iPhone, anyone?

verizon has pretty shitty phones and options…no downloading ringtones ftl…but their service is good and around boston is verizon everything…pretty much verizons home base here.

Verizon used to be good until they started altering software on the phones they sell so you can’t use 90% of the services the phone has without paying for them, even though you bought the services WITH the phone. My roommate has a phone with Verizon under my name and it’s amazing how much of the functionality of his phone got cut out.

Hacking phones is fun anyway. lol

uh wut are you talking about? verizon phones have been using a download service all my lg’s have been using that. You couldn’t download your ringtones. Right now i got kyocera sidewinder or w/e its called…also uses the gay music program.

the reps i talked to always told me you couldnt d/l ringtones and when i searched on it…i found no such info.

You can download ringtones, but it has to be from Verizon’s ring tone services. To my knowledge, the majority of their phones don’t have wap browsers, or they’ve disabled the ability to download via wap unless you pay for it. I’ve never tried it on their PDAs though, so it might be possible with them.

man…does anyone else feel like technology is changing to fast? I mean its great and all…but give some time to appreciate some of the stuff created. I find myself feeling old when new things come out like this: “well i have an ipod and a cell phone…so fuck that haha…” I feel like i have to defend the old technology

you kidding? cell tech in america is the fucking slowest thing ever…the rest of the world is 10x ahead of us in cell tech. I mean europe and japan have had tv phones for like 3-4 years now.

there are actually people who decide to hold back some of the newer, more advanced products that have been put out to the rest of the world and not for america because they think americans are not ready for the change. :china:

All it is developing versatile products with combined functions. The average consumer may or may not have a cell and iPod already, yet feel floored by a product that basically combines both. To me, it’s not that big of a deal.

These companies love combining things that people are used to having and get their money anyway by people who always want the newest shit.

Technologically speaking… I was looking back at how I thought my old PSX was the shit because it could play music cds. Now I look at what I have and look at what is out… most are capable of displaying music, images and videos. But that’s where these companies fail… cause everything can basically do the same things yet they use them as an attraction method. There’s lack of true innovation… but at the end of the day, if they can still get their money from something like an iPhone… then I suppose they don’t need to try hard.

It actually has a lot to do with the FCC and not asian companies saying “NO, YOU CAN’T HAVE THIS YOU FILTHY AMERICANS!”

You going to evo, Blooper?

Probably cause you got baited into getting all of it when it was newer.

IMO this is just what phones should have been years ago, but because of the industry messing up the phones, and hacking them into pieces of propreitary junk, it took this long to make what should have been the average smartphone.

I mean people think windows is bad, but at least the avg user doesn’t have to enter my cc again before i can use media player, IE/FF, or play music.

I’m not as excited for the iphone as i am to see people respond to it, hopefully there will be a PhonoVista or something to compete and the prices will drop. Of course since phones (in stores) come locked to a provider, they aren’t even competitng with each other, this industry is a scam, at least in america.

BTW i don’t know much about the overseas phones, do they have anything at iphone level yet?

why dont they let alot of the newer tech into the usa?

whats 3G iphone?

At the mall I work in, people were lining up the day before to get the Iphone. Then I kept seeing on the news the whole Iphone mania stuff. At around 8 one of the Apple managers comes over to me and says “Hey dude the line is gone you can just walk in and get an Iphone if you want, we have hundreds left.” Maybe it was just that one Apple store but the whole Iphone mania seemed like a joke.

I don’t see why I would pay $600 to extend my contract for 2 more years. Especially for a phone using EDGE and that can’t send picture messages. I kept hearing on the news the 2nd generation iPhone will probably be out within a year seeing how Apple has been operating that wouldn’t surprise me or anyone on here I’m sure.

And with a sealed in battery, I can see it burning out like so many iPods have. With all the new tech out lately I don’t think I would buy a 1st generation anything nowadays.

Does anyone know what’s going on from the Canadian end of things? I can only assume that Rogers will be the sole carrier but Bell Mobility doesn’t support simm cards or whatever they’re called.

Apple just wants your money.

Steve Jobs paid off the entire media to make it seem like a huge deal. Within a year your iPhone will die and you will have to get an iPhone nano.

Right after you buy your iPhone Nano they will release the iPhone Nano VIDEO.

And life will go on.

You know, if every other vendor starts making their phones always cost $300 minimum (no further discounts) and puts that extra $$$ into better microphones and speakers, I’ll be pretty damned happy.

I still haven’t seen/heard anything revolutionary/interesting here, but – I think everyone will have a better perspective in a month or so after the iHype (no offense) has calmed down.

It was either a Iphone or a 8525 for me, after doing lots of research Its prob smarter to wait on the 2nd gen iphones.

8525>>>>>>>>greater than iphone.

almost sure i cant. =\

The 8525 is one of the bug ridden phones I’ve ever used. HTC’s record with phones is kinda iffy, imo.

a friend of mine went through two 8525s in like a month and a half. Is he an idiot, or are they flimsy?

My dad’s old boss offered to buy me an iphone, and regardless of whether or not I need one, I’m getting it, because who says no to a 600 dollar gift?

I’ll tell you who doesn’t…me.