iPhone, anyone?

Every mac product is marketed and designed for recreational use.

Way too much hype.
The commercials don’t do anything for me either.

Fake Chinese Iphone > all.

My boss just got the iPhone yesterday (he’s the IT manager, I work in the IT department). He’s had every possible smart phone that looks nice once they come out. He says although it’s nice looking and shit, he originally got it for the Fully functional web browser…that is if you’re near a wifi connection, if not you will have to use the EDGE network…which he says is slow as fuck! I have Edge on my Blackberry 8800 and know exactly what he is talking about. I warned him about that before he got, and also it has a camera phone but you can’t send MMSs so it make no sense, unless you email it. Wtf is the point of that.

Yeah after hearing about the ludicrous price tag and problems I still believe Metro PCS +normal cellphone + one flat rate > all. I can’t imagine dealing with this minute plan shit on any level.

way too fucking expensive

SNL became too white collar…

i’m looking forward to t his phone: http://www.mobiledia.com/news/59795.html

Too bad I don’t know when it’s coming out…

I just dont understand the cell phone thing though. I guess people just want everything in one thing. But all these people, and a lot of you guys, getting all crazy about phones. You guys know all these different phones by their model numbers. You have all these crazy code words for wack stuff I dont even know about.

I guess I just noticed this with all the shit I keep reading and seeing about this iphone. I never knew people were all crazy over phones. I mean they’re phones. I only use mine to talk on, and I dont even really like to do that.

600 dollars for a phone…I’ll pass thanks. Maybe if I was a millionaire and wouldn’t care less how I spent my money, but if I were to get a phone with those capabilities, I’d just get a blackberry.

iphone = eye candy. nothing more.

The IPhone is like the hot chick with the big rack. Sure there are other girls which would make a better girlfriend. They’re smarter, nicer, don’t demand jewelry and expensive dinners etc. But this chick has a big rack, I mean those them tig ol bitties, and everyone notices you with your arm around her. In the end it’s a shallow thing…but I mean, it’s a really big rack so who the fuck cares what other people think, go suck dem titties?

That’s the IPhone in a nutshell.

Edit: I just realized how badly written this was. I meant to say I’m for the IPhone even though it’s shallow.

LOL! at yall hating on the iphone just cuz yall don’t got one if your here to blast it just cuz u think it’s cool to hate popular things then i hope you get an infraction for trolling.

it does pretty much everything (for it’s target audience), the price plans are fairly reasonable, and the touchscreen functionality eliminates the need for any bulky keyboards…all this in one sexy $600 package what more could u ask for?

Well as great as the iphone is the fact that it has an 8gig capacity combined with the fact it uses the EDGE network (i would rather have 3g and shitty battery life over EDGE with long battery life) make it totally NOT worth the money IMO cuz if i’m paying that much for a phone i expect it to come with jessica alba and a jetpack with unlimited fuel. If u have the money to spare and it fits your personal needs then it’s worth it otherwise there are cheaper alternatives.

edit: Actually on second thought the iphone is a complete total waste of money simply cuz there will inevitably be a better version with 3g and more memory in 08 I don’t plan on getting an iphone anytime soon even if i had the money to spare but when iphone2.0 comes out then i MIGHT consider it n start saving.

Yea… I’ll get the 3g version unless by then some other company comes out with something better. I certainly would have bougth this if it were 3g. But then again the Vulcan mini pc is hot too.

The best thing about the iphone is that it came out here in the U.S. a country that uses capitalism as it’s driving force and so the iphone indirectly inspires a smart phone revolution making competition in this department as heated as ever since now all other companies gotta get off they asses and step up with something better/faster/more cost-efficient for us to waste our money on…god bless america.

edit: crosses fingers lets hope iphone2.0 has 3g without shitty battery life and AT LEAST 30gigs until then my shittyass verizon cell and 60gig video ipod will keep me plenty busy.

The ownage in this video…just watch.


If the cameras weren’t there, the guy could’ve gotten the cash and maybe a free BJ.

Brilliant. Fucking brilliant.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

what a fucking dumbass

I seriously just got home from work in a shitty mood and this just made my day.

LOL! owned to the max…

Although these are definitely nice, the crappy battery life on these things will make it a pain - I mean, c’mon, it’s just an iPOD turned Phone…it’ll burn out after a few thousand charges, lol.
I’m not big on cell phones - I actually don’t care much for em, but paying $600 for this is a bit much. I mean, if you have the money, then by all means, go for it, but even if I did have the money for this, it’s a waste imo. (Then again, i’m a bit of a hypocrite because I bought the iPOD video for about $500 when it first came out…)
But you also have to remember, and from what a lot of people have said…“normal” people don’t need this.

I’m not at all wow’ed by the phone features, though…considering I have a friend that just came from Korea that has a little 12 year old sister that has a phone that she got from Samsung that has TV, E-mail, video calling (you can see each others faces when calling someone), video messaging, pictures, blu-tooth and a whole lot of other shit. And not to mention, she got it for free, so yeah…

-Edit- LAWL @ the video. Fat bitch got pwned.