a upgraded os.

You might think that people would be upset that they bought an iphone and have to buy a 3g one, but most of the phones are designed to be replaced with a newer model during the life of the contract, nothing like hearing “oh that phone was out 2 yrs ago, we don’t carry stuff for those old ass phones, just get a new phone”.

Business apps are just software, not hard to add imo, but why worry about them at launch, businesspeople aren’t going to sit in line and wait all day for an iphone… I know some of us did, but in general they didn’t.

black jack + helio = samsung > apple every fucking day.

fuck iPhones

posting from my iPhone just to try some shit out. Its just a phone but a nice one. No phone is perfect