iPhone, anyone?

Good thing I read this… I just assumed it would be 3g. Definitely not getting one now.

My problem with the iPhone is the limited storage in it. If it would save me from carrying a phone and my iPod, I would consider it. Since I have over 20gigs of stuff on my iPod, it wouldn’t help me much.

I think the phone is cool and all, but I have a very unique problem that’s stopping me from getting one.

iTunes won’t boot up on my computer :lame:

I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled till I was blue in the face, but it hasn’t successfully booted up even once. So I couldn’t even activate the damn phone. Me and my girl will both have LG Prada’s I guess.

it doesn’t do word editing or creation. You can only view documents that are attached to emails. I am sure through updates or software it will allow the user to do that, but for that price, I would get a treo or an HTC phone like the mogul.

I think its silly to pay 500 dollars for a phone.

i think one of the challenges that ultimately needs to be addressed is how well the iphone’s os will be able to run microsoft outlook… if the phone is to even have a chanve to survive in a corporate setting (where analysts everywhere have been shunning the product so far, pretty much. blackberry ftw.), that is.

I just could never understand how people can possibly pay $500 for a freaking phone.

Yeah, at least 500 bucks, and I’d have to switch to a different plan that I’m locked into for what, 2 years? Ooh here it is…perfect moment to use that magical phrase: Nigga please.

I’m curious…why would the “average person” want the iphone?

and whenever everyone buys this wham! 2months later new! 40gb iphone!!

Yeah I agree that the iPhone really has a big challenge ahead of itself in the corporate world.

Apple is trying to change the way smartphones are designed and made but they failed to accomodate the way it would handle corporate settings.

As of right now, the iPhone is more of a toy compard to what the Blackberry and Palm Treo can do.

For $499-$599 and it doesn’t even have the basic features of a smartphone is a huge letdown for those who were looking to get the it to replace their Blackberry or Treo phones. This goes to show that Apple really wanted to hit the mass or mainstream market with the phone’s flash over substance.

Sure it allows the user to view youtube videos, view most web pages, and have a nice interface, but those are merely benefits and IMHO, not features.

Once I have the time, I’m going down to the Apple Store just to test thing out even more to see the pluses and minuses that this $599.99 behemoth of a priced phone.

Last night, I went to the Apple Store only to see it being very crowded with the demos being used by almost everyone in the store. I really didn’t appreciate the person in front of the store who greeted me with “hi, are you going to just buy the iPhone?” :lol: I responded with saying “fuck that, I just want to see how the phone works. I ain’t going to spend $600 on something I don’t know shit about.” :sweat:

Funny thing was a couple days earlier all the employees were already pushing for iPhone sales. When my gf was looking at a MacBook, she asked the salesperson a question regarding the laptop but the salesperson said, “So are you going to buy the iPhone? It’s really good, you know.” :xeye:

We just walked out of the store after that.

Thats why you don’t buy shit just because its the newest and greatest, and buy shit because it suits your needs.

Man, I was getting In n Out last night and a bunch of Apple fan boys came in with Apple shirts. What a bunch of fags.

QFT. That’s how it should be in the wireless industry and that’s how it should be all over. Sadly, marketing creates the temptation of a impulse buy and it seems to be working for Apple.

So…it’s the PS3 all over again? Apple didn’t learn from Sony? :rofl:

Well, in its defense, there are already smartphones that hit that price, so I guess one with all the stuff iPhone has isn’t really a scam. I won’t be buying one (I don’t care too much for my cell phone, as long as it works) but I don’t begrudge anyone who does.

I upgraded from my personal Treo 680 and I’m so much happier, the Treo 680 was a piece of shit.

I use a Blackberry Pearl for work, and while its totally functional for work, my personal phone is what I use on weekends, commutes,…etc.

Also, why would your company want to arm you with a phone that doubles as a video iPod? It doesn’t seem cost efficient or productive.

i think the iphone is a waste of money though. Only good feature would probably be the fact that it has an IPOD bulit in, but my phone the nokia n91 already has that. It looks nice and tempting. I’m afraid people hype it up too much…when it finally comes out, eh i’ll pass.

Nigga got dat iPhone?

C’mon Million, you know the answer to that question, to make your dick feel bigger.


I guess the woman version would be to make your vagina tighter? I dunno?

That would make sense if they were actually targeting business customers. But they’re not.

I think you’re a bit lost in terms of WHO this is being aimed at.

Good idea. Every other country handled cell phones just fine when they got them. Stupid motherfuckers here can’t even drive or walk properly cuz of cell phones. The LAST thing they need is the ability to do more shit instead of watching where they’re going. Some dumb woman last week slammed into the back of a parked police car. Her excuse? “I was texting…” That’s the the dumbest shit ever. I ain’t got time to read something somebody typed with their thumbs…

Yeah I was under the impression that they were trying to get the same crowd of people that buy the ipod in general.

I wanted to get a friend to mail me out an iPhone to play with but apparently you need to activate the phone (this includes signing up for a plan as you activate via iTunes 7.3) to use any of the features such as iPod. I just wanted one to mess around with as Apple is sure to have better stuff coming out just after everyone’s bought one. I do like the iPhone but it doesn’t have as many features or play Tekken/Gundam Seed, as my current phone does so though it will be fun to play with, it won’t be a replacement.

I still want one, if I can unlock it or something.