iPhone, anyone?

my guess would be iphone 5 around june/july

Or maybe this will be the new launching period for Apple. I’m excited for 5S!

Edit: What jailbreaking fun can I have with an ol’ 3G? I’d like to run 16bit era emulators on it.

Well, get Installous if you haven’t. There are snes emulators and whatnot on Cydia, and if they cost anything, just download the cracked versions.

repo.insanelyi.com (for cracked Cydia apps)
cydia.hackulo.us (for Installous = cracked AppStore)
http://apptrackr.org/ if you want to download them on your computer, which I prefer.

Look through Top 50 on insanelyi and apptrackr and you might find some apps/tweaks that you like.

My thoughts also. Maybe this has more to do with Jobs stepping down.

I don’t know…I’m stil ltrying to igure out why anyone with a i4 would need to upgrade to anything anyways…it can pretty much do anything but solve world hunger as is…and I’m sure someone is developing an app for that.

IMO Apple is pushing out new hardware releases simply because it has to, not because it needs to…unlike Droid which has a bajillion different handsets it is on…Apple has one - so they have to just to appease people, but I don’t think there is really enough of an improvement to push them out every year or even year and a half. Should be a two year cycle.

I kept hearing rumors of them canceling the ipod classic line, was their any confirmation? this would suck - sometimes you just want a LARGE storage device for long road trips and the such, and the nano and touch aren’t there yet. Just lower the cost on the classic and you’l sell more, people stopped buyin them becuase they were ridiculously expensive and teetered on the same price AS the nano and touch.

  • :bluu:

This. Apple diehards expect new hardware and it hits the fan if they don’t get it. The 4S is an intro phone for those who a) are looking to move from Android to iOS, b) looking to upgrade from a pre i4 phone or c) Sprint customers.

the need to just monopolize the market and get t-mobile :smiley: plzzzzz…

yeah, new iphone is so-so, wouldn’t really interest me to buy a new one but theres a few cool thing on there

Not confirmed but the end is coming. With Apple going to a cloud based system, which the iPod Classic doesn’t have any of the new “tech” Apple will cease to see a reason for it (kind of like CD-ROMs…LOL) The classics have been cheaper for more than a year now, I think they are ~200 bucks. Now, if Apple can make a 160 GB iTouch we will be in business…

Not a chance. Whether he had stepped down or not, they would still have released this. Look at how they’ve done it with previous versions with the S release. Apple seem to do a good trade of selling an update every year because they know the superfans will be queing around the corner just because it has their stamp on it. They won’t stop bringing out pointless updates when they know that people will be racing to their stores for a product they already have.

Well the thing is the classic is the onyl one with a harddrive, so it has breakable moving parts and needs to be defragged with constant use. But it’s the only one larger than 64 GBs. On top of that to get 64 GBs I’m spending a serious grip to get there. The nano I got - 16gigs - retail was like 160. The classic last I saw when I was looking was like $230. they do the same thing but have a different form factor. If they had a nano with 160 gbs, I’d be willing to bite on such a high price, but as is, the classic is simply overpriced, it should be in the $150-$180 range by default - not $50 more. ESPECIALLY since it’s using an archaic design and has no touch screen. I just want something large for the car or road trips and the touch is HORRIBLE as an amp3 player simpl because the storage space is being fought over with apps. I’ve got 30 gigs of apps on my iPad as is, and that doesn’t include loading it with any music, movies or comic books.

I guess my biggest ‘beef’ if you can use that word - is simply…if apple wants my money - they need to either adjust one of two things, the price point (which they did for the iPhone - good job) and/or STORAGE CAPACITY. I have zero interest in needing an internet connection for listening to music. I have zero interest in iCloud short of syncing apps across my devices, my wife has stuff on her iTouch on my account, I got stuff on my iPhone and I got stuff on my iPad. They let the iPads into the cloud months ago, but the iphone has been trailing. I dont’ care about the devices being super thin, the 2nd and third genreeation ipods were fine size wise. Give me a 160 gig iTouch and you might get my money again. Hell I want the new iPad to hit 160 gigs, it kinda sucks ot have a nice screen like that but I can only store so many kung-fu movies on there.

  • :bluu:

Not exactly my point about Steve. If you recall, Steve was HEATED that they weren’t going to have the new iphone ready back in July I think it was. Now after all that, the ‘best’ (and I’m actually perfectly fine with it, but you know how die hards get) they can get out by the ‘new delayed date’ is the iPhone 4S. Its not worth the stress of dealing with the disappointment of not meeting th deadline/goal. Its pretty obvious to anyone who follows apple closely that they ahve an iphone 5 in the wings, so them not saying “And onem ore thing” with an iphone 5 means its not ready yet.

I suspect it wil ldrop next Summer and honestly thats prolly when it SHOULD drop, though the 4S made some of the improvements the 5 would make, so it would be feasible to hold out on the iPhone 5 launch even longer. Could even be a full year from now. all they can do is increase screen size, incerasing resolution is problematic for developers, they can …make it thinner, improve battery life, and improve performance shrug. All in all, I’m glad I didn’t wait ‘for this’. the 4 wil lserve me perfectly for a couple more years…already does 90x more than what I was used to and/or need.

  • :bluu:

EDIT - my engrish is bad. I can barely read my own post hahaha.

In which case, yes, I got the wrong end of the stick there in regards to what you were referring to.

It’s certainly a case of Apple ‘throwing out a bone’ as a consolation to aleviate demands for the iPhone5, but it’s a poor diversionary tactic considering the only thing people seem to be looking for is a visual difference as a marker for changes. The fact that they’re installing certain apps and installments that the iPhone5 is meant to have, I wouldn’t be surprised if the 4S is something of a testbed to see how well these improvements actually work and how well they are recieved - I’m sure they wouldn’t want another repeat of the attenae/grip problems of the original iPhone4 with the iPhone5. Obviously I’m speculating on that as a reason.

I think its mostly ‘we need something’ and the i5 just aint there yet. All the crap about NFC, the larger screen with a slightly different resolution, making it thinner are all hallmarks of ‘creating problems’…it sounds like it needs more time to be cooked up right. The only thing I ‘personally’ would like is better accuracy on the touchscreen, mostly for keyboard purposes…can’t type fast without getting a slew of errors, and then going back ot edit them are annoying using the touchscreen…other than that I’m satisfied.

I’m curious how many people interested in the i5 are actually interested in any particular rumored feature…or its more because its the newest one.

  • :bluu:

I’m excited for the 4S… I’ve had the 3G since August 2008. =\

^oh gosh Odin then you know how I must feel.

Those are the types of customers Apple wants to nab with the 4S release. Everyone who is currently on the regular iPhone 4 are still under their original two-year contract.

Besides the 4S was likely on their roadmap for a while now. Companies like Apple plan a lot of their devices way in advance, so I wasn’t surprised that the 4S was announced to go along with iOS5.

lol Oh yes I do brother. Let us free ourselves of our shackles.
Although I was hoping an iPhone 5 would be out by now. =\

3 year contract! And I have saved up about 150 Fidodollars that I can spend towards getting this new phone.

R.I.P. Steve Jobs - http://www.apple.com/stevejobs/ :frowning: what a visionary

That just knocked the wind out of me. I’m actually really sad. I only own one apple product but the sting is quite strong. Too strong. The world will miss you forever Steve.

I too have also had a 3G for a long time and am looking forward to an upgrade.

If you wanna talk about Steve Jobs theres a thread for that. Keep this one for Iphone talk.

Looked at the ipod classic yesterday at Best Buy - yes I know thats not going to be the best price but I was killing time and was curious what ‘retail’ really was…fring $250 bux.

ugh…no wonder they arne’t selling. Even on Craiglist the price is exorbently high on them.

  • :bluu: